[Ppnews] Events - New Book by Eddie Conway in Oakland & Riverside CA & Providence, RI

Political Prisoner News ppnews at freedomarchives.org
Tue Apr 5 10:55:03 EDT 2011

HOT OFF THE PRESS: Marshall Law: Life and Times of a Baltimore Black Panther!

Posted by <http://apps.facebook.com/causes/activists/61208124>Erica 
Woodland at 11:51am on April 3rd, 2011

I am excited to inform you that Eddie Conway's autobiography, 
Marshall Law, has just been released! There are a number of book 
launch events all over the country! Please check it out and spread 
the word! Eddie will be participating in each event by phone! You 
don't want to miss this!

Sunday 4/10 6-8pm (Oakland, CA)
Eastside Arts Alliance
2277 International Blvd, Oakland

Monday 4/11 6:30pm (Oakland, CA)
Marcus Books
3900 Martin Luther King Jr Way, Oakland

Wednesday 4/13 3-5pm (Riverside, CA)
UC Riverside, Dept of Ethnic Studies
*With Susan Rosenberg, former political prisoner*

Monday 4/25 7-10pm (Providence, RI)
Libertalia Autonomous Space
280 Broadway, Providence
*Featuring Ashanti Alston from the National Jericho Movement*

You can purchase a copy of Eddie's new book on Amazon or from AK Press!

In Solidarity,
Erica Woodland
Bay Area Defense Committee for Eddie Conway
(510) 854-6551
<mailto:erica_woodland at hotmail.com>erica_woodland at hotmail.com

Freedom Archives
522 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110

415 863-9977

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