[News] Netanyahu Announces Six-Point Plan to Annex Palestinian Land, Defeat Iran

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Sun Dec 29 12:01:17 EST 2019


  Netanyahu Announces Six-Point Plan to Annex Palestinian Land, Defeat Iran

December 28, 2019

*By Palestine Chronicle Staff 

Following his triumph in the Likud party’s primary elections on December 
26, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu introduced a political 
plan aimed at securing US recognition of Israel’s annexation of West 
Bank settlements and rolling back Iran’s influence in the region.

Netanyahu’s plan, which is likely to play a major role in his desperate 
attempt to cling to power after yet another general election, slated for 
March, also proposes the normalization of ties between Tel Aviv and Arab 
countries, without ending Israel’s occupation of Palestine.

Israeli newspaper Times of Israel 
on Netanyahu’s six-point plan, which was revealed during the Israeli 
leader’s victory speech on Friday.

“First, we will finalize our borders; second, we will push the US to 
recognize our sovereignty in the Jordan Valley and the northern Dead 
Sea; third, we will push for US recognition of our extension of 
sovereignty over all the communities in Judea and Samaria, all of them 
without exception,” Netanyahu said.

    “Fourth, we will push for a historic defense alliance with the US
    that will preserve Israeli freedom of action; fifth, stop Iran and
    its allies decisively; and sixth, push for normalization and
    agreements that will lead to peace accords with Arab countries”.

“Israeli officials have been preparing for this moment for more than 
half a century, since the West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza were seized 
back in 1967,” wrote 
Palestine Chronicle contributor Jonathan Cook last June.

“Annexation is not a right-wing project that has hijacked the benign 
intentions of Israel’s founding generation. Annexation was on the cards 
from the occupation’s very beginnings in 1967, when the so-called 
center-left – now presented as a peace-loving alternative to Netanyahu – 
ran the government,” Cook added.

    “Ultimately, Israel wants the Palestinians gone entirely, squeezed
    out into neighboring Arab states, such as Egypt and Jordan. That
    next chapter is likely to begin in earnest if Trump ever gets the
    chance to unveil his deal of the century’.”

In his speech on Friday, Netanyahu promised his Likud supporters that he 
will “fight for them” as “they fought for me,” reported The Times of Israel.

/(The Palestine Chronicle)/

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