[News] Israelis are behaving and acting very much like the Nazis did

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Wed Jul 23 11:46:15 EDT 2014

*Israelis are behaving and acting very much like the Nazis did*

[ 22/07/2014 - 09:52 AM ]

By Khalid Amayreh in occupied Palestine

"On May 27, 1942, SS Obergruppenführer Reinhard Heydrich, Deputy Reich 
Protector of Bohemia and Moravia, had been attacked in Prague by Free 
Czech agents who were trained in England and brought to Czechoslovakia 
to assassinate him. They shot at Heydrich as his car slowed to round a 
sharp turn, then threw a bomb which exploded, mortally wounding him. 
Heydrich managed to get out of the car, draw his pistol and shoot back 
at the assassins before collapsing in the street.

Heydrich survived for several days, but died on June 4 from blood 
poisoning brought on by fragments of auto upholstery, steel, and his own 
uniform that had lodged in his spleen.

In Berlin, the Nazis staged a highly elaborate funeral with Hitler 
calling Heydrich "the man with the iron heart."

Meanwhile, the Gestapo and SS hunted down and murdered Czech agents, 
resistance members, and anyone suspected of being involved in Heydrich's 
death, totaling over 1000 persons. In addition, 3000 Jews were deported 
from the ghetto at Theresienstadt for extermination. In Berlin 500 Jews 
were arrested, with 152 executed as a reprisal on the day of Heydrich's 

As a further reprisal, Hitler ordered the small Czech mining village of 
Lidice to be liquidated on the fake charge that it had aided the assassins.

In one of the most infamous single acts of World War Two, all 172 men 
and boys over age 16 in the village were shot while the women were 
deported to Ravensbrück concentration camp where most died. Ninety young 
children were sent to the concentration camp at Gneisenau, with some 
taken later to Nazi orphanages if they were German looking.

The village of Lidice was then destroyed building by building with 
explosives, then completely leveled until not a trace remained, with 
grain being planted over the flattened soil. The name was then removed 
from all German maps." (Source: The History Place-Holocaust Timeline-The 
liquidation of Lidice)- 

There is a striking similarity between the above-mentioned massacre of 
Lidice at the hands of Nazi SS and the Gestapo and the massacre of 
Shuja'eya in the Gaza Strip which occurred at dawn on Sunday, 20 July.

At around 12:45 a.m.(shortly after midnight) as Israeli tanks were 
advancing into the dense Shuja'eya neighborhood in eastern Gaza, 
Palestinian resistance fighters ambushed an Israeli armored personnel 
carrier (APC), killing 13 Israeli soldiers. The ambush came in 
retaliation for the killing by the Israeli army of more than 300 
Palestinians, most of them innocent civilians, including more than 50 
children and toddlers.

Israeli military commanders were infuriated. They immediately ordered 
the army to carry out a huge massacre in revenge.Thus, in less than an 
hour, heavy Israeli artillery began shelling Palestinian homes in order 
to "teach Palestinians a lesson."

The sustained bombardment lasted for more than 45 minutes, leaving more 
than a hundred civilians dead. As of the time of writing this article, 
it is believed that many of the victims are still buried under the rubble.

The macabre scenes of decapitated and badly-mutilated children were too 
shocking to be described in words. Reporters at the site of the carnage 
lost their composure and collapsed as they couldn't cope with the 
gruesomeness of the pornographic bloodbath.

Israel's political and military leaders, including Prime Minister 
Binyamin Netanyahu, were quite gleeful, refusing to express any 
semblance of sorrow or even regret for the wanton killings. Netanyahu 
actually sought to justify the carnage, saying the Israeli army had to 
act this way in order to deter the Palestinians and save "Jewish lives."

Immoral world

I am not going to discuss Israeli "rationales" behind slaughtering 
Palestinians. Israel has been slaughtering innocent civilians since time 
immemorial. Israel and her supporters are also quite skillful in 
fornicating with words and with the truth.

The naked reality is that Israel is murdering civilians knowingly and 
deliberately, taking advantage of disgracefully shameless reactions by 
the bulk of the international community to the genocidal atrocities.

I am not accusing Jews of shipping Palestinian civilians to Auschwitz, 
Bergen Belsen, Mauthausen and Dachau. However, it is a clarion fact that 
Israel is bringing Auschwitz and other concentration camps to 
Palestinian homes, neighborhoods, hospitals and mosques.

Nonetheless, I do know that no matter how many Palestinian children and 
civilians the Nazis of our time murder in full view of the world will be 
sufficient to move the whoring international community to take a 
meaningful action against Israel.

Indeed, the governments and leaders of most influential states in this 
world, including the leaders of the U.S., UK. France, Germany, Russia 
and China are too morally bankrupt to be counted on to restrain Israeli 
monstrosity, let alone take a proactive action against it.

In the final analysis, Israel wouldn't have reached this level of 
nefariousness and ghoulishness had it not been for the active support 
and backing of the Nazi-like entity by these immoral entities.

But the Wehrmacht, the SS and Gestapo eventually found their proper 
place in the dustbin of history. So will the Jewish Wehrmacht, the 
Jewish SS and the Jewish Gestapo.It is only a matter of time.

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