[News] The Black Nation Charges Genocide! Our survival is dependent on Self-Defense!

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Wed Aug 20 17:06:22 EDT 2014

*The Black Nation Charges Genocide! Our survival is dependent on 
Self-Defense! *


Mike Brown, Ezell Ford and Eric Garner are among the latest victims of 
the ongoing genocide of Black People in the United States of America. 
Every 28 hours in the United States law enforcement, vigilantes, or 
security guards extra-judiciously murder a Black person. It is 
imperative that we as a people act upon every tragedy and hardship 
inflicted upon us by the government and the corporations to address the 
systematic genocide of our people in a protracted, programmatic, and 
strategic way.

The United States of America, as both a state and a criminal enterprise, 
has proven time and time again throughout its entire 238-year history 
that where Black people are concerned, genocide is the order of the day. 
The mass extrajudicial killings of Blacks aren't just the result of 
rogue police officers and crazed racist vigilantes; it is a state 
sponsored program of containment designed to keep the Black nation in a 
position of subservience and subjugation to the White settler colonial 

The United States Government and the vast reactionary sector of the 
settler colonial nation who's interests it was designed to represent, 
has been engaged in a war on Afrikan people from the time of its 
inception to the present day. The United States Government continues to 
lose legitimacy through its actions against our people. Through its 
refusal to address the ongoing human rights violations against the Black 
Nation the United States has shown itself to be the perpetual 
facilitator of the suffering of the Black Nation.

We cannot and should not count on our enemies -- like the courts, and 
other forces of the US government or transnational corporations -- to 
protect us. We have to protect ourselves. Justice for Mike Brown, Ezell 
Ford, Eric Garner or any of the hundreds of other Black women, men and 
children extra-judiciously executed by vigilantes, security guards and 
police every year will never be found in the courtrooms of the United 
States. Marissa Alexander is potentially facing decades in prison for 
firing a warning shot to defend herself and her children against an 
abusive partner while George Zimmerman is walking free after murdering 
Trayvon Martin in cold blood. Even in cases where the verdict apparently 
is in favor of our people, like in the conviction of Theodore Wafer for 
the murder of Renisha McBride, these sorts of trials uphold the status 
quo by not addressing the root issues behind the oppression of our 
people in a systematic way. The United States Government does not even 
have the right to try these cases because it is the primary architect of 
the state of emergency and continuous crisis the Black Nation is forced 
to endure. We cannot afford to be distracted from the work that must be 
done to insure the survival of our people.

The rebellion our people are waging in Ferguson must be supported. But, 
spontaneous rebellions are not enough. The only way we are going to 
successfully defend ourselves from genocide is to build a massive social 
movement with self-determination and self defense as its central 
unifying principles. We need a coordinated movement that strategically 
takes on the systemic oppression and exploitation that prevent Black 
people from exercising self-determination and human rights.  We have to 
defend ourselves if we want to survive.

We call on people around the country to support The Organization For 
Black Struggle based out of St. Louis, Missouri in their efforts to 
secure the resources to hire a full time organizer. They have been 
working since 1980 to fill the vacuum left by assaults on the Black 
Power Movement and have been providing critical leadership in support of 
the people's struggle. To connect with The Organization For Black 
Struggle visit http://obs-onthemove.org/.

*The Malcolm X Grassroots Movement (MXGM) believes that an essential 
part of our Movement for survival must be Self-Defense Networks. *

*We think there are two types of Networks that we have to build:*

*/New Afrikan or Black Self-Defense Networks/* are alliances, 
coalitions, or united fronts of Black organizations whose purpose is to 
defend the New Afrikan or Black community from external (the police, 
FBI, white terrorist organizations, etc.) and internal (agent 
infiltration, intra-communal violence, etc.) threats to its safety and 

*/People's Self-Defense Networks/* are multi-national (or multi-ethnic 
and/or racial) alliances, coalitions, or united fronts whose purpose is 
to defend their communities against mutual enemies and threats and 
advance a common agenda based on shared interests, hopes, and aspirations.

*Oppressed peoples and communities can and will only be secure in this 
country when they are organized to defend themselves against the 
aggressions of the government and the forces of white supremacy and 
capitalist exploitation*.

*The /Every 28 Hours/ Campaign proposes a model for organizing:*

  * The formation of*Black Self-Defense Networks* to defend our people
    and combat police terrorism. These Networks should seek to build
    Copwatch programs, engage in mass rights based education trainings
    for the community, serve as first responders to acts of Police
    Terrorism, and help coordinate mass resistance to these acts via
    mass mobilizations and direct action. These Networks should also be
    encouraged to engage in offensive campaigns, such as referendums to
    institute Police Control Boards.
  * The formation of *People's Self-Defense Networks* to defend the
    lives and interests of all oppressed peoples' and exploited classes
    against various forms of state terrorism. These People's
    Self-Defense Networks would work as multi-national alliances to
    engage in a broad manner all of the tasks mentioned above to defend
    oppressed peoples and targeted communities, such as LGBTQ2GNC
    communities, against institutionalized racism, white supremacy,
    institutionalized sexism, patriarchy and state repression be it
    racial profiling, gender profiling, stop and frisk, mass
    incarceration, or mass deportations.
  * Waging campaigns for local referendums to institute *Police Control
    mechanisms* -- i.e. community based structures that have the power
    to hire, fire, subpoena, and discipline the police on the local
    level. And waging massive, non-compliant campaigns of resistance
    employing BDS (boycott, divestment, and sanction) strategies and
    tactics on statewide, regional, and national levels.
  * Forming *People's Assemblies*, on local, citywide, and regional
    levels to engage in program and demand development initiatives that
    will enable the people to engage in the broad implementation of
    people's programs for self-defense and mutual aid.

The *Malcolm X Grassroots Movement* (*MXGM*) and the /Every 28 Hours/ 
/Campaign/ seeks to strengthen organizing initiatives within Black or 
New Afrikan communities for self-defense, by presenting these 
initiatives with a comprehensive analytical framework and practical 
organizing tools to ground and unite them.

MXGM offers to Black and other oppressed communities three resources

1) *Operation Ghetto Storm*, a full report on the 2012 extra judicial 

2) *Let Your Motto Be Resistance*, an organizing handbook for 
self-defense; and 3) *We Charge Genocide Again!*, a curriculum for the 
/Every 28 Hours Campaign/, to further this objective


*Operation Ghetto Storm: 2012 Annual Report on the Extrajudicial Killing 
of Black People*


*Let Your Motto Be Resistance*


*We Charge Genocide Again! *


For more information on these resources or trainings please contact 
Taliba Obuya at taliba at mxgm.org <mailto:taliba at mxgm.org>

For coalition building and Self-Defense Networks please contact Watani 
Tyehimba at watani at mxgm.org <mailto:watani at mxgm.org>.

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