[News] Colombia: 27 Social Leaders Killed in 27 days of 2020

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Wed Jan 29 12:07:05 EST 2020


  Colombia: 27 Social Leaders Killed in 27 days of 2020

January 28, 2020

The Colombian Institute for Development and Peace Studies (Indepaz) 
revealed Monday that in the first 27 days of 2020, 27 social leaders and 
four former combatants and signatories of the 2016 Peace Agreement have 
been killed.

    Colombia: Ex-FARC Member and Peace Deal Signatory Assassinated

The figure was released after the recent assassination of the social 
leader Fernando Quintero Mena, in the northern municipality of 
Convencion, at the hands of armed men.

As a human rights defender is murdered on average in Colombia every day, 
the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Office in the 
Latin American country urged President Ivan Duque to take structural 
measures to protect the lives of leaders and ex-combatants protected 
under the peace process.

Last week, the non-governmental organization Oxfam also called on the 
Colombian government to take efficient preventive measures in a context 
marked by violence against social leaders, rejecting the wave of murders 
against social leaders.

Colombia continues to be one of the most unstable countries in the 
region due to the insecurity experienced by social leaders and former 
members of armed groups who signed the peace agreement.

According to the U.N, since the peace agreement signing, more than 300 
murders of human rights leaders have occurred; while another four 
ex-FARC members and peace agreement signatories have been murdered in 2020.

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