[News] Iraqi Resistance forced US back to negotiating table

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Thu Mar 21 19:43:18 EDT 2024

Iraqi Resistance forced US back to negotiating table
Al Mayadeen English
March 21, 2024

In an interview with Lebanese Al-Akhbar, Iraq's Harakat Hezbollah al-Nujaba
declared that the resistance group supports any action towards the
expulsion of US forces from Iraq.
[image: a7e94b75-fd3f-4d19-abd1-ea300d6dd35b.jpg]

   - Iraqi al-Nujabaa Resistance movement members march during a military
   parade marking Al-Quds International Day in Baghdad, May 31, 2019. (AFP)

Iraq's al-Nujabaa Resistance movement proclaimed that it would back up any
action that aimed to expel the US forces from Iraq.

"We have forced the occupiers back to the negotiating table with our
strikes," Hussein al-Moussawi, spokesperson for al-Nujabaa, said in an
interview with the Lebanese newspaper *al-Akhbar*, on Thursday.

The spokesperson referred to an agreement between Baghdad and Washington
for the withdrawal of US forces from Iraq, noting that the strikes by the
Resistance on US bases have compelled the US to return to the negotiating
after years.

“However, so far, clear results have not been achieved from the
government's negotiations with the Americans, and what is important for us
are the interests of the Iraqi people," the spokesperson added.

Al-Moussawi also reiterated the Iraqi Resistance’s commitment to supporting
the Palestinian people and the Resistance against the Israeli occupation
war machine.

Earlier in February, the Secretary-General of the Iraqi al-Nujabaa
movement announced that the group's operations against US forces would not
stop until the Israeli genocidal war on Gaza ceases and the complete
withdrawal of the "US occupation" from Iraq.

In a statement, Sheikh Akram al-Kaabi said that this decision is a
sovereign one taken by the group alone.
US understands force, armed confrontation, not negotiations: Al-Kaabi

The Secretary-General of the al-Nujabaa Movement, Akram al-Kaabi, declared,
on February 25, that the Islamic Resistance in Iraq will maintain
resistance operations to force US forces out of the country and will not stop
attacking Israeli targets in Palestine

Iraqi Resistance groups launched a series of operations last October in
support of the Palestinian people and their Resistance in Gaza, who are
still suffering an ongoing genocide. The groups affirmed repeatedly that
attacks on US bases in Syria and Iraq, as well as on Israeli sites, will
not stop until the war on the Strip ends.

Al-Kaabi added that the Islamic Resistance in Iraq has made its decision to
be "Islamic, Iraqi and Resistors," adding that "We alone bear its
consequences and have prepared ourselves for it."

"We will not abandon" the objective to "liberate Iraq" from US presence and
support Palestine by striking the Israeli occupation.

The Iraqi government recently announced that it is in talks with Washington
to reach a framework for the withdrawal of the US-led coalition from Iraq.

This decision came following several US aggressions on member groups of the
Popular Mobilization Forces PMF - a governmental security apparatus - which
resulted in the martyrdom and wounding of many Iraqi citizens. The American
attacks also targeted sites operated by the country's Defense Ministry.

On that note, the leader of al-Nujabaa emphasized that "it is a delusion to
imagine that the American occupier will surrender and withdraw from Iraq
through negotiation," stressing that the United States only understands the
language of force and armed confrontation.

In its most recent aggression on Iraq, the United States assassinated
earlier this month a prominent leader of Iraq's Kataib Hezbollah, martyr
Hajj Wisam Mohammed Saber (Abu Baqer Al-Saadi). Washington later claimed
responsibility for the attack.

Following the US killing of the Iraqi citizen, Armed Forces spokesperson
Brigadier Yahya Rasool said then that US forces "threaten civil peace and
violate Iraq's sovereignty" following a "clearly identifiable assassination
operation" via an airstrike in a residential neighborhood inside Baghdad.

"Our armed forces have no choice but to fulfill their constitutional duties
to safeguard the security of Iraqis and Iraqi territory from all threats,"
Rasool stressed.

*Read more: Resistance focused on defending the oppressed: Iraqi Hezbollah
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