[News] Food Shipment Destined For Venezuela Seized in the Panama Canal Due to US Blockade

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Wed Aug 7 14:21:28 EDT 2019


  Food Shipment Destined For Venezuela Seized Due to US Blockade

August 7, 2019

Venezuela’s Vice president Delcy Rodriguez denounced Wednesday that a 
ship containing 25 thousand tonnes of Soya has been seized in the Panama 
Canal due to the U.S. blockade while calling on the United Nations to 
take action against the "serious aggression" that impede Venezuela 
"right to food".

"Venezuela denounces before the world that a boat that holds 25 thousand 
tons of Soya, for food production in our country, has been seized in the 
Panama Canal, due to the criminal blockade imposed by Donald Trump," the 
vice president said in a tweet.

"Venezuela calls on the UN to stop this serious aggression by Donald 
Trump's govt against our country, which constitutes a massive violation 
of the human rights of the entire Venezuelan people, by attempting to 
impede their right to food."

In a subsequent tweet, the Venezuelan senior official explained that the 
owner of the vessel carrying the merchandise of food was informed by the 
insurance company that it was prevented from moving that cargo to Venezuela.

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