[News] The US legacy of targeting civilians lives on 74 years after it became the only country to ever drop a nuclear bomb

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Wed Aug 7 13:24:56 EDT 2019


  US legacy of targeting civilians alive since Hiroshima

August 6, 2019

*Marking the anniversary of the nuclear bombing of Japan’s Hiroshima, 
Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif says the United States’ legacy of 
targeting civilians lives on 74 years after it became the only country 
to ever drop a nuclear bomb.*

“74 yrs after US became first & ONLY regime to deploy a nuclear 
weapon—on a city, designed to maximize casualties—it is STILL targeting 
civilians,” Zarif tweeted on Tuesday.

On August 6, 1945, an American B-29 bomber dropped its atomic payload 
over the Japanese port city of Hiroshima, ultimately killing 140,000 people.

Three days later, a second US nuclear attack on Nagasaki killed another 
70,000 people.

    “This time, [the US is targeting civilians] with Economic Terrorism,
    violating a historic nuclear deal & punishing those who seek to
    adhere to it,” Zarif added.

The US left the nuclear agreement, officially known as the Joint 
Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), last May. The deal had been inked 
between Tehran and six world states — the US, the UK, France, Russia, 
China, and Germany — in 2015 and was later endorsed by a UN Security 
Council resolution.

Washington then returned the sanctions that had been lifted by the 
accord and has been trying to persuade the remaining signatories into 
leaving the JCPOA in violation of Security Council Resolution 2231.

It has also threatened sanctions against the countries and entities that 
continue trading with Iran, particularly in energy sector, in defiance 
of unilateral American bans.

Tehran calls the American bans instruments of “economic terrorism,” 
saying such restrictive measures amount to “crime against humanity.”

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