[News] Venezuela: US Trying to Destroy Political Dialogue in Barbados

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Wed Jul 10 16:57:24 EDT 2019


  Venezuela: US Trying to Destroy Political Dialogue in Barbados

July 10, 2019

Venezuela's Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza 
Wednesday denounced that the U.S. President Donald Trump 
administration is seeking to "destroy" the negotiations being carried 
out by President Nicolas Maduro's 
delegates and the Venezuelan right-wing opposition in Barbados.

"Due to the resounding failure of all forms of aggression against 
Venezuela, the Trump Administration intends to destroy the political 
dialogue process between the Government and the opposition, trying to 
impose its warfare agenda. They will not be able to do it. Peace will 
prevail!," Arreaza tweeted.

This statement was made after a State Department spokesperson told EFE 
that the U.S. government considers that the Barbados Dialogue should 
prioritize the exit from power of President Maduro, which Washington 
considers as a precondition for the call for elections.

Venezuela's Permanent Representative to the United Nations Samuel 
warned that the Trump administration continues to plan military 
aggression against the Bolivarian people.

*On July 9, six points were established in the agenda of the dialogue 
held in Barbados between the Bolivarian government and opposition 
representatives. This was announced by Nicolas Maduro, who confirmed his 
willingness to peace.*

"Trump prepares the use of force in Venezuela and therefore openly 
violates international law by imposing preconditions on dialogues 
between Venezuelans, destabilizing society until it becomes ungovernable 
is the technique it uses to expand its domination," Moncada tweeted.

On July 8, delegates from the government and the Venezuelan opposition 
arrived in Barbados to continue with the peace dialogue which began in 
Norway on May 14, a process whose main purpose is achieving a peaceful 
solution to the political impasse in the South American country.

Meanwhile, Cuba's Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez 
reaffirmed Tuesday his country's support for negotiations that promote 
"absolutely sovereign agreements" between representatives of President 
Maduro and the Venezuelan political opposition.

"We support the Bolivarian government's ongoing dialogue initiative, 
which is based on international law principles," Rodriguez said, adding 
that should also be aligned with the "Proclamation of Latin America and 
the Caribbean as a Peace Zone", a multilateral agreement signed by the 
heads of state who participated in the 2014 Summit of the Community of 
Latin American and Caribbean States (Celac).

According to this proclamation, 33 countries committed themselves 
permanently to seek "the pacifist solution of controversies in order to 
banish forever the use and threat of the use of force in our region."

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