[News] 29 Palestinian Structures Demolished in Past Two Weeks

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Fri Dec 27 11:52:43 EST 2019


  29 Structures Demolished in Past Two Weeks

December 27, 2019

During the period between December 10 and 23, Israeli occupation 
authorities demolished or forced people to demolish 29 structures in the 
occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem, displacing 45 people and 
affecting over 100 others, the UN Office for the Coordination of 
Humanitarian Affairs stated.

Twelve of the structures targeted, including five previously provided as 
humanitarian assistance, were in three herding communities located in 
areas designated as firing zones for military training, in the Tubas, 
Nablus and Jericho governorates.

OCHA said, in its biweekly report, that so far in 2019, 617 structures 
have been demolished or seized in the West Bank, displacing 898 
Palestinians; these figures represent a 35 and 92 per cent increase, 
respectively, compared with the equivalent period in 2018. Over 20 per 
cent of all structures targeted in 2019, and some 40 per cent of all 
donor-funded aid structures, were located in firing zones, which cover 
about 30 per cent of Area C.

During one of the demolitions, in a firing zone east of Nablus, Israeli 
forces uprooted or cut approximately 2,500 forest trees and saplings. 
The trees were part of a recreational area serving some 14,000 residents 
in the nearby town of Beit Furik and the Khirbet Tana herding community. 
It was developed with the support of the Palestinian Ministry of 
Agriculture and an international organization. This is the third such 
recreational area in Area C to be destroyed in 2019.

During the same period, Israeli forces opened fire on at least 15 other 
occasions, in areas adjacent to the Gaza perimeter fence, while 
enforcing access restrictions; no injuries were reported. Israeli forces 
carried out one incursion and land-leveling operation near the fence. 
Four Palestinians, including three children, were taken into custody 
near the perimeter fence between Gaza and Israel, in two separate incidents.

Israeli forces carried out a total of 154 search and arrest operations 
across the West Bank and detained 146 Palestinians, including at least 
17 children. The largest number of operations was in the Jerusalem 
governorate (41), mainly in al-Eesawiyya neighbourhood of East 
Jerusalem, followed by Ramallah (34) and Hebron (27) governorates.

WAFA reports that, on 10 December, some 80 Palestinian farmers from 
three villages in the Salfit governorate lost access to their land 
behind the West Bank Barrier after the Israeli authorities confiscated 
their entry permits. The incident took place at the Barrier gate leading 
to the farmers’ land; according to the latter, no reason was given to 
them. On 5 December, farmers from these three villages petitioned the 
Israeli Supreme Court against the routine failure of the authorities to 
open the gate at the scheduled time.

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