[News] Israeli plan to expel 36, 000 Bedouins from their villages in Negev desert

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Mon Jan 28 12:14:00 EST 2019


  Israeli plan to expel 36,000 Bedouins from their villages in Negev desert

Ministry of Information , alrayagencyen at gmail.com
January 28, 2019

ALRAY, Bethlehem -- Israeli Minister of Agriculture and Development of 
the Negev, Uri Ariel, has completed a massive plan to expel some 36,000 
Bedouin Palestinians from their unrecognized villages, according to the 
Israel Today Hebrew newspaper.

The implementation of the plan, if approved, is scheduled to start this 
year, and would be completed within four years.

The confiscated Bedouin areas are estimated at 260,000 dunums, on which 
the  Israeli authorities will establish what they called national 
projects, infrastructure and other “security” measures, which are 
required to ‘transfer’ the population to other villages, according to 
the newspaper.

On the ruins of the villages after their displacement, the Israeli 
authorities will expand the “Trans-Israel Highway” (Route 6), south of 
Israel, to the town of Nabatim in the Naqab, an area of ​​12,000 dunums, 
The Israeli authorities intend to transfer them to Tel Sheva, Abu Talul 
and Umm Batin.

According to the plan, the displacement will begin this year, north of 
Route 31, and will last for four years. Final displacement in 2021 will 
begin with an annual budget increase, through intensified law 
enforcement authorities, in reference to the Israeli Police and the 
Ministry of Internal Security.

The Israeli authorities will also transfer 5,000 Arabs to the areas of 
Abu Talul, Abu Qrinat and Wadi al-Naam, from the Israeli area of ​​Ramat 
Bekaa, with the aim of transferring a factory for military industries 
from Israel to the Negev, The Israeli authorities plan to displace them 
and confiscate them.

The villages do not appear on Israeli official maps, and the Israeli 
authorities do not provide them with basic services such as water and 
electricity. The residents do not have addresses and the authorities do 
not recognize their rights on the land, and consider them “violators” 
who take over “state lands.”

The Bedouin Development Authority was established in 1984 and controls 
the planning of displacement projects in the Naqab and administers the 
Israel Land Administration.

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