[News] In Africa They Say, ‘France, Get Out!’

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*In Africa They Say, ‘France, Get Out!’: The Nineteenth Newsletter (2024)*

Liby Ousmane Lougué (Burkina Faso), /Papa Roger/, 2020.

Dear friends,

Greetings from the desk of Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research 

On 2 October 1958, Guinea declared its independence from France. 
Guinea’s President Ahmed Sékou Touré clashed against France’s President 
Charles De Gaulle, who tried to strong arm Touré into abandoning the 
project for independence. Touré said of De Gaulle’s threats, ‘Guinea 
prefers poverty in freedom to riches in slavery’. In 1960, the French 
government launched a covert operation called Operation Persil to 
undermine Guinea and overthrow Touré. The operation was named after a 
laundry detergent, used to wash away dirt. This provides a clear window 
into the French attitude toward Touré’s government. France’s weapons 
shipment to opposition groups in Guinea was interdicted in Senegal, 
whose President Mamadou Dia complained to the French government. France 
would not tolerate African independence, but the people of Africa would 
not tolerate French dominion.

That fervour for African sovereignty remains intact. ‘France, get out’ 
was the slogan then and remains the slogan now, from Senegal to Niger. 
To better understand recent developments in this struggle, the rest of 
this newsletter features a briefing from No Cold War 
and the West Africa Peoples’ Organisation 
on the manifestation of that sentiment in the Sahel.

      Briefing 13: The Sahel Seeks Sovereignty.

The call ‘/La/ /France degage!’ /(‘France, get out!’), against the 
ongoing legacy of French colonialism in the region, has long echoed 
across West Africa. In recent years, this call has reached a new pitch 
of intensity, from the 2018 grassroots movements in Senegal and newly 
elected President Bassirou Diomaye Faye’s campaign promise to unshackle 
his country from the neocolonial monetary system of the CFA franc to the 
popularly supported military coups 
in Mali, Burkina Faso, and Niger and the ejection of French military 
forces from these countries between 2021 and 2023.

The military-led governments of the central Sahelian states (Mali, 
Burkina Faso, and Niger) have taken steps to wrestle their sovereignty 
from Western monopolies – such as reviewing mining codes and contracts 
and expelling foreign militaries – and to establish new regional 
cooperation platforms. On 16 September 2023, the governments of Burkina 
Faso, Mali, and Niger signed the Liptako-Gourma Charter 
a mutual defence pact that established the Alliance of Sahel States. 
This trilateral partnership is a response to the threats of military 
intervention and economic sanctions that have been levied against Niger 
by the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) following the 
July 2023 popular coup that took place in the country.

A few months after reaching this defence cooperation agreement, the 
three countries withdrew from the ECOWAS regional bloc. Some political 
commentators have claimed 
that these events – combined with the ejection of French military forces 
from the region – ‘spell trouble’ for regional social security, economic 
development, political stability, and regional integration. What is 
behind the tidal wave sweeping through the Sahel, and what does it mean 
for the region?

Suncréa (Mali), /Racines /(‘Roots’), 2016.

      The Legacy of French Colonialism

Anti-imperialist sentiment has been brewing in the Sahel for years. To 
look at the case of Niger, which is emblematic of the wave of resistance 
in the region, during the July 2023 coup, the people took to the streets 
against the French colonial hangover that has facilitated rampant, 
structural corruption and disenfranchised large sectors of the population.

Much of this corruption has taken place in Niger’s mining sector, which 
represents one of the world’s largest high-grade uranium deposits. For 
instance, in 2014, prior to the coup, then Nigerien President Mahamadou 
Issoufou lowered taxes on mining activities that directly benefited 
French monopolies, receiving indirect pay outs in return. Meanwhile, the 
French military in Niger operated as the gendarme for mining companies 
and against those seeking to migrate to Europe.

Société des Mines de l’Aïr (Somaïr), a purported ‘joint venture’ between 
Niger and France in the uranium industry, is yet another example of the 
continued French influence in the region and on the continent. While 
France’s Atomic Energy Commission and two French companies own 
85% of the company, Niger’s government owns a mere 15%. While close to 
half of Niger’s population lives 
below the poverty line and 90% 
lives without electricity, as of 2013 uranium from Niger powers 
one in three lightbulbs in France. It should come as no surprise that, 
shortly after the 2023 coup, Nigerien citizens seized the French embassy 
and military base in the capital of Niamey. France withdrew its troops 
soon after.

Amy Sow (Mauritania), /Énergie durable /(‘Sustainable Energy’), 2015.

      Sovereignty, Security, and Terrorism

On 16 March 2024, the Nigerien government revoked a decade-old military 
agreement with the United States, just two days after a US delegation 
met with local authorities to raise concerns over the nation’s 
partnerships with Russia and Iran. In a public statement 
the government of Niger ‘forcefully condemne[d] the condescending 
attitude, accompanied by the threat of retaliation, from the head of the 
US delegation towards the government and people of Niger’. The statement 
added that ‘Niger regrets the intention of the US delegation to deny the 
sovereign Nigerien people the right to choose their partners and the 
types of partnerships that are capable of truly helping them fight 
terrorism at a time when the United States of America has unilaterally 
decided to suspend all cooperation’. The government also cited the 
following as reasons for revoking the agreement with the US: the cost it 
has inflicted upon Nigerien taxpayers, the lack of communication around 
domestic operations and US military base activities, unauthorised 
aircraft movements, and the ineffectiveness of its so-called 
counter-terrorism work.

The US has established the single largest foreign military presence on 
the African continent, beginning with the 2002 Pan-Sahel Initiative and 
followed by the creation of the US Africa Command (AFRICOM) in 2007, 
which set up a significant network of US military bases 
across the Sahel (of which there are nine in Niger alone as well as two 
in Mali and one in Burkina Faso). In 2007, US State Department adviser 
J. Peter Pham defined 
AFRICOM’s strategic objective to US House of Representatives Committee 
on Foreign Affairs as follows:

    It is unlikely that any amount of public relations work will fully
    quench anti-imperialist concerns that AFRICOM is fundamentally an
    attempt to erect a bulwark in Africa against trans-national
    terrorism and China’s appetite for Africa’s oil, minerals, and
    timber… The proposed structure of AFRICOM, consisting of four or
    five relatively small bases with no force deployments, means that
    these will be largely invisible even in their host countries and

In the aftermath of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation’s (NATO) war 
on Libya led by France and the US, the Sahel region has been embroiled 
in conflicts, many of them driven by emerging forms of jihadist armed 
activities, piracy, and smuggling. France and the US have used these 
conflicts as a pretext to increase their military interventions across 
the region. In 2014, France set up the G5 Sahel (a military arrangement 
that included Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Mauritania, and Niger) and 
expanded or opened new military bases in Gao, (Mali), N’Djamena (Chad), 
Niamey (Niger), and Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso). In 2019, the US began 
drone strikes and aerial surveillance across the Sahel and the Sahara 
Desert from its Air Base 201 outside Agadez (Niger) – the largest 
construction effort in US Air Force history.

The Global Terrorism Index found 
that the Sahel region was the most impacted by terrorism in 2023, 
accounting for nearly half of all terrorism-related deaths and 26% of 
terrorist incidents worldwide. Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger each ranked 
among the top ten countries most impacted by terrorism, a fact often 
held up to allege the failure of the new military-led governments. 
However, this reality predates the coups of 2021–2023 and instead speaks 
to the impact of US and French military intervention. Between 2011 (the 
year of NATO’s war on Libya) and 2021 (the year of the first of the 
recent wave of Sahelian coups, in Mali), Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger 
from positions 114, 40, and 50, respectively, on the index of countries 
most impacted by terrorism to 4, 7, and 8. It is clear that the US and 
French ‘war on terrorism’ has done little to improve security in the 
region and has in fact had the opposite effect.

Niankoye Lama (Guinea), /Marché de Zali /(‘Zali Market’), 2022.

      Seeking New Partners and Paths

The people of the Sahel have grown disillusioned not only with the 
West’s military strategies, as seen by the increasing security 
cooperation agreements with other countries, but also with Western 
economic policies that have yielded little social development. Despite 
the region’s abundant energy resources (including Niger’s aforementioned 
uranium reserves), the Sahel has some of the world’s lowest levels of 
energy generation and access, with at least 51% 
of the population unable to access electricity.

Though the Alliance of Sahel States began as a defence pact, political 
autonomy and economic development are a core focus. This includes, for 
instance, pursuing joint energy projects and exploring the possibility 
of establishing regional civil nuclear power initiatives. Burkina Faso 
has already signed agreements with Rosatom, a state-owned Russian 
company, to build new power plants while Mali is advancing its 
application of atomic energy through the National Nuclear Programme, 
overseen by the Malian Radiation Protection Agency.

Ultimately, the Alliance of Sahel States represents an attempt to uphold 
the demands of sovereignty and the right to self-determination – an 
agenda that the people of Niger, Burkina Faso, and Mali have poured into 
the streets to support.

Ibrahim Chahamata (Niger), /Emity Na-Zahir/ (‘Climate Change’), 2015.

Events in the Sahel are unfolding at a rapid pace, but as the Malian 
novelist Aïcha Fofana wrote in /La fourmilière/ (‘The Anthill’) in 2006, 
modernisation is tempered by the rigidities and wisdom of the old ways. 
‘We have always been generous’, the griot in /La fourmilière /says to a 
young man who has many ideas about transforming society. Patience is 
necessary. Change is coming. But it is coming at its own pace.



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Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research · Shadipur · New Delhi, 
NCT 110008 · India
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