[News] Venezuela Seizes US Weapons Destined for Coup Plotters

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Wed Feb 6 18:29:38 EST 2019


  Venezuela Seizes US Weapons Destined for Coup Plotters

Published 6 February 2019

Venezuelan authorities seized a bunch of U.S-made weapons during an 
operation in the Aducarga storage yard at the Arturo Michelena 
International Airport, in the state of Valencia.

The Deputy Minister of Prevention and Citizen Security of Venezuela, 
Endes Palencia wrote on Twitter that the arms came from Miami.

During the operation, members of Command of Area 41 of the Bolivarian 
National Guard (GNB) and officials of the National Integrated Service of 
Customs and Tax Administration (Seniat) were present.

The Prosecutor’s Office ordered the investigation to find those 
responsible for financing groups that want to threaten the peace and 
order of the Bolivarian Republic.

“19 rifles, 118 rifle chargers, 4 rifle holders 3 gun sights, 90 radio 
antennas, 6 telephones were found in the storage yard of the Valencia 
airport which entered the country # 3Feb in the Air Bus N881YV from 
Miami, USA # 5Feb,” the deputy minister wrote.

    ✔19 fusiles
    ✔118 cargadores de fusil
    ✔4 porta fusil
    ✔3 miras para fusil
    ✔90 antenas de radio
    ✔6 teléfonos fueron hallados en el patio de almacenamiento del
    aeropuerto de Valencia los cuales ingresaron al país el #3Feb
    <https://twitter.com/hashtag/3Feb?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw> en
    el Air Bus N881YV procedente de Miami,EEUU #5Feb
    pic.twitter.com/5wnBFnxaFt <https://t.co/5wnBFnxaFt>

    — GD Endes Palencia Ortiz (@PalenciaEndes) February 5, 2019

The arms were allegedly linked to groups attempting a failed coup in 
Venezuela. The government reinforced security in port, air terminals, 
customs zones to guarantee security.

This operation came at a time when the U.S. President Donald Trump 
expressed full support for the Venezuelan opposition among whom Juan 
Guaido illegally declared himself an interim president of the country.

The attempted coup, supported by the interventionist North American 
country, was slammed by the legally and democratically elected President 
Nicolas Maduro 
<https://www.telesurenglish.net/news/Maduro-Asks-International-Community-to-End-USs-Threats-of-War-20190204-0025.html> who 
has been calling for peace talks and dialogue with the right-wing 
opposition to end the political standoff.

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