[News] Israeli soldier executed Gaza teen at close range - Israel to halt Gaza fuel deliveries

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Sat Oct 13 12:06:09 EDT 2018


  Israeli soldier executed Gaza teen at close range: witness

Maureen Clare Murphy 
<https://electronicintifada.net/people/maureen-clare-murphy> - 13 
October 2018


An Israeli soldier killed a Palestinian teen along Gaza’s boundary when 
the detained youth tried to escape, according to a reporter who 
witnessed the shooting.

The slain Palestinian, identified as Ahmad Abdallah Abu Naim, 17, was 
one of seven killed during mass protests along Gaza’s boundary with 
Israel on Friday.

Journalist Muhammad Mahawish said that Abu Naim was among a group that 
had crossed the fence along central Gaza’s eastern boundary with Israel.

    A journalist who eyewitnessed the inciedent of executing the
    Palestinian demonstrator, Ahmad Abu Nueem#GreatReturnMarch
    pic.twitter.com/86sxhyt1QM <https://t.co/86sxhyt1QM>

    — Palestine Live En (@pallive_en) October 12, 2018

“The occupation forces fired directly towards them, which led to the 
injury of one Palestinian,” according to Muhawish, who describes the 
incident in the above video.

When soldiers tried to detain the wounded protester, the latter 
attempted to flee.

“After he tried to escape, he was shot and immediately executed,” 
Muhawish stated.

An image appears to show the soldier in close contact with Abu Naim just 
before the teen was fatally shot:

    من مسافة صفر... لحظة إعدام شابٍ على يد أحد جنود الاحتلال شرق البريج
    وسط قطاع غزّة، اليوم pic.twitter.com/EQyZ5Qx9ht <https://t.co/EQyZ5Qx9ht>

    — شبكة قدس الإخبارية (@qudsn) October 12, 2018

Al Mezan, a human rights group based in Gaza, said that Abu Naim was 
shot in the stomach with live fire.

Two others among the group of around 20 protesters who breached the 
Gaza-Israel boundary fence and approached army positions were also 
killed, the Israeli military told media 

Israel’s /Ynet/ reported 
<https://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-5369392,00.html> that the 
group had used a bomb to explode part of the fence. After the group 
crossed the fence, “soldiers responded with open fire, pushing them back 
into Gaza. However, three Palestinians continued to approach the [army] 
post and were shot to death as a result.”

Palestinians carried the bodies of the slain protesters back to Gaza, 
according to the military. No Israeli soldiers were injured during the 

In addition to Abu Naim, Al Mezan reported the killing of three 
protesters along the eastern boundary of central Gaza: Ahmad al-Tawil, 
22, Abdallah al-Daghma, 25, and Muhammad Ismail, 29.

Two protesters were also killed east of Gaza City: Muhammad Abbas, 21, 
and Afifi Afifi, 18. The health ministry reported that Tamer Iyad 
Mahmoud Abu Armana, 22, was killed east of Rafah in southernmost Gaza. 
All were injured by live fire, according to Al Mezan.

Graphic video shows the moment when Abu Armana was shot:

    لحظة استشهاد الشاب تامر أبو عرمانة شرقي #رفح
    جنوب قطاع غزة يوم أمس. pic.twitter.com/utwk7X9X4u

    — بوابة الهدف (@hadafnewsps) October 13, 2018

More than 160 Palestinians, including 33 children, have been killed 
during mass demonstrations along Gaza’s boundary with Israel since the 
launch of the Great March of Return protests six months ago.

Israel is withholding the bodies of 10 Palestinians slain along the 
boundary, including two children, according to Al Mezan.

More than 250 others were injured during Friday’s protests, some 180 of 
them by live fire, the rights group said 
<http://mezan.org/en/post/23248>. A paramedic and four media workers 
were among those injured.

Ismail Haniyeh, head of Hamas’ political wing, was injured by tear gas 
fired by Israeli soldiers during the protests:

    قوات الاحتلال تُطلق قنابل الغاز بكثافة نحو المتظاهرين ورئيس المكتب
    السياسي لحركة حماس إسماعيل هنية خلال فعاليات جمعة "انتفاضة القدس".
    pic.twitter.com/tCo5yON7lG <https://t.co/tCo5yON7lG>

    — شبكة قدس الإخبارية (@qudsn) October 12, 2018

    Israel to halt Gaza fuel deliveries

Israeli defense minister Avigdor Lieberman said that he had ordered a 
halt to fuel deliveries to Gaza after the breaching of the boundary 
fence, a measure of collective punishment against Gaza’s vulnerable 

“Israel will not tolerate a situation in which fuel tankers are allowed 
to enter Gaza on the one hand, while terror and violence are used 
against [Israeli] soldiers and Israeli citizens on the other,” Lieberman 

Several truckloads of fuel funded by Qatar were brought into Gaza via 
Israel in recent days as stocks needed to keep essential services 
running amid a longstanding electricity crisis depleted over the past 
several weeks.

“Over the month, the number of trucks per day is expected to rise to 
15,” Stéphane Dujarric, spokesperson for the United Nations 
secretary-general, stated on Tuesday 

“In addition to other long-term efforts underway to increase the energy 
supply, additional fuel for the Gaza power plant remains the fastest and 
most immediate way to increase electricity to help alleviate the 
humanitarian and related public health needs on the ground,” Dujarric added.

The UN has been brokering indirect talks between Israel and Hamas in 
order to pull Gaza back from the brink of collapse after more than a 
decade of siege, repeated military assaults and an impasse between the 
Palestinian authorities in Gaza and the West Bank.

Citing Hamas sources, Lebanon’s /Al-Akhbar/ newspaper reported on Friday 
<https://www.al-akhbar.com/Palestine/259570/> that UN humanitarian 
coordinator Jamie McGoldrick delivered a list of Israel’s preconditions 
for easing the tightened blockade on Gaza and returning the status quo 
that followed the August 2014 ceasefire that ended 51 days of 
bombardment in the territory.

Israel’s demands include an end to provocations including the planting 
of explosives along the boundary and an end to the launching of 
incendiary balloons from Gaza.

Hamas is in turn calling for a 50 megawatt increase of available 
electricity as a first step towards resolving the crisis entirely, 
according to /Al-Akhbar/. Households in Gaza have on average only four 
hours of electricity per day.

The resistance group and political party also reportedly demands the 
expansion of the permitted fishing area off Gaza’s coast to 12 nautical 
miles initially and then to 20 miles, as is stipulated in the Oslo 
accords signed by Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization in 
the 1990s.

Hamas also wants Israel to permit unrestricted imports and exports from 
Gaza, permits for 5,000 laborers from Gaza to work inside Israel, and 
the establishment of a commercial waterway to Gaza.

/Al-Akhbar/ reported that the UN sought to link improvements in Gaza to 
the approval of Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas in the West 
Bank, but his continued rejectionism prompted the UN, which seeks to 
restore Palestinian Authority governance in Gaza, to implement first 
steps without Abbas’ blessing.

Those initiatives include the import of fuel to Gaza’s sole power plant 
and the transfer of $25 million to Gaza to pay civil servants’ salaries 
and for electricity.

The PA has protested these measures by pressuring the Israeli company 
contracted to transfer fuel to Gaza for power generation into stopping 
delivery by threatening to end its contracts to supply Gaza with 
gasoline for transportation.

The UN is therefore seeking out Israeli companies immune to PA pressure 
for the job, a Hamas source told /Al-Akhbar./

Egyptian intelligence chief Abbas Kamel is due to visit Tel Aviv, 
Ramallah and Amman next week to push a long-term truce between Israel 
and Hamas, according to the newspaper.

The West Bank-based authority also sent a complaint to the UN 
secretary-general against Nickolay Mladenov, who has been leading the 
indirect talks, alleging that the UN envoy is undermining Palestinian 
national unity.

    Palestinian dies in Israeli prison

Meanwhile on Friday, Wissam Abd al-Majid Nayif al-Shalaldeh, 28, from 
the occupied West Bank town of Sair, died in Ramla prison 
<http://www.maannews.com/Content.aspx?id=781435> in central Israel.

The Palestinian Prisoners Society said that the cause of death was unknown.

Al-Shalaldeh, a married father of four, had been held by Israel since 
2015 and was serving a seven-year prison sentence, the Ma’an News Agency 
reported. He is the fourth Palestinian to die in Israeli custody so far 
this year.

A photo of al-Shalaldeh circulated on social media after the 
announcement of his death:

    الرابع منذ بداية 2018.. الأسير الشهيد وسام الشلالدة (28 عامًا) الذي
    استشهد في سجن الرملة الاسرائيلي. pic.twitter.com/hd7coVgfGz

    — شبكة قدس الإخبارية (@qudsn) October 12, 2018

A Palestinian woman, Ayesha Muhammad Rabi, 48, was reported to have died 
from head injuries <https://www.qudsn.co/article/160663> after the car 
in which she was traveling was attacked by stone-throwing settlers near 
Zaatara checkpoint south of the West Bank city of Nablus on Friday.

A photo published in local media showed the seats of the car covered in 
blood and debris following the attack.

Photos of al-Rabi and her husband Yaqoub, who was also injured during 
the incident, were published after the announcement of her death:

    الشهيدة عائشة محمد الرابي (48 عاماً) من بلدة بديا غرب سلفيت، والتي
    ارتقت جرّاء رشق مستوطنين لمركبةٍ فلسطينية بالحجارة قرب حاجز زعترة
    جنوب نابلس، قبل قليل pic.twitter.com/cL6PWJs5Mb

    — شبكة قدس الإخبارية (@qudsn) October 12, 2018

    متابعة| يعقوب رابي زوج الشهيدة عائشة أصيب بحجارة المستوطنين ويخضع
    للعلاج في أحد مستشفيات مدينة نابلس

    (صورة للشهيدة وزوجها المُصَاب) pic.twitter.com/ecxhVjt7Qx

    — شبكة قدس الإخبارية (@qudsn) October 12, 2018

The Israeli human rights group Yesh Din published video of Israelis from 
the settlement of Yitzhar, south of Nablus, throwing stones at cars on 
Friday as soldiers stand by without intervening. It was not clear if the 
video shows the incident in which which Rabi was killed.

    This afternoon, a @YeshDin
    <https://twitter.com/YeshDin?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw> field researcher
    documented about 15 Israelis descending from Yitzhar & throwing
    stones at vehicles. The perpetrators are then seen fleeing in escape
    vehicles as police arrive, all as soldiers stand idly by. Film:
    @YeshDin <https://twitter.com/YeshDin?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw>
    pic.twitter.com/9YlwjSeCKT <https://t.co/9YlwjSeCKT>

    — Sharona Weiss 💮 هيذر شارونا (@sharona_weiss) October 11, 2018

    Here is more of the film by @YeshDin
    <https://twitter.com/YeshDin?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw> including the
    stone throwing pic.twitter.com/YUyDMLYvm1 <https://t.co/YUyDMLYvm1>

    — Sharona Weiss 💮 هيذر شارونا (@sharona_weiss) October 11, 2018

Late Thursday, Israeli forces arrested a 19-year-old Palestinian 
suspected of stabbing and moderately wounding a soldier near the West 
Bank city of Nablus earlier in the day.

A woman bystander was lightly injured when Israeli forces opened fire.

A Palestinian suspected of shooting and killing two Israelis 
at his place of work in a West Bank settlement industrial zone on Sunday 
remains at large.

Referring to Ashraf Walid Suleiman Naawla, the suspected gunman, Israeli 
defense minister Lieberman said, “The account with him will be settled 

Israeli forces have arrested Naawla’s family members, including his 
and mapped his family’s home in preparation for destroying it.

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