[News] Mass Protests, General Strikes in West Bank - Multiple kidnappings and injuries, one killed

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Wed Jul 23 11:19:51 EDT 2014

  Mass Protests, General Strikes in West Bank

author Wednesday July 23, 2014 03:08author by Chris Carlson

Multiple kidnappings and injuries, one killed

    At least 15 people have been abducted, and one killed, by West Bank
    forces since last night, as confrontations between Palestinian
    residents and both Israeli soldiers and settlers continue to ensue
    over the course of mass protests and general strikes in the region.

According to the PNN, demonstrations have occured in the Bethlehem 
district, the village of Teqoa, various parts of Hebron, Ramallah, 
Nablus, Tulkarem and East Jerusalem, over the genocide currently being 
perpetrated on Gaza by the Israeli regime.

Protesters were met with sound bombs and teargas, with several suffering 
from suffocation.

Moreover, yesterday, several Palestinian political organizations agreed 
to close shops and other businesses in solidarity with the enraged 

At least fifteen Palestinians were kidnapped by Israeli forces in the 
past 24 hours, including two minors and a woman, from the occupied 
cities of Bethlehem, Jenin and Hebron, including al-Fawar refugee camp.

Vioelnt raids and searches were conducted upon Palestinian homes, in 
which Karim Mohammad Al-Omour, 17, from Teqoa, east of Bethlehem, Ali 
Hassan Al-Qwasmi and Sobhyeh Al-Fakhori, 62, and two other family 
members, Ali Al-Qwasmi, 16, and Mohammad Khaled Al-Qwasmi, Mohammad 
Al-Hymouni, Saleh Al-Rajabi, the brothers Yaser and Tayseer Abu-Snaineh, 
and Ashraf Othman Bader were abducted. Ashraf was taken into custody 
after the Israeli army raided his pharmacy and searched the shop.

The Israeli army also raided Bani Neam village, south of the city, and 
taking one Mohammah Adel Mnasrah and another resident named Moutaz 
Al-Hjouj, the PNN has reported.

In Al-Fawar refugee camp, forces abducted Islam Al-Adrah and Hothyfah 

Yazan Ahmad Salah, 18, from the village of al-Khader, was also abducted 
while protesting near Rachel's Tomb, in Bethlehem.

One Palestinian identified as Said Suliman Abu-Tahoon, age 21, was taken 
in Araba, near Jenin. Said is originally from Tulkarem.

Additionally, during the raid on Araba, Israeli forces broke into the 
Al-Baraa oil station and seized the station's security camera.

Furthermore, according to the PNN's report, security sources have 
reported that that one Mahmoud Al-Shawamreh, from Al-Ram village, north 
of Jerusalem, was killed last night in Hizma village, also north of 
Jerusalem, after a group of Israeli settlers opened fire against him.

Mahmoud was seriously injured during the attack and, though he was taken 
to a Jerusalem hospital, he died from his injuries on his way there.

Following the shooting, clashes erupted at the main entrance of Hizma, 
where Israeli forces fired live ammunition, rubber-coated metal bullets, 
teargas and sound bombs at young Palestinian demonstrators.

Palestinian youth have been at constant odds with Israeli forces in 
other cities, villages and refugee camps all over the West Bank, during 
the demonstrations against the attacks on Gaza.

Escalated clashes occur daily in the West Bank, Jerusalem and '48 
territories <http://imemc.org/article/68532> since the Israeli offensive 
began on July 8th.

See: 3 Kidnapped from Bethlehem Refugee Camp 

Protests in Nazareth and Beit Sahour Against the Israeli Attacks on Gaza 

Daily Clashes Occurring in Bethlehem, Amid Protests 

Sixteen Protesters Arrested in Haifa <http://imemc.org/article/68532>

Related link: /Worldwide Outrage Over Israeli Genocide on Gaza/

Related Link(s): http://imemc.org/article/68547
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