[News] Israel summons father of 6-year-old Palestinian child who ‘threw carton’ at soldiers

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Wed Jul 31 12:05:02 EDT 2019


  Israel summons father of 6-year-old Palestinian child who ‘threw
  carton’ at soldiers

July 31, 2019

Israeli occupation forces summoned the father of a six-year-old child 
from the city of Jerusalem for interrogation yesterday evening after 
accusing the child of throwing a juice carton at occupation forces.

The child, named Qais Firas Obaid from the East Jerusalem neighbourhood 
of Issawiya was stopped by Israeli occupation forces yesterday after he 
allegedly threw a carton at them, soldiers told him to provide them with 
his mum’s ID card. They then return to him home and issued a summons for 
his father, ordering him to come to the city’s interrogation centre at 
8am today.

The case comes a day after another child, Muhammad Rabi’ Elayyan, aged 
just four years old, was summoned 
by Israeli forces for allegedly throwing stones at police vehicles.

Israel Police yesterday denied summoning Muhammad saying they had only 
called his father in for questioning, contrary to pictures and video 
images showing the child carrying the summons.

Last week, a report released 
by Defence for Children International-Palestine (DCIP) revealed that 
Israel had killed 16 Palestinian children since the start of 2019.

East Jerusalem, like the rest of internationally-recognised Palestinian 
territory close by in the West Bank, has been undergoing a period of 
tension in recent months in particular, due to the demolition of entire 
Palestinian neighbourhoods and the occupation of homes belonging to 
Palestinian families by Jewish settlers.

The continued construction of settlements on Palestinian land and the 
destruction of Palestinian homes and villages is in direct violation of 
international law, and makes the peace process and the creation of a 
Palestinian state increasingly difficult. The occupation of East 
Jerusalem, which the Palestinians regard as their future state capital, 
is particularly detrimental to the two-state solution, as is the 
encirclement of Palestinian towns and cities by encroaching Jewish 
settlements in the West Bank which is causing many to speculate on the 
likelihood of a future state.

*READ: Israel arrested 900 Palestinians in Jerusalem during first half 
of 2019 

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