[News] Venezuela Denounces 2nd False Flag Operation at Colombia Border

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Sun Feb 24 13:17:16 EST 2019


  Venezuela Denounces 2nd False Flag Operation at Colombia Border

Published 23 February 2019

A new episode in the false flag operation being waged against the 
Venezuelan government to justify a foreign intervention, happened on the 
Francisco de Paula Santander International Bridge that links Venezuela 
and Colombia.

    Venezuela Condemns Staged Operation at Border with Colombia

Two out of the four trucks with alleged "humanitarian aid" from USAID, 
which were trying to illegally enter Venezuela, were burned at the 
border between the two countries. The burning trucks were on the 
Colombian side of the Francisco de Paula Santander Bridge where 
Venezuelan opposition leaders have been leading protests.

According to witnesses, violent right-wing opposition members torched 
the trucks with Molotov cocktails and then tried to incriminate the 
Bolivarian National Guard (GNB) and the Bolivarian National Police 
(PNB). teleSUR's Madelein Garcia, reported that the trucks were 
supposedly trying to enter Venezuela, but were then burned on the part 
of the bridge that belongs to Colombia.

The version if events saying that the trucks burned due to a "teargas 
bomb", which are not incendiary devices, has been circulating on 
Colombian and international media networks and on social media.

In addition, some people were trying to illegally enter Venezuela using 
Red Cross jackets, despite not being affiliated with the international 
medical organization. The Red Cross has already officially rejected 
these attempts by the U.S. to deliver politicized "humanitarian aid."

The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies has 
stated on its certified Twitter account that they have noticed "some 
people not affiliated with Red Cross Colombia and Red Cross Venezuela 
wearing Red Cross emblems at the Colombia-Venezuela and Brazil-Venezuela 

    Some trying to illegally enter Venezuela have dressed in Red Cross
    jackets despite not having permission to.

    The Red Cross have rejected the attempts by the US to deliver
    politicized 'humanitarian aid', and have rejected those
    appropriating their symbols https://t.co/1wiEh1qlPk
    pic.twitter.com/PaLgIhZDjo <https://t.co/PaLgIhZDjo>

    — teleSUR English (@telesurenglish) 23 de febrero de 2019

The International organization has urged these people " to stop doing 
this. They might mean well but they risk jeopardizing our neutrality, 
impartiality & independence."

Also Saturday morning another false flag operation was denounced by the 
Venezuelan government. A group of low-level soldiers of the Venezuelan 
National Guard Saturday took over multiple armored vehicles that belong 
to the Venezuelan army and rammed them into border barriers at the 
Venezuelan-Colombian border in a staged operation ordered by right-wing 
opposition members in Colombia.

During a massive demonstration in favor of peace and democracy in 
Venezuela, President Nicolas Maduro declared the coup d'etat defeated 
because of the unity of civil society with the military.

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