[News] Trump targets Palestinians

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Tue Sep 11 12:02:09 EDT 2018


  Trump targets sick Palestinians

Maureen Clare Murphy 
<https://electronicintifada.net/people/maureen-clare-murphy> - 10 
September 2018


The Trump administration in Washington has slashed more than $25 million 
in approved aid for six hospitals in East Jerusalem providing care to 
Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip.

The US also announced 
that it is closing the Palestine Liberation Organization office in 

The moves are the latest in a series of measures intended to bludgeon 
Palestinians into submitting to the White House’s “peace” process. The 
Palestinian Authority 
<https://electronicintifada.net/tags/palestinian-authority> froze 
communications with the American administration in December, when Trump 
that the US would recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

The US announced <https://www.state.gov/r/pa/prs/ps/2018/08/285648.htm> 
last month that it would stop funding UNRWA 
<https://electronicintifada.net/tags/unrwa>, the UN agency for Palestine 
refugees, after freezing $300 million in aid in January, throwing the 
body into unprecedented financial crisis.

The US has also decided to cut $200 million more 
in bilateral aid to the West Bank and Gaza.

The Trump administration reportedly delayed 
the cuts to the East Jerusalem hospitals after influential Christian 
supporters of the facilities lobbied for the exclusion of three of them 
from legislation placing severe restrictions on aid to Palestinians 
approved by Congress earlier this year.

Walid Nammour, director of the Augusta Victoria Hospital, told NPR’s 
Jerusalem correspondent that East Jerusalem hospitals weren’t notified 
of the the cuts.

Nammour said that US aid had been held up for months before it was 
finally cut this week, forcing the hospital to take out loans.

    More on news that US is cutting #Palestinian
    medical aid: Augusta Victoria hospital director tells me the US
    didn't notify east Jerusalem hospitals. The hospitals give
    cancer/other treatments unavailable in West Bank & Gaza. The US used
    to pay 25% of the hospital's bills. 1/3 pic.twitter.com/oEuN5Dz0GZ

    — Daniel Estrin (@DanielEstrin) September 8, 2018

A journalist with the Israeli daily /Haaretz/ noted 
<https://twitter.com/amirtibon/status/1038390488703873024> that Trump’s 
Middle East peace envoy had praised the work of the 130-year-old St. 
John Eye Hospital, another institution affected by the funding cuts, as 
recently as March:

    Through a medical mission supported by @USAIDWBG
    <https://twitter.com/USAIDWBG?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw>, a team of
    dedicated @StJohnEyeHosp
    <https://twitter.com/StJohnEyeHosp?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw> surgeons
    traveled to Gaza to provide critical specialized operations rarely
    available there. Thanks to their skilled work, this single mother
    has regained her eyesight. pic.twitter.com/abezpWP6ob

    — Jason D. Greenblatt (@jdgreenblatt45) March 23, 2018

    Replicating Israeli cruelty in Gaza

By cutting funds for food aid programs, education and healthcare, the US 
is banking on the same strategy of collective punishment behind Israel’s 
siege on Gaza.

The blockade, imposed in 2007, has failed to achieve Israel’s aims to 
end Hamas’ political and military control over the interior of the 
territory, but has plunged the two million Palestinians living there 
into poverty and despair.

    Augusta Victoria Hospital on Mt. of Olives does God's work.
    Universally admired, licensed by Israel, they provide life-saving
    services to West Bank/Gazan Palestinians available nowhere else:
    oncology, pediatric dialysis etc.

    This is unmitigated, unforgivable evil. https://t.co/TcLzqLo0D1

    — Daniel Seidemann (@DanielSeidemann) September 8, 2018

“Let America know that all these acts will not change our position 
toward our cause one bit. On the contrary, it consolidates our positions 
toward every issue, including Jerusalem,” Adnan Husseini, Palestinian 
minister for Jerusalem affairs, told NPR.

The group Physicians for Human Rights-Israel warned 
<https://twitter.com/PHRIsrael/status/1038705009997819904> that the 
decision to stop funding East Jerusalem hospitals may lead to the 
“collapse” of the Palestinian healthcare system.

“Israel – the occupier – will have to fill the void in patient care,” 
the group added.

Israel is not likely to fulfill its obligations under international law 
and provide essential services for the millions of Palestinians in the 
West Bank and Gaza living under military occupation, and has been 
content for third party states to fulfill that role through aid.

But the Israeli military establishment believes that without any 
alternative to UNRWA, US aid cuts will lead to an even worse 
humanitarian disaster in Gaza, and a “nearly inevitable” escalation in 
violence, /Haaretz/ reported 

“An Israeli delegation to a donor conference in New York later this 
month is expected to encourage donor countries to pitch in to guarantee 
the continued delivery of food, education services and the salaries of 
the UN’s 30,000 employees in the Strip,” according to /Haaretz/.

Meanwhile Trump boasted of his use of humanitarian aid for political 
leverage during a phone call last week described by a White House 
as including Jewish faith leaders and rabbis ahead of the Jewish new year.

“The United States was paying them [the Palestinians] tremendous amounts 
of money. And I’d say, you’ll get money, but we’re not paying you until 
we make a deal. If we don’t make a deal, we’re not paying. And that’s 
going to have a little impact,” Trump said.

Trump recently signed a military spending bill 
codifying into law a record-breaking pledge made by his predecessor to 
give Israel $38 billion in military assistance over 10 years.

The US ambassador to Israel, David Friedman, meanwhile, told an Israeli 
that the Trump administration has not made any challenge to Israeli 
settlement building in the West Bank.

“Israel shouldn’t have to ask permission from the US” to build 
settlements, Friedman told /Yisrael Hayom/ last week.

He also denied a claim made by Trump that Israel would have to pay a 
price for the move of the US embassy to Jerusalem.

“There’s nothing expected of Israel to give in return for the embassy 
move,” he said.

Friedman also said 
that “it’s possible” that the US would recognize Israeli claims to the 
Golan Heights <https://electronicintifada.net/tags/golan-heights>, 
Syrian territory seized and occupied during the 1967 War.

“I personally cannot imagine a situation in which the Golan Heights will 
be returned to Syria,” Friedman said.

    Bolton threatens ICC

Friedman was responding to comments made by John Bolton, Trump’s 
national security adviser, who stated last month that there had been no 
discussion or decision made about the Golan Heights.

Bolton made clear on Monday that the US would impose sanctions or seek 
to criminally prosecute officials at the International Criminal Court 
<https://electronicintifada.net/tags/international-criminal-court> if 
they pursue investigations into alleged American war crimes in 
Afghanistan or those committed by Israel.

The situation in Palestine has been under preliminary examination 
by the prosecutor’s office since 2015.

“If the court comes after us, Israel, or other US allies we will not sit 
quietly,” Bolton said 
during an address to the right-wing Federalist Society in Washington.

During his speech Bolton added that the closure of the Palestine 
Liberation Office office in Washington was due to Palestinian efforts to 
prosecute Israeli leaders at The Hague.

He also said that the US would negotiate bilateral agreements to 
prohibit other states from surrendering Americans to the court.

In addition to breaking with decades of US policy over Israeli 
settlements, and enshrining US aid to Israel in law, the White House is 
abandoning and subverting any international body that might challenge 
Israeli impunity.

During last week’s phone call with Jewish leaders, Trump celebrated the 
withdrawal of the US from the UN Human Rights Council in June.

The US “will continue to defend Israel’s sovereign rights in all 
international forums,” Trump stated.

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