[News] Far-Right Homage: Brazil's Bolsonaro Visits CIA Before Meeting Trump on First US Visit

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Tue Mar 19 10:58:50 EDT 2019


  Far-Right Homage: Bolsonaro Visits CIA Before Meeting Trump on First
  US Visit

March 18, 2019

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro showed the world who’s really the 
boss by visiting the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Headquarters in 
Virginia Monday prior to meeting President Donald Trump, on his first 
official visit to the U.S.

    'Bolsonaro is a Murderer' Signs Greet Brazilian President in US

“No Brazilian president had ever paid a visit to the CIA,” Celso Amorim, 
who served as foreign minister under former President Luiz Inacio Lula 
da Silva, told AP, adding that it “is an explicitly submissive position.”

The clandestine chat was announced by his son, Eduardo Bolsonaro, in a 
tweet saying the meeting was “an excellent opportunity to talk about 
international affairs of the region with technicians and experts of the 
highest level.”

    Indo agora com o PR @jairbolsonaroe
    <https://twitter.com/jairbolsonaroe?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw> ministros
    para a CIA, uma das agências de inteligência mais respeitadas do
    mundo. Será uma excelente oportunidade de conversar sobre temas
    internacionais da região com técnicos e peritos do mais alto gabarito.

    — Eduardo Bolsonaro (@BolsonaroSP) March 18, 2019

A rather ominous fact, since the CIA has been involved 
in numbers of assassinations, military coups, and interventions around 
the globe with special regard against progressive governments in Latin 
America. And quite fitting comment as the three-day visit underscores 
Bolsonaro’s embrace of U.S. influence in Latin America to confront what 
he calls a communist threat against democracy.

A theme the far-right populist leader insisted on Sunday declaring he 
“always dreamt of freeing Brazil from the dirty ideology of the left.” 
Combine this to his well-known praise 
of the Brazilian dictatorship, which caused forced disappearances, 
torture, and killings over two decades, and the CIA does not make such 
an “unexpected” place to visit after all. Especially as he was 
accompanied by Brazilian Justice Minister Sergio Moro, the same judge 
that led the lawfare strategy to carry out the soft-coup against ousted 
Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff, and has been allegedly linked to 
working for the agency.

After this chat in Langley, he is due to meet like-minded President 
Donald Trump at the White House on Tuesday to discuss a range of issues, 
including ways to increase U.S. private-sector investment in Brazil and 
also the ongoing interventionists actions against Venezuela. Bolsonaro 
has stated that he supports Trump’s policies and the fact that he wants 
“to have a great Brazil just like Trump wants to have a great America,” 
has dubbed him the nickname “Trump of the Tropics”.

Yet this public admiration is even surprising to the U.S. A senior 
administration official, who spoke to reporters on condition of 
anonymity, said “even the friendliest of Brazilian governments was never 
really that friendly. Here we have now a government in Brazil we truly 
consider an ally.” A remarkable claim as the 1964 coup and Brazilian 
Dictatorship was fully backed by the U.S. government and even received 
direct assistance from the CIA, as the National Security Archive 
(NSA)revealed <https://nsarchive2.gwu.edu/NSAEBB/NSAEBB465/> in 2014.

Leaving the controversy aside Bolsonaro’s first official visit marks a 
complete alliance to the U.S. strategy and plans for the region, in 
which Brazil hopes to play a pivotal role.

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