[News] World's Most Under-Reported Crises Are in Africa

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Wed Jan 29 12:13:16 EST 2020


  World's Most Under-Reported Crises Are in Africa: CARE

January 28, 2020

Of the top 10 most forgotten 2019 humanitarian crises fuelled by the 
climate emergency nine were in Africa, according to a new analysis 
entitled "Suffering in Silence" and released Tuesday by CARE International.

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"In 2019, over 51 million people suffered in 10 crises away from the 
public eye," the study said, in a continent where temperatures are 
increasing at about twice the global rate.

CARE examined 2.4 million online sources in five languages and found 
out only 612 reports about the humanitarian emergency in Madagascar for 
instance. The island came in the first place of the countries ignored by 
the international community, followed by the Central African Republic 
and Zambia.

With 80 percent of the population in Madagascar living from agriculture, 
the drought resulting from climate change caused heavy damage to 
millions of people. The food crisis led the country to have the 
fourth-highest rate of malnutrition in the world and paved the way for a 
measles epidemic that infected over 100,000.

The other under-reported emergencies are taking place in Madagascar, 
Zambia, Eritrea 
Central African Republic, Burundi, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, and the 
countries of the Lake Chad Basin, made up of Nigeria, Chad, and 
Cameroon. North Korea is the only country on the list that isn't in Africa.

Throughout last year, the suffering of millions of people due to global 
warming in these southern countries was ignored by thousands of media 
articles, at a time when the climate activism led by Swedish teenager 
Greta Thunberg dominated the headlines.

"The increased public attention for the global climate crisis is 
encouraging, but we must ensure that the conversation is not limited to 
the Global North," said the Head of Emergency Operations for CARE 
International Sally Austin.

"It is shocking to see how little media reporting there is about human 
suffering related to global warming in the South, the lack of political 
action to address this injustice, and solutions applied to ease the 
burden for communities."

CARE's study noted that the climate crisis is exacerbating political and 
economic instability across the African continent.

"We're seeing increasing linkages between the effects of man-made 
climate change and the longevity and complexity of humanitarian crises," 
said Austin.

"From Madagascar to Lake Chad to North Korea, the majority of crises 
ranked in our report are partly a consequence of declining natural 
resources, increasing extreme weather events and global warming more 

The report also observed that three of the least-covered crises in the 
world are also on the United Nations' list of the least-funded 
international emergencies.

Media outlets and humanitarian groups can help to close the gaps by 
considering "reporting as a form of aid," CARE concluded.

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