[News] Builders of Israel's apartheid walls profit from US border militarization

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Wed Oct 9 10:41:19 EDT 2019


  Builders of Israel's apartheid walls profit from US border militarization

Nora Barrows-Friedman 
<https://electronicintifada.net/people/nora-barrows-friedman> - 8 
October 2019


A major Israeli weapons company has been named as one of the top 
profiteers of US border militarization.

Elbit Systems <https://electronicintifada.net/tags/elbit> has secured 
border contracts worth $187 million from the US government, according to 
research by journalist Todd Miller.

The largest, awarded during the Obama administration 
is to build more than 50 surveillance towers near the US-Mexico border 
for the US government’s Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agency.

Ten of those towers 
will be on land belonging to the Indigenous Tohono O’odham Nation in 

A 2014 Bloomberg analysis 
predicted that Elbit’s initial profits could multiply if Congress 
authorized more funds to militarize the border.

Miller’s report – “More Than a Wall: Corporate Profiteering and the 
Militarization of US Borders 
– was recently published by human rights research group the 
Transnational Institute <https://www.tni.org/en>, in collaboration with 
No More Deaths <http://forms.nomoredeaths.org/about-no-more-deaths/>, a 
humanitarian organization which protects migrants along the southern US 

The report profiles the top 14 companies profiteering from US border 
militarization, including Elbit.

    14 corporations have shaped Trump’s cruel border policy and are
    profiting while families suffer. https://t.co/MP4ya88Gtt #DefundHate
    pic.twitter.com/ZaRsu9bb1O <https://t.co/ZaRsu9bb1O>

    — TNI (@TNInstitute) September 18, 2019

    A new report from @TNInstitute
    <https://twitter.com/TNInstitute?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw> shows that
    border militarization long pre-dates the Trump administration, in
    which both Republicans and Democrats have forged “profitable”
    partnership between security firms to form a "powerful
    border–industrial complex." https://t.co/7yfZu51N4z

    — teleSUR English (@telesurenglish) September 19, 2019

In 2004, Elbit won a US government contract to supply Hermes drones 
for use along the border.

Israel “has ‘field tested’ those drones in attacks on Gaza which left 
many Palestinians dead, including children,” the UK charity War on Want 
in 2013.

Notably, Elbit “sells its experience of walling in the West Bank and 
Gaza,” the new report states.

Since Israel began constructing its wall 
<https://electronicintifada.net/tags/israels-wall-west-bank> around 
Jerusalem and elsewhere inside the occupied West Bank in 2002, Elbit and 
its subsidiaries have cashed in on contracts to install electronic 
surveillance technologies “designed to feed into [the Israeli army’s] 
command and control centers.”

The West Bank wall is illegal under international law and must be 
dismantled, according to a landmark 2004 ruling 
by the International Court of Justice.

In 2013, Elbit installed similar systems in the occupied Syrian Golan 
Heights in a contract worth $60 million.

Two years later, Elbit began developing “tunnel detection technology” 
for use around the besieged Gaza Strip, the report states. That 
technology would become part of a 130-foot deep underground wall that 
Israel began building in 2017.

When vying for the US-Mexico border contract Elbit advertised itself as 
having more than 10 years “securing the world’s most challenging 
borders” and that it had a “proven track record.”


Along with Elbit, war industry corporations including Raytheon, Lockheed 
Martin, Boeing, General Dynamics, G4S 
<https://electronicintifada.net/tags/g4s>, IBM and Northrop Grumman have 
cashed in what the report describes as a “border-security bonanza.”

US border militarization contracts with such corporations added up to at 
least $80.5 billion between 2006 and 2018.

But this money is “certainly less than the true figures,” the report 
estimates, as the agencies issuing the contracts have consistently 
failed to be transparent.

Annual US border militarization budgets have more than doubled in the 
last 15 years and have increased by more than 6,000 percent since 1980, 
according to the report.

Some corporations contracted by CBP have committed significant ethical 
<https://www.sec.gov/news/pressrelease/2015-62.html> violations 

But repeated scandals involving some of the biggest border security 
corporations “have done little to slow down the revenue stream,” the 
report says.

G4S, the world’s largest security company and a major US contractor, has 
faced legal proceedings over the abuse and death of detainees 
<http://investigate.afsc.org/company/g4s> in the US and UK.

Campaigners have successfully pressured institutions and governments to 
drop contracts <https://bdsmovement.net/g4s-timeline> with G4S due to 
human rights abuses.

These abuses include involvement 
<https://whoprofits.org/company/g4s-israel-hashmira/> with Israeli 
prisons where Palestinians are routinely tortured.

    Lobbying legislators

Corporations have lobbied US officials and made campaign contributions 
in an effort to expand CBP contracts.

Elbit, for instance, has funded Republican congresswomen Martha McSally 
of Arizona and Kay Granger of Texas.

McSally has used rhetoric demonizing people who are immigrants or who 
seek asylum 

She is a staunch 
of the Trump administration’s harsh border policies.

And Granger is a ranking member 
of the House Appropriations Committee which allocates border 
militarization funding.

The report says it is time to expose how the firms that profit from 
cruelty and militarization at the border influence lawmakers.

“The constant push for more border walls, more technologies, more 
incarceration, more criminalization is in a holding pattern, stuck in a 
corporate dynamic with a growth doctrine,” it states.

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