[News] Palestinian professor hits back at Israel lobby attacks

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Wed Jul 31 14:52:26 EDT 2019


  Palestinian professor hits back at Israel lobby attacks

David Spero - July 31, 2019

Aiming to expose and loosen the influence of the Israel lobby on U.S. 
campuses, Palestinian-born professor Dr. Rabab Abdulhadi has sued San 
Francisco State University (SFSU) in federal court for illegal 
retaliation for her political speech, and in state court for breach of 
contract and employment discrimination.   Her supporters have issued a 
call for donations to a fund to cover necessary expenses of the litigation.

Speaking to supporters on a conference call, Behnam (Ben) Gharagozli, 
one of Abdulhadi’s lawyers, said the case “will send a positive message 
to everyone engaged in campus activism and in researching, teaching and 
speaking up for justice in/for Palestine. It will change the dynamics at 
universities across America where people will no longer have to be 
afraid of criticizing Israel.”

Gharagozli’s co-counsel Mark Kleiman explained, “We will unveil how the 
Israel lobby operates. Controlling campus debate is important to them. 
That is why the lobby pays for university presidents to take trips to 
Israel. This case will reveal their excess influence, which is part of 
the general trend of powerful interests taking over U.S. academia.”

SFSU hired Abdulhadi, an outspoken advocate for Palestine and a 
distinguished professor at University of Michigan-Dearborn, in 2007 to 
establish a program called Arab and Muslim Ethnicities and Diasporas 
(AMED) studies. According to Gharagozli, her hiring memorandum of 
understanding (MOU) specified that AMED would be given two additional 
full professorships and adequate support staff. These people were never 
hired, and the funding lines have disappeared from SFSU budgets, though 
a recent audit revealed 
that the Cal State system has hidden $1.5 billion in surplus funds.

The program rapidly became popular among students and with the Arab 
community but came under intense fire from pro-Israel groups on and off 
campus. Attacks have ranged from hate posters 
pasted on campus by the David Horowitz Freedom Center, online 
vilification of Abdulhadi and AMED students by Canary Mission and Campus 
Watch, and charges of antisemitism 
from Hillel, the AMCHA Initiative, and the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), 
among others. In 2017 three individual students, encouraged and 
represented by the Lawfare Project, the self-described “legal arm of the 
pro-Israel community,” sued SFSU and Abdulhadi for allegedly 
“maintaining a threatening environment for Jewish students.”

Lawfare brought the case three times, but Kleiman and Gharagozli argued 
that the claims were baseless, and in October 2018, Judge William Orrick 
of the U.S. District Court agreed, dismissing Lawfare’s case.  Lawfare 
also filed a similar case against SFSU in state court without naming 
Abdulhadi as a defendant. Without her team on the case, the University 
rapidly reached a settlement, trumpeted by Israel supporters as 
admitting to an antisemitic environment 

Since the settlement, Administration has made life progressively more 
difficult for Abdulhadi, challenging routine expenses, refusing to build 
the AMED program as contractually agreed, canceling a summer program in 
Palestine that was already fully subscribed, and denying her needed 
disability accommodations and preferred class schedules.

At every step, AMED and SFSU’s administration have been under pressure 
from Israel-aligned organizations. The Jewish Community Relations 
Council (JCRC) took then newly installed President Leslie Wong on a tour 
of Israel in 2013. J Weekly, Northern California’s largest Jewish 
newspaper ran a long series 
of articles alleging that antisemitism was rampant on campus. JCRC, ADL 
and others are often invited to meet with SFSU administration, while 
Arab and Muslim groups and Palestinian rights supporters such as Jewish 
Voice for Peace say they have been unable to get meetings.

      Israel’s Academic Army

Suppression of Palestinian voices is the norm on American campuses; the 
SFSU case stands out only because of Abdulhadi’s effectiveness in 
holding on to her job and expanding the AMED program. A dozen 
Israel-aligned groups monitor pro-Palestinian academics and have gotten 
many fired, including Normal Finkelstein at De Paul University, Steven 
Salaita at the University of Illinois and many less well-known cases. 
According to Palestine Legal attorney Liz Jackson, her agency responded 
to 289 incidents of suppression <https://palestinelegal.org/2018-report> 
of U.S.-based Palestine advocacy in 2018, on top of 308 incidents in 2017.

Most of these pro-Israel groups are small but well-connected and 
well-funded. In 2016, Israel’s then-Education Minister Naftali Bennet 
launched a $66 million campaign called Mosaic United to “combat critical 
discourse around Israel on American campuses.” Hillel International has 
closely with and taken millions of dollars from Mosaic.

The Lobby groups’ tactics include media smears on Israel’s critics, 
labeling them as antisemites, efforts to rewrite university policies or 
state laws 
to penalize criticism of Israel, and pressure on donors and 
administrators. If Abdulhadi’s team can bring this information to light, 
it will strengthen Palestinian academics against the Israel lobby and 
empower all academics against bullying by corporate power and special 
interest groups. “This case is ideal,” says Kleiman, “because it deals 
with what’s happening in the U.S.: discrimination against minorities, 
women and immigrants. We will use this case to demonstrate how white 
nationalism, not just the Israel Lobby is moving things to the right. 
This is a rare opportunity to bring these issues out.”

      Pursuing justice is expensive

“We are confident in the strength of the two lawsuits,” Gharagozli says, 
“but we cannot win them without presenting the necessary evidence. We 
must demand that SFSU produce documents and answer written questions. We 
will subpoena administrators and their outside allies such as JCRC and 
Hillel and compel them to testify under oath on video in front of a 
court reporter.  Without this discovery, we stand little chance of 
actually winning the lawsuit.”

The discovery process is expensive — depositions alone cost $1,500 to 
$2,500 a day without attorney fees – and Abdulhadi’s team is seeking 
help to fund them.

“I did not intend to take on the whole Israel Lobby,” said Abdulhadi. “I 
wanted to get back to my scholarship and teaching. But even though we 
keep winning, they never stop attacking, tying up our time, energy and 
resources. So now we have gone on the offensive.”

To find out more or support Dr. Abdulhadi, visit 

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