[News] Michigan professor punished for supporting boycott - Israel lobby groups pressured the university

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Wed Oct 17 10:30:25 EDT 2018


  Michigan professor punished for supporting boycott

Nora Barrows-Friedman 
<https://electronicintifada.net/people/nora-barrows-friedman> - 16 
October 2018


/On this episode of The Electronic Intifada Podcast: University of 
Michigan punishes professor for refusing to write a recommendation 
letter for a student wishing to study abroad in Israel; Major Jewish 
communal organizations fund far right-wing, Islamophobic and homophobic 


In recent weeks, two professors 
at the University of Michigan have declined 
<https://palestinelegal.org/news/umich-punishes-professor-boycott> to 
write recommendation letters for two separate students seeking to join 
study abroad programs in Israel.

The professors cited Israel’s discriminatory laws and policies of 
occupation and apartheid against Palestinians in their decisions to not 
write the letters. They have expressed their support for the call to 
boycott Israeli institutions as long as Israel continues to violate 
Palestinian rights.

In September, after he refused 
to write a recommendation letter, professor John Cheney-Lippold received 
death threats. The threats were not publicly addressed by the university.

But the administration did choose to comment on the professor’s actions, 
charging him with interfering in the student’s request with his own 
“personal views and politics.”

Israel lobby groups pressured the university to discipline 
Cheney-Lippold, claiming that his choice was an act of discrimination 
and anti-Semitism.

In an apparent effort by the university to appease Israel advocates, an 
advisory committee declared in late September that “a student’s merit” 
must be “the primary guide for determining how and when to provide 
letters of recommendation.”

On 3 October, the university again bowed to the demands of Israel 
supporters, sanctioning him 
with the loss of his earned sabbatical for two years and no merit pay 
raise for the academic year.

Cheney-Lippold is being threatened with further sanctions 
if his politics 
guide future decisions about recommendation letters.

Another University of Michigan instructor recently refused 
to write a letter of recommendation for a student wishing to study 
abroad in Israel.

Doctoral student instructor Lucy Peterson said that she had “pledged 
myself to a boycott of Israeli institutions as a way of showing 
solidarity with Palestine.”

Last week, she was questioned by the administration. Peterson also faces 
potential discipline, according 
<https://palestinelegal.org/news/umich-punishes-professor-boycott> to 
civil rights group Palestine Legal.

“This is an alarming violation of the professor’s First Amendment and 
14th Amendment due process rights under the US constitution,” Palestine 
Legal’s Radhika Sainath told The Electronic Intifada Podcast.

As an employee of a public university, Cheney-Lippold has full 
constitutional protections, she said, “and that means that the 
university may not punish him for his viewpoint supporting Palestinian 
rights, or because he is taking this principled stance to support the 
boycott for Palestinian rights.”

Sainath said that the administration’s punishment is a “really extreme 
measure, and it will have a chilling effect” on political speech.

Moreover, Sainath noted, by refusing to write the letters for a program 
that inherently discriminates against students of Palestinian ancestry, 
Cheney-Lippold and Peterson are merely “abiding by the university’s 
really strict anti-discrimination and diversity policies by refusing to 
write recommendations for institutions that all of their students cannot 
study at.”


Approximately 800 individuals have signed a petition 
in support of the professors, urging the university to rescind 
Cheney-Lippold’s punishment and ensure that Peterson not be subjected to 
similar sanctions.

graduate students 
and human rights 
advocates <https://secure.everyaction.com/VUraYfNM5U26-EU6ldTo_Q2> are 
appealing to the university to drop the punishments as well.

    . at ProfKFranke <https://twitter.com/ProfKFranke?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw>:
    "Like [Michigan professor Cheney-Lippold], I don't write letters of
    recommendation for students seeking jobs/internships in Israel
    because I have many students who are structurally disqualified from
    applying for those opportunities on account of being Palestinian."
    pic.twitter.com/es9dFe3jFM <https://t.co/es9dFe3jFM>

    — Palestine Legal (@pal_legal) October 11, 2018

    USPCN's Abudayyeh praised @UMich
    <https://twitter.com/UMich?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw> professor
    Cheney-Lippold's stance in support of #BDS
    "It's exactly what the academic boycott was established for. We
    thank him and we support him." https://t.co/Xq5E3m9MxG

    — US Palestinian Community Network (@uspcn) October 13, 2018

Essayist and academic Maximillian Alvarez 
<https://activeforgetting.com/> pointed out on Twitter that the 
University of Michigan renewed and expanded 
a research grant with Israel’s Technion 
<https://electronicintifada.net/tags/technion>. The grant is worth $20 

    After @UMich
    <https://twitter.com/DrMarkSchlissel?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw> drop the
    hammer on Prof. Chenney-Lippold over #BDS
    letter controversy UM Record announces, "$20M Kahn Foundation gift
    expands Michigan-Israel research partnership." Probably pure
    coincidence... @palumboliu

    — Maximillian Alvarez (@maximillian_alv) October 12, 2018

The Technion is a major Israeli research institution that works 
in partnership with a number of Israel’s arms manufacturers and has even 
helped develop a remote-controlled function 
<http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/3231665.stm> for the Caterpillar 
bulldozers Israel uses to demolish Palestinian homes.

    Jewish Community Federation funds hate

The Technion has another financial backer in the US: a major Jewish 
communal organization that has secretly funded a bevy of right-wing, 
pro-Israel and pro-Trump groups while purporting to represent 
<https://jewishfed.org/> the “vibrant, caring and enduring Jewish 
community” of the San Francisco Bay Area.

In early October, an investigation by /The Forward/ revealed 
that the Jewish Community Federation of San Francisco, the Peninsula, 
Marin, and Sonoma Counties <https://jewishfed.org/>, a major communal 
philanthropic organization, has been a top funder 
of Canary Mission <https://electronicintifada.net/tags/canary-mission> – 
the anonymous blacklisting website that aims to tarnish the reputations 
of US supporters of Palestinian rights.

The blacklist is also used by the Ministry of Strategic Affairs 
<https://electronicintifada.net/tags/ministry-strategic-affairs> to bar 
activists and supporters of Palestinian rights from entering through Ben 
Gurion airport, according 
to documents recently released by Israeli newspaper /Haaretz/.

Tax filings led reporters to an Israeli company named Megamot Shalom 
<https://electronicintifada.net/tags/megamot-shalom>, /The Forward/ 
reports, “that operates or operated Canary Mission.” Their address is an 
abandoned office west of Jerusalem.

Last week, /The Forward/ reported 
that another major charity, the Jewish Community Foundation of Los 
Angeles, “made a series of grants totaling $250,000” to Megamot Shalom.

“Evidence is now building that major Jewish institutions with hundreds 
of millions of dollars in assets, and boards of directors that include 
prominent members of the US Jewish community, have played a significant 
role in bankrolling the site,” /The Forward’s/ Josh Nathan-Kazis wrote.

On Monday, /Haaretz/ reported 
that the head of Megamot Shalom is a British-born Israeli settler named 
Jonathan Bash.

Ben Packer <https://electronicintifada.net/tags/ben-packer>, a far-right 
rabbi from the United States and a devout follower of racist leader Meir 
Kahane, works with Bash and both are shareholders in Megamot Shalom.

Packer has a long history of racist and inflammatory statements and 
recently called for 
a “death curse” on Durham, North Carolina, after city leaders voted to 
“military-style training” programs for its police force in foreign 
countries, including Israel.

Packer is also a friend 
of Stephen Miller, the senior White House official who is a key 
of President Donald Trump’s racist immigration policies separating 
children from their parents.

Prompted by these recent findings, Chicago-based researcher Stephanie 
Skora <https://electronicintifada.net/tags/stephanie-skora> sorted 
through more of the Jewish Community Federation’s (JCF) tax filings and 
that it has not only been a top funder of Canary Mission, but of many 
other far right-wing, anti-Muslim and homophobic groups going back at 
least 15 years, with funds totalling more than $300 million.

The Federation “seeks to be this progressive Jewish organization that 
funds aspects of American life and progressive and liberal causes in the 
US, but is willing to go so far right as a pro-Israel organization that 
they fund some of the nastiest people that the country has to offer,” 
Skora told The Electronic Intifada Podcast.

Skora’s research indicates that the JCF gave $100,000 to the American 
Society for Technion, designated for the “Iron Dome Project.” Iron Dome 
<https://electronicintifada.net/tags/iron-dome> is an Israeli missile 
interception system.

    Federation funds pro-Trump, anti-Semitic groups

Among the beneficiaries of the federation’s funding are right-wing, 
pro-Trump groups such as Turning Point USA 
the Tea Party <https://electronicintifada.net/tags/tea-party> and the 
Heritage Foundation.

Groups with deep ties to white supremacy and anti-Semitism, such as the 
Tea Party, and the Zionist Organization of America 
<https://electronicintifada.net/tags/zionist-organization-america> – 
which has invited former Trump adviser Steve Bannon 
to speak at its annual gathering – highlight the contradictions in the 
federation’s funding priorities.

“You run into this contradiction where you have this major Jewish 
organization funding the work of anti-Semites to promote the interests 
of the Israeli state,” Skora noted.

Right-wing Zionist organizations including the David Horowitz Freedom 
<https://electronicintifada.net/tags/david-horowitz-freedom-center>, led 
by David Horowitz, a key player in the Islamophobia industry, and the 
American Freedom Defense Initiative 
headed by notorious anti-Muslim bigots Pamela Geller 
<https://electronicintifada.net/tags/pamela-geller> and Robert Spencer 
<https://electronicintifada.net/tags/robert-spencer>, have also been 
funded by the federation.

The Dutch anti-Muslim politician Geert Wilders 
<https://electronicintifada.net/tags/geert-wilders>, who has been funded 
by the David Horowitz Freedom Center, has also received funding through 
the federation, according to Skora’s research.

The Foundation for Defense of Democracies 
<https://electronicintifada.net/tags/foundation-defense-democracies> – a 
neoconservative Israel lobby group 
and the Middle East Forum 
<https://electronicintifada.net/tags/middle-east-forum>, which is run by 
leading anti-Muslim bigot Daniel Pipes 
<https://electronicintifada.net/tags/daniel-pipes> – have collected 
funding as well.

Skora found that other beneficiaries of the federation’s largesse 
include Israel lobby groups that attempt to disrupt boycott, divestment 
and sanctions (BDS) campaigns and smear student activists.

StandWithUs <https://electronicintifada.net/tags/standwithus> received 
almost $1.3 million, while The Israel Project 
<https://electronicintifada.net/tags/israel-project> received nearly $2 

The Israel Project shares a funder 
Adam Milstein, with Canary Mission.

Other campus-focused right-wing Zionist groups such as the Amcha 
Initiative <https://electronicintifada.net/tags/amcha-initiative>, the 
American Israel Education Foundation <http://www.aiefdn.org/>, Hasbara 
Fellowships <https://electronicintifada.net/tags/hasbara-fellowships>, 
Students Supporting Israel 
<https://electronicintifada.net/tags/students-supporting-israel> and the 
Israel on Campus Coalition 
<https://electronicintifada.net/tags/israel-campus-coalition> have 
collectively received millions of dollars through the JCF.

    Reconsidering support

The Federation also supports 
<https://awiderbridge.org/jewish-community-federation/> A Wider Bridge 
<https://electronicintifada.net/tags/wider-bridge>, a group that engages 
in pinkwashing <https://electronicintifada.net/tags/pinkwashing> – a 
public relations strategy that deploys Israel’s supposed enlightenment 
toward LGBTQ issues to deflect criticism 
from its human rights abuses and appeal particularly to Western liberal 

Skora said that she hopes her research prompts progressive US Jewish 
communities to reconsider their support of the federation.

“I’m sure that most of the Jews in the Bay Area would be horrified to 
learn that the JCF funded the Tea Party,” she said.

For college students, Skora said this research could be helpful for them 
to know where the funding is coming from “when they’re fighting against 
groups such as Students Supporting Israel, the Israel on Campus 
Coalition, or even just right-wing groups associated with their local 
Hillel [chapter].”

“These groups that claim to speak for the interests of Jews on campus 
are in fact representing the Israeli state, and they have the right-wing 
funding to do it.”

Listen to the interviews with Radhika Sainath and Stephanie Skora via 
the media player above.

/Theme music and production assistance by Sharif Zakout/

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