[News] Fide & Chavez - Unforgettable afternoon between brothers

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Mon Aug 14 16:46:35 EDT 2006


Unforgettable afternoon
between brothers

AS he announced on Saturday at the launch of his 
presidential candidacy, Chávez came to Havana to 
celebrate Fidel’s 80th birthday with the Cuban 
president. Raúl received him at the airport and 
gave him the affectionate embrace of a people 
grateful to the friendly leader for his human 
grandeur and attitude of solidarity.

Fidel was awaiting Chávez in the bed in which he 
is recovering and they spent more than three 
hours of emotive conversation, recounting 
anecdotes, laughing, photos, gifts, a light snack 
and the joy of a close friendship. “This is the 
best visit that I have made in my whole life,” 
affirmed the Venezuelan president who, impressed 
at the president’s capacity for recovery, exclaimed:

“What kind of human being is this? What material 
is he made of? As you say, he is like the caguairán (hardwood tree).

Chávez confessed to Fidel that, to surprise him, 
he had spent a week trying to paint his portrait, 
but finally abandoned it in the early hours of 
August 13, dissatisfied with his profile of the 
president’s nose, so that, in addition to the cup 
from Napoleon’s dinner service that Bolívar kept 
and the liberator’s dagger, he decided to bring 
him a painting by José Antonio Quintero, a new generation Venezuelan artist.

For his part, Raúl gave the Bolivarian leader a 
portrait of Fidel painted in 1959 by the eminent 
Mexican artist David Alfaro Siqueiros, which was 
hung for a long time in his office at the 
Ministry of the Revolutionary Armed Forces.

It was an unforgettable afternoon, shared by 
brothers in blood and cause, which brought new 
strength and encouragement to the warrior 
Comandante of a thousand battles in a new victory for life.

afternoon between brothers

Unforgettable afternoon between brothers







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