[News] Hamas: Al-Aqsa flood is natural extension of our people’s resistance to occupation

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Wed May 15 19:57:05 EDT 2024

 Hamas: Al-Aqsa flood is natural extension of our people’s resistance to

Wednesday 15-May-2024 - https://english.palinfo.com/news/2024/05/15/318979/
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The Hamas Movement said that the ongoing Al-Aqsa flood battle has
consolidated the solidarity of the Palestinian people inside and outside of
Palestine and has proven to the world that Palestinians cannot be defeated,
because they do not surrender or abandon their right to their land,
freedom, and independence no matter how long it takes, and no matter how
strong the enemy is.

The Movement pointed out that the Al-Aqsa flood battle restored the
Palestinian cause to its global presence, as a just issue of national
liberation, freedom, independence, and self-determination, leading to the
establishment of a fully sovereign Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its

The Movement said, in a press statement on Wednesday on the occasion of the
76th anniversary of the Nakba, that “the Al-Aqsa flood battle is a natural
extension of our people’s resistance and their legitimate right to defend
their land and sanctities.”

The statement added that the 76th anniversary of the painful Nakba comes
this year in light of the heroic Al-Aqsa Flood battle in the Gaza Strip in
which the resistance has been fighting against the Israeli aggression for
over 222 days.

The Movement affirmed that the Zionist occupation, its fascist government,
and its Nazi army did not succeed during this war in achieving any of its
aggressive goals against our people in the Gaza Strip, despite committing
horrific massacres and waging a genocidal war that affected all aspects of
human life, in which it used all types of weapons and ammunition.

Hamas mourned the martyred leaders and “all martyrs of our people who fell
in the Battle of Al-Aqsa Flood in Gaza, the West Bank, Jerusalem, and our
Muslim nation, wishing a speedy recovery for the wounded and sick, and
urgent freedom of prisoners and detainees from Israeli prisons.”

The Movement also praised the resoluteness of the steadfast people of the
Gaza Strip who are enduring all kinds of calamities inflicted by Israel
including displacement, killing, bombardment, starvation, and thirst.

Hamas added that the ongoing Zionist aggression for 76 years and the
genocide crimes committed in Gaza for more than seven months constitute a
sign of shame for all those who remain silent and negligent in exposing and
criminalizing the Israeli crimes and those who refrain from working to put
an end to the Israeli aggression.

The resistance movement called on the nation and all free people in the
world “to exert pressure by all means to stop the Zionist aggression
against our land, people, and sanctities, and to support the steadfastness
and struggle of our people aspiring to freedom and independence.”

The statement denounced the US administration’s support and bias towards
the ongoing Israeli aggression and crimes in the Gaza Strip, the West Bank
and Jerusalem, condemning the policy of double standards practiced by
Western powers in dealing with the issue of the Palestinian people and
their legitimate rights.

Hamas’s statement also praised Palestinian prisoners -women and men- in
Israeli jails, pledging to release them all, warning against escalating
Israeli violations and crimes against them, and holding Israel fully
responsible for their safety, especially those who were arrested after
October 7, 2023.

The Movement’s statement called on the United Nations and human rights and
humanitarian institutions to intervene by all means to criminalize and halt
Israel’s systematic violations against them.

It also held Israel directly responsible for the continued suffering of
millions of Palestinian refugees living in refugee camps inside Palestine
and in the diaspora, stressing that their legitimate right to return to
their homes from which they were displaced cannot be waived or neglected.

In this context, Hamas urged the United Nations and UNRWA to assume their
legal and humanitarian responsibilities in supporting the rights of
refugees, providing them with relief and a decent life until their return.

Hamas also addressed the masses of our people, wherever they are, to remain
steadfast in the face of the Israeli occupation and its plans.

The Movement hailed the resistance fighters in Jerusalem and the West Bank,
calling on them to engage in further clashes with the Israeli occupation
army and Israeli fanatic settlers, in defense of their existence and in
support of Gaza.

Hamas concluded its statement by paying tribute to the global movement in
solidarity with the Palestinian people and their just cause, calling for
continuing such activism in all capitals, cities, and squares of the world,
and putting pressure on the countries, governments and institutions that
support the Israeli occupation, until the Israeli bloody aggression against
the Gaza Strip is put to an end.
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