[News] Longest Blockade of Israeli Ship in History - ZIM ship turned away from SSA in Oakland!

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Wed Aug 20 16:46:53 EDT 2014

*/2 Articles Follow/*

August 20, 2014


*Longest Blockade of Israeli Ship in History*

ZIM ship turned away from SSA in Oakland!

For four days straight the San Francisco Bay Area community blocked the 
Israeli ZIM ship from unloading at the SSA.  And today, we salute the 
rank and file workers of ILWU local 10 for standing with us against 
Israeli Apartheid by honoring our pickets and letting the ship go from 
the SSA terminal yesterday afternoon!

Saturday we mobilized thousands of our community to show the world that 
Oakland does not welcome racism, apartheid or Zionism, from Ferguson to 
Palestine.  We flooded the streets and marched towards the Port only to 
discover that the ZIM ship decided to stay at Sea rather than dock and 
be confronted by the power of our numbers.  The ship attempted to dock 
and unload on Sunday, but within a half hour's time hundreds of us 
organized community pickets requesting that workers to stand with us on 
the side of justice and not unload the Apartheid ship. And as ILWU rank 
and file always have, and as they did during South African Apartheid, 
they demonstrated their solidarity with the global fight against 
oppression and honored our picket. The following Monday and Tuesday saw 
both an organized call to action as well as autonomous protests 
determined to keep the ship from being unloaded.  These efforts coupled 
with worker solidarity continued the success of the weekend's total 
blockade of the ZIM ship.

Tuesday we declared a historic victory for Palestine as */Oakland held 
down the longest blockade of an Israeli ship 
Not only did we block the boat, but we also showed the world that racist 
exclusionary state of Apartheid Israel has no place on our port, and 
will soon find that it has no place on any port on the West Coast. After 
being blocked from unloading at the SSA Terminal, the ZIM ship was 
forced to leave and unload at another Terminal where it was met with 
protests by autonomous activists. This even further delayed the 
unloading of the ship.

 From the use of tear gas to the training of police by Israeli military, 
Oakland feels firsthand the brutality of Israeli war-making.  And 
Palestine knows too well the role the US plays in facilitating the 
ongoing ethnic cleansing of the indigenous Palestinian people.  From the 
policing and militarization of our local communities perfected with 
Israeli tactics of repression to the billions that the US provides 
Apartheid Israel, the connections are clear and are made for us.  And 
over the last four days we showed the world that we stand shoulder to 
shoulder from Palestine to Oakland to Ferguson as we struggle bring down 
every wall, every Apartheid system and every racist state.

*/Palestine will be free. /*

Block the Boat was organized by a coalition of autonomous activists and 
the following organizations:


Al-Awda New York

All African People's Revolutionary Party (AAPRP)

American Friends Service Committee

American Muslims for Palestine

ANSWER Coalition

APEN: Asian Pacific Environmental Network

Arab Youth Organizing (AYO)

AROC: Arab Resource & Organizing Center

ASATA: Alliance of South Asians Taking Action

Bay Area Women in Black


Bay Area CodePink

Bay Area Latin America Solidarity Coalition

Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists Social Justice Committee

Black Organizing Project (BOP)

Black Organizing Leadership and Dignity (BOLD)

Black Workers For Justice

Catalyst Project

CodePink Washington

Committee for Open Discussion of Zionism (CODZ)

Communist Party of San Francisco

Critical Resistance - LA

Critical Resistance - Oakland

Critical Resistance - Portland

Descoloniza a Oakland/Decolonize Oakland

Free Palestine Movement

Freedom Archives

Friends of Deir Ibzi'a

Fuerza Mundial/Pueblos en Movimiento

General Union of Palestine Students - SFSU

Global Women's Strike

Gray Panthers of San Francisco

Green Party of Alameda County

Haiti Action Committee

International Action Center

International Jewish Anti Zionist Network

International Solidarity Movement - West Bank/Gaza

International Socialist Organization

International Tribunal of Conscience for Camilo

ISM-Nor Cal

IWW Bay Area Branch

Jewish Against Genocide

Jews for Palestinian Right of Return

Justice for Palestinians

La Voz de l at s trabajadores/Worker's Voice

Labor for Palestine

Lake Merritt Neighbors Organized for Peace

Malcolm X Grassroots Movement

Marcha Patriotica (Colombia) - California chapter

Middle East Children's Alliance (MECA)

Movement Generation

National Lawyers Guild SFBA Chapter

Noam Chomsky

NorCal Friends of Sabeel

Occupy SF Action Council

ONYX Organizing Committee

The Palestine-Israel Action Committee

Palestine General Federation of Trade Unions

Palestinian Youth Movement

Queers Undermining Israeli Terror

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network

San Francisco Green Party

School of the Americas Watch East Bay

Socialist Alternative - Bay Area Branch

Socialist Organizer

SOUL: School of Unity and Liberation

Southern Anti-Racism Network

Stanford Students for Justice

Stop the War Machine

Students for Justice in Palestine - Cal

Totally Radical Muslims

UAW Local 2865 (Academic Student Workers at the University of California)

US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation

US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott

US Palestinian Community Network

Veterans For Peace Chapter 69

World Can't Wait Bay Area

Workers World Party

Xicana Moratorium


    US-Israeli terrorism blocked at the Port of Oakland

August 20, 2014

*/by Malaika H Kambon/*

/"You may take the last strip of my land,/
/Feed my youth to prison cells./
/You may plunder my heritage./
/You may burn my books, my poems/
/Or feed my flesh to the dogs./
/You may spread a web of terror /
/On the roofs of my village,/
/O enemy of the sun/
/But /
/I shall not compromise /
/and to the last pulse in my veins/
/I shall resist."
/-- Samih Al Qasim in "Enemy of the Sun," poetry of Palestinian resistance

/"The colonization of America in the 16^th century remains the worst 
case of ethnocide ever recorded in human history... Dear citizens, the 
roots of terrorism lie there! There, in the heart of slavery."/ -- 
Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide

Beginning Saturday, Aug. 16, dock workers at the Port of Oakland honored 
the picket lines of thousands of people over a period of four days -- 
and many months of organizing in solidarity with the people of Palestine 
-- to block Israeli apartheid by preventing the docking and unloading of 
the Zim Pireaus liner anywhere on the West Coast.

On Tuesday, Aug. 19, the Zim Pireus left the Port of Oakland with its 
cargo untouched, unloaded, unremarked and unwanted. The latest word, 
however, is that the Israeli "Zim ship" cleared the Golden Gate but made 
a U-turn and is headed back to Oakland's Berth 22. So are the activists.

If this subterfuge fails, several activists, including the Electronic 
Intifada, who are tracking the Zim's faltering attempts to find a port 
from which to unload, the Zim will be on its way to Los Angeles, where 
it will doubtlessly receive the same "Unwelcome, go home" signals.

For four days Oakland forced yet another apartheid copycat to berth 
somewhere else. As did the international community led by the ILWU to 
South African apartheid, so does the international community to Israeli 
apartheid. The historic victories continue.

Israeli apartheid is being dismantled and crushed -- one port at a time.

Palestine -- just like Afrikan people in Haiti and the world over, just 
like all struggling people -- will fight to the bitter end to be free!

On Saturday, speakers from the Arab Resource and Organizing Center 
(AROC) and the Arab Youth Organization (AYO) said so. As did Clarence 
Thomas, past secretary-treasurer of the International Longshore and 
Warehouse Union, Local 10; Pierre Labossiere, co-founder of the Haiti 
Action Committee; and Lil De Consuelo, born in Puerto Rico and a 
volunteer for the Middle East Children's Alliance (MECA), to name a very 

Several more speakers from many organizations agreed that international 
solidarity has a true face, and it isn't the face of the U.S. and 
Israeli governments. The connections were made from Ferguson to the Gaza 
Strip: Crimes against humanity will not be tolerated.

National Lawyers Guild attorney Marjorie Cohn states in her article, "US 
Leaders Aid and Abet Israeli War Crimes, Genocide and Crimes Against 
<http://jurist.org/forum/2014/08/marjorie-cohn-israel-crimes.php>": "By 
sending vast amounts of military aid to Israel, members of the U.S. 
Congress, President George W. Bush, President Barack Obama and Defense 
Secretary Chuck Hagel have aided and abetted the commission of war 
crimes, genocide and crimes against humanity by Israeli officials and 
commanders in Gaza. An individual can be convicted of a war crime, 
genocide or a crime against humanity 
in the International Criminal Court (ICC) if he or she 'aids, abets or 
otherwise assists' in the commission or attempted commission of the 
crime, 'including providing the means for its commission.'"

Well, court is now in session.

Organizers tracked the Zim Piraeus 
according to activist Mohamed Shehk, speaking with The Electronic 
Intifada, and realized that the boat was still at sea. It missed its 
scheduled 9 p.m. docking Aug. 15. It missed its 3 a.m. docking scheduled 
on Aug. 16. And it definitely wasn't in evidence at Berth 57 at 3 p.m. 
on the same day.

The boat had been blocked. It had no place to go and nothing to do but 
to circle around in the Pacific Ocean all day long on Saturday.

It wanted no part of the 2,000 people who were standing at the entrance 
of Berth 57 at the Port of Oakland. Israel -- like France so long ago in 
Haiti, like apartheid South Africa -- wanted no part of the people's court.

And more people were coming.

People came from as far away as Portland, Oregon, and Puerto Rico.

Students came from every college and university. Workers, community 
members and activists came, as did mothers, fathers and families with 
babies in strollers to make the historic two-mile march from Oakland's 
West Oakland BART station to Berth 57 at the Port of Oakland.

Chanting "Block the boat, block, block the boat," and "Hands up, don't 
shoot," in solidarity with Palestinian people and with African people in 
Ferguson, Missouri, fighting for justice for Mike Brown, murdered by 
police as he raised his hands and cried out in vain, "Don't shoot," the 
march in Oakland was met by a significant police presence at Berth 57.

The same genocidal U.S.-Israeli mentality that trained police terrorists 
in Ferguson, Missouri, and around the world tried to export more of 
their terrorism at the docks in Oakland.

Just as Kenneth Wade Harding was assassinated by police and bled out 
after being shot for not having a $2 train fare, Mike Brown was gunned 
down for walking in the roadway with his friend, just as 400 Palestinian 
children have been brutally murdered and 2,500 injured with assault 
rifles, bombs and 155-millimeter artillery, Haitian children are being 
killed in their homes and during demonstrations, and Israeli trained 
police "occupy" Ferguson, Missouri, as they do Oakland, San Francisco, 
New York and all over the U.S.

Undaunted, international solidarity prevented Zim Integrated Shipping 
Services from exporting more of their apartheid, more of their genocide, 
more of their crimes against humanity. On this day, using the Port of 
Oakland as a stepping-stone to further war and injustice wasn't happening.

They were shut down. Their boat was not only blocked but was turned 
away. The message being sent is clear: Neither enslavement nor 
occupation can cause freedom to lose its focus, nor eliminate peoples of 

Apartheid was sunk yet again at the docks of the Port of Oakland.

/"Si yo tire sou nou, yo pran, si yo pa tire sou nou, yo pran." ("If 
they shoot at us they are doomed, and if they don't shoot at us they are 
doomed. They cannot win.")/ -- Chant of the people of Bel Air, Haiti, on 
March 4, 2005, taking to the streets just a few days after, in plain 
sight of U.N. troops and the international media, the official Haitian 
police killed, beat and tear-gassed unarmed demonstrators

The power of the people prevailed.

All power to the people!

/Malaika H Kambon is a freelance photojournalist and the 2011 winner of 
the Bay Area Black Journalists Association Luci S. Williams Houston 
Scholarship in Photojournalism. She also won the AAU state and national 
championship in Tae Kwon Do from 2007-2010. She can be reached at 
//kambonrb at pacbell.net/ <mailto:kambonrb at pacbell.net>/./

    *For global action now: Stop the Israeli massacre in Gaza!*

*/Statement of the Transport Workers Solidarity Committee/*

As the Zionist genocidal war against the Palestinian people continues 
unabated, workers around the world are stunned by the death and 
destruction rained down on Gaza. Transport workers, because of our key 
position in the global economy, have the power to stop the wheels of the 
Israeli war machine, the power to stop it dead in its tracks.

In 2009, dockworkers in Durban, South Africa, refused to unload the 
Israeli ship Johanna Russ to protest what they called "apartheid 
Israel's massacres in Gaza." The South African Transport and Allied 
Workers Union then called on other unions to follow their exemplary 
solidarity action with the oppressed Palestinian people.

Then, dockworkers in Oakland, California, of the International Longshore 
and Warehouse Union (ILWU) honored a mass picket line of 1,200 port 
demonstrators against a Zim Lines ship protesting the Israeli army's 
killing of humanitarian aid workers on the Freedom Flotilla to Gaza. In 
1984, ILWU had boycotted a South African apartheid ship.

Saturday, Aug. 16, the date of the latest protest against an Israeli Zim 
Lines ship in the Port of Oakland, also commemorates the Tripartite 
South African government killing of 34 striking miners. Known as the 
Marikana Massacre, it has become a seminal event in the history of South 
African working class struggles.

The Palestinian General Confederation of Trade Unions has appealed to 
workers the world over to refuse to handle Israeli goods. The TWSC 
supports the action begun on Aug. 16 in solidarity with Palestinians and 
striking South African workers.

We call on the community to picket Israeli ships, planes and Zim Lines 
offices. If we can stop the Israeli capitalists' profits, even for a 
day, we send a powerful message to the racist Zionist regime that we 
will not oil their bloody war machine. An injury to one is an injury to all!

/The Transport Workers Solidarity Committee, led by Jack Heyman, chair, 
Brian Lewis, secretary, Robert Irminger, treasurer, and Steve Zeltzer, 
publicity director, can be reached at //transportsolidarity at yahoo.com/ 
<mailto:transportsolidarity at yahoo.com>/. /

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