[News] Gaza medic killed by Israel as she rescued injured

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Mon Jun 4 17:37:01 EDT 2018


  Gaza medic killed by Israel as she rescued injured

Ali Abunimah <https://electronicintifada.net/people/ali-abunimah> Rights 
- <https://electronicintifada.net/blog/rights-and-accountability> 2 June 


/This article has been updated since first publication./

Israeli occupation forces shot dead a volunteer medic and injured dozens 
of people as they continued their indiscriminate attacks on Palestinians 
taking part in Great March of Return 
<https://electronicintifada.net/tags/great-march-return> protests in 
Gaza for the 10th consecutive Friday.

Razan Ashraf Abdul Qadir al-Najjar, 21, was helping treat and evacuate 
wounded protesters east of Khan Younis when she was fatally shot on 
Friday evening.

She was about 100 meters away from the boundary fence with Israel at the 
moment she was shot and was wearing clothing clearly identifying her as 
a medic, the human rights group Al Mezan stated 
<http://www.mezan.org/post/25733>, citing eyewitnesses and its 
investigations. Al Mezan stated that al-Najjar was shot in the back.

However, on Saturday, the Associated Press reported 
<https://apnews.com/8f422c62bc9c4adeadbd05d2cb1c5463>, citing the Khan 
Younis hospital where al-Najjar was taken, that she “had a gunshot wound 
in the chest with an exit wound in the back.”

Al-Najjar had become known for her bravery and insistence on carrying 
out her medical rescue work despite the obvious danger.

She had previously been injured by tear gas inhalation, and on 13 April 
broke her wrist while running to attend to a wounded person. But 
al-Najjar refused to go to the hospital that day and continued working 
in the field.

“It’s my duty and responsibility to be there and aid those injured,” she 
Al Jazeera.

She also bore witness to the final moments of some of those fatally 
wounded before her.

“It breaks my heart that some of the young men who were injured or 
killed made their wills in front of me,” she told Al Jazeera. “Some even 
gave me their accessories [as gifts] before they died.”

Al-Najjar spoke about her work in an earlier TV interview that was 
shared widely on social media following the news of her death:

    Who is Razan? pic.twitter.com/BObf0qiLp4 <https://t.co/BObf0qiLp4>

    — Muhammad Smiry 🇵🇸 Gaza (@MuhammadSmiry) June 1, 2018

Many Twitter users, especially from Gaza, paid tribute to al-Najjar:

    I can’t believe she’s been murdured. I have been very proud of how
    she had grown to be a strong and kind woman. I remember her as a kid
    playing around. Whenever she came to visit my grandma would call me
    to go to play with her... my heart is in pieces #GreatReturnMarch
    pic.twitter.com/ghd6PESnpU <https://t.co/ghd6PESnpU>

    — Dalia Alnajjar (@AlnajjarDalia) June 1, 2018

    An Israeli sniper shot and killed Razan Al Najjar, a 21 year old
    Palestinian nurse known for her daily presence at the
    in Gaza.
    Her memory as a hero and angel of mercy will outlast her murderer.
    pic.twitter.com/a5b9t92rdw <https://t.co/a5b9t92rdw>

    — Belal Aldabbour (@Belalmd12) June 1, 2018

    Volunteering Palestinian paramedic Razan Najjar was shot dead by
    israeli snipers while providing first aid to the wounded at
    Gaza's eastern border. pic.twitter.com/9uGMYKchTt

    — Great Return March (@GreatReturnMa) June 1, 2018

    Razan Alnajjar “ Rest In Peace ✌🏼 angel of mercy 💔 killed by
    Zionists Israeli snipers at #Gaza
    borders today. #رزان_النجار
    pic.twitter.com/G3BGASyR1R <https://t.co/G3BGASyR1R>

    — Ÿousef🇵🇸 (@Joo_Gaza) June 1, 2018

Palestinian media shared images of al-Najjar’s family and colleagues 
mourning her death:

    مراسل "صفا": الحزن يخيم على عائلة وزميلات وزملاء الشهيدة المسعفة
    رزان أشرف النجار (21 عامًا) والتي قتلها الاحتلال أثناء تطبيبها
    المصابين بمسيرة العودة شرق خانيونس pic.twitter.com/zlEVF7XBBz

    — وكالة صفا (@SafaPs) June 1, 2018

    Sad and painful farewell 💔 to Razan from her friends and
    colleagues. Razan, a volunteer nurse, 21 yrs, killed by #Israel
    sniper, while helping other injured Palestinians, participating in
    the peaceful #GreatReturnMarch
    #BDS <https://twitter.com/hashtag/BDS?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw>
    pic.twitter.com/1Fm9eIftuh <https://t.co/1Fm9eIftuh>

    — Dr. Basem Naim (@basemn63) June 2, 2018

Dr. Ashraf al-Qedra 
<https://electronicintifada.net/tags/ashraf-al-qedra>, the spokesperson 
for Gaza’s health ministry, paid tribute 
<https://www.facebook.com/Ashraf.ability/posts/987705114740418> to 
al-Najjar as a dedicated humanitarian volunteer who did not leave her 
post until she “gave herself as a martyr.”

    Hands in the air

The medical vest al-Najjar was wearing, displayed by her mother in this 
video, shows a hole in the back of the garment:

    ماذا قالت والدة الشهيدة رزان النجار عن ابنتها المسعفة
    pic.twitter.com/UEHYoIwDTW <https://t.co/UEHYoIwDTW>

    — شبكة قدس الإخبارية (@qudsn) June 2, 2018

A statement 
<https://www.facebook.com/Ashraf.ability/posts/988351168009146> released 
by the health ministry in Gaza on Saturday said that al-Najjar was part 
of a team of paramedics who “went to evacuate the wounded, raising both 
hands, as an affirmation of not posing any danger to the heavily armed 
occupation forces.”

“The Israeli occupation forces fired live bullets directly at Razan’s 
chest and wounded several other paramedics,” the health ministry added.

The ministry also released a video it said showed al-Najjar and 
colleagues walking towards the boundary fence with their hands in the 
air shortly before al-Najjar was shot:

    <https://twitter.com/hashtag/Gaza?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw> MoH
    shared a video, reportedly taken minutes before Razan al-Najjar was
    shot, showing her & the rest of her paramedic team walking towards
    the #GazaFence
    w/ hands in the air. According to 1 report, the 21-year-old nurse
    was shot while helping another paramedic pic.twitter.com/uuwlvGmgG2

    — Asaf Ronel (@AsafRonel) June 2, 2018

On Saturday the UN special representative for the Middle East peace 
process, Nickolay Mladenov, tweeted that “medical workers are not a 
target. My thoughts and prayers go out to the family of Razan al-Najjar.”

    Medical workers are #NotATarget
    My thoughts and prayers go out to the family of #Razan_AlNajjar
    in #Gaza
    <https://twitter.com/hashtag/Gaza?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw> have
    had enough suffering. #Israel
    needs to calibrate its use of force and Hamas need to prevent
    incidents at the fence. Escalation only costs more lives.

    — Nickolay E. MLADENOV (@nmladenov) June 2, 2018

However Mladenov failed to condemn Israel’s actions, calling on it 
instead to “calibrate its use of force.”

On Saturday, thousands marched in al-Najjar’s funeral, as colleagues 
carried her body, draped with the Palestinian flag and the 
blood-drenched medical vest she was wearing when she was shot:

    جثمان الشهيدة الممرضة #رزان_النجار
    وسط زملائها، حيث انطلقت مسيرة تشييعها قبل قليل.
    pic.twitter.com/6evGggzOPk <https://t.co/6evGggzOPk>

    — شبكة قدس الإخبارية (@qudsn) June 2, 2018

    صورة جوية لجنازة الشهيد #رزان_النجار
    قبل قليل، بمشاركة شعبية واسعة.

    تصوير أركان غريب#ملاك_الرحمة
    pic.twitter.com/mmAalVMEvb <https://t.co/mmAalVMEvb>

    — شبكة قدس الإخبارية (@qudsn) June 2, 2018

    Attacks on medics

Al-Najjar is the second rescue worker to be killed by Israeli forces 
since the Great March of Return protests began on 30 March. According to 
the health ministry in Gaza, more than 200 others have been injured and 
37 ambulances have been damaged.

Two weeks ago, Israeli snipers fatally shot 
paramedic Mousa Jaber Abu Hassanein 

About an hour before he was shot, Abu Hassanein had helped rescue one of 
his colleagues, the Canadian doctor Tarek Loubani who had been injured 
by an Israeli bullet.

Loubani later told The Electronic Intifada Podcast 
how he was shot in the leg when everything was quiet around him: “No 
burning tires, no smoke, no tear gas, nobody messing around in front of 
the buffer zone. Just a clearly marked medical team well away from 
everybody else.”

    After Musa, RIP Razan Alnajjar, 21 year old nurse, shot in chest
    during lull in today's peaceful protests in #Gaza
    <https://twitter.com/hashtag/Gaza?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw>. She
    previously "fainted twice due to gas inhalation, while on April 13
    she broke her wrist after falling while running to attend to a
    wounded protester." pic.twitter.com/VBdgcePEoo <https://t.co/VBdgcePEoo>

    — Tarek Loubani (@trklou) June 1, 2018

    War surgeons

This Friday, as they have every week, Israeli forces fired live 
ammunition, rubber-coated metal bullets and tear gas at Palestinians 
along Gaza’s eastern boundary, injuring almost 100 people, more than 30 
of them with live bullets, according to Al Mezan.

    <https://twitter.com/hashtag/Watch?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw> ||
    Palestinians are marching to the eastrern border of #Gaza
    Strip to participate in #GreatReturnMarch
    Video from the middle area camp in the east of Al-Buraij Refugee Camp
    Video by: @pallive_en
    pic.twitter.com/gAR3hvXCW2 <https://t.co/gAR3hvXCW2>

    — Great Return March (@GreatReturnMa) June 1, 2018

“Protesters presented no danger or threat to the safety of the soldiers, 
which confirms that the violations committed by these forces are grave 
and systematic and amount to war crimes,” the human rights group stated.

Since the end of March, Israeli forces have killed 129 people in Gaza 
including 15 children, 98 of them during protests, according to Al Mezan.

As Israel continued to add to the staggering toll on Friday, the health 
system in Gaza was already beyond coping with the accumulation of people 
injured by the apparent use of fragmenting ammunition that causes 
requiring intensive and complex treatment and often leaving victims with 
permanent disabilities.

More than 13,000 people 
have been injured since the start of the protests, including those who 
suffered due to tear gas inhalation. Of the more than 7,000 people who 
suffered injuries other than by tear gas, more than half were shot with 
live ammunition.

    -Drugs scarce.
    -Electricity cut off.
    -Medical equipment limited.

    With hundreds of people in need of intensive care, hospitals in
    <https://twitter.com/hashtag/Gaza?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw> are
    on the brink of collapse. pic.twitter.com/SlfXInCG9Q

    — ICRC (@ICRC) June 1, 2018

On Thursday, the International Committee of the Red Cross announced it 
was dispatching two teams of war surgeons 
and medical supplies to Gaza to shore up a healthcare system it said was 
on the “brink of collapse.”

    With the health system in #Gaza
    <https://twitter.com/hashtag/Gaza?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw> on
    the brink of collapse, @RMardiniICRC
    <https://twitter.com/RMardiniICRC?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw> has announced
    additional @ICRC <https://twitter.com/ICRC?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw>
    medical support pic.twitter.com/g3ZKo930vp <https://t.co/g3ZKo930vp>

    — ICRC UK & Ireland (@ICRC_uk) May 31, 2018

The ICRC said 
the priority for its six-month mission will be to treat gunshot wound 
victims, among them about 1,350 patients who will need three to five 
operations each.

    "Imagine, 1,350 people with complex cases who will need 3 to 5
    operations each, a total of 4,000 surgeries, half of which will be
    carried out by @ICRC <https://twitter.com/ICRC?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw>
    teams. I think such a caseload would overwhelm any health system in
    the world, including in Geneva.” - at RMardiniICRC
    <https://twitter.com/RMardiniICRC?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw> on #Gaza
    pic.twitter.com/7cSZsRnBkT <https://t.co/7cSZsRnBkT>

    — ICRC NYC (@ICRC_NYC) May 31, 2018

“Such a caseload would overwhelm any health system,” the ICRC stated 
“In Gaza, the situation is worsened by chronic shortages of drugs, 
equipment and electricity.”

    “Toxic slum”

The sustained protests in Gaza are to call for the right of Palestinian 
refugees to return to their homes and lands now in Israel, and to demand 
an end to Israel’s more than decade-long siege 
<https://electronicintifada.net/tags/gaza-siege> of the territory.

Gaza’s two million residents are being “caged in a toxic slum from birth 
to death,” United Nations human rights chief Zeid Ra’ad al-Hussein 
<https://electronicintifada.net/tags/zeid-raad-al-hussein> told 
a special session of the UN Human Rights Council 
<https://electronicintifada.net/tags/un-human-rights-council> on Friday.

Zeid also told the council that there is “little evidence” that Israel 
is doing anything to minimize casualties.

He confirmed that protesters’ “actions alone do not appear to constitute 
the imminent threat to life or deadly injury which could justify the use 
of lethal force.”

Zeid spoke to the council as it was considering a draft resolution on 
sending an international war crimes probe to Gaza.

Last week, the Human Rights Council voted by 29-2 
to establish an independent inquiry into the violence in Gaza.

Only the United States and Australia voted against an inquiry, but 
several European Union governments including the UK and Germany were 
among the 14 that abstained.

Medical Aid for Palestinians, a charity that has been providing 
emergency assistance amid the growing calamity, and a dozen other 
organizations, have criticized 
the British government’s refusal to support an inquiry “to assess 
violations of international law in the context of large-scale civilian 
protests in Gaza.”

    A vital plea for the UK to take international law seriously in @Gaza
    <https://twitter.com/gaza?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw>. The UK must
    reconsider failure to support an independent UN Commission of
    Inquiry to investigate all violations. Proud @MedicalAidPal
    <https://twitter.com/MedicalAidPal?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw> is standing
    with these other excellent organisations in speaking out.
    pic.twitter.com/HYNkIZPlDw <https://t.co/HYNkIZPlDw>

    — Rohan Talbot (@rohantalbot) June 1, 2018

But attempts to hold Israel accountable continue amid the intransigent 
opposition of Israel’s backers.

On Friday evening, the UN Security Council voted 
on a draft resolution 
<http://www.innercitypress.com/gaza19unsczoabi053118.html> put forward 
by Kuwait, deploring “excessive, disproportionate and indiscriminate 
force by the Israeli forces” and calling for “measures to guarantee the 
safety and protection” of Palestinian civilians.

It also called for an end to the blockade of Gaza and deplored “the 
firing of rockets from the Gaza Strip against Israeli civilian areas.”

Ten countries, including permanent members Russia and France, voted in 
favor. Four, including Britain, abstained.

Despite having enough votes to pass, the resolution was killed by US 
ambassador Nikki Haley 
<https://electronicintifada.net/tags/nikki-haley>, who – as she had 
promised <https://twitter.com/USUN/status/1002327541850558465> to do – 
cast her country’s veto.

Haley then put forward her own draft resolution absolving Israel of any 
responsibility for the violence in Gaza and laying all blame for the 
situation on Hamas.

The United States was the only country to vote in favor.

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