[News] US Hands Off Haiti! Join us April 6th for a Haiti event with leaders of Fanmi Lavalas, the people's party of Haiti

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Fri Mar 22 17:51:53 EDT 2024


Twenty years after the 2004 coup that overthrew the democratically 
elected administration of President Jean-Bertrand Aristide and the Fanmi 
Lavalas Party, we commemorate the continued resistance of Haiti’s 
grassroots movement. As the crisis in Haiti continues to unfold, we urge 
you to join us to hear from leaders of Fanmi Lavalas, the people's party 
of Haiti. The program will be held both at Eastside Arts Alliance in 
Oakland and live-streamed on***youtube.* 
<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-1QoZ095FQ> PLEASE SHARE

Haiti’s Lavalas governments made historic advances in health care, 
women’s rights, housing, economic justice, food sovereignty and 
education. The 2004 coup wiped out these gains, ushering in 20 years of 
foreign occupation, dictatorship and terror, and a wave of neoliberal 
economic policies that have created a disaster in Haiti. But the 
achievements of the Aristide administrations are etched deep in the soul 
of Haiti and remain a foundation for Haiti’s future.

Haiti Action Committee
PO Box 2040
Berkeley,CA 94702
Website <https://haitisolidarity.net>
YouTube <https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjujXAgb681TkRNdEo1hh5Q>
Facebook <https://www.facebook.com/HaitiActionCommittee>
Twitter <https://twitter.com/HaitiAction1>

33 years of solidarity with the anti-colonial grassroots struggle for 
dignity, democracy and self-determination of the Haitian people!

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