[News] Yemen uncovers large Israeli-US spy network

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Mon Jun 10 20:18:56 EDT 2024

Yemen uncovers large Israeli-US spy network
Al Mayadeen English
June 10, 2024

The Yemeni Security Services reveal that the Israeli occupation and the
United States have been conducting covert espionage operations on Yemeni
[image: 547917bc-d037-4119-82a1-4c33618b2b29.jpeg]

   - The head of the Security and Intelligence Service, Major General Abdul
   Hakim Hashem Al-Khaiwani (Al Mayadeen)

The Yemeni Security Forces uncovered a large espionage network operated by
American and Israeli intelligence agencies, the agency announced Monday.

Officials revealed that the network had been active within various
institutions in Yemen since 2015.

The head of the Security and Intelligence Service, Major General Abdul
Hakim Hashem Al-Khaiwani, said in a televised statement, “The exposed
network collected important information in various fields and carried out
direct espionage technical operations on behalf of the enemy’s intelligence
services to obtain confidential, sovereign information.”

The security apparatus reported that the network gathered critical
information across multiple sectors and relayed it to hostile intelligence

The agency said that the data collection influenced decision-makers,
infiltrated state agencies, and recruited officials within the Yemeni

The spy network was said to have aimed to destabilize Yemen's economy
through information gathering and sabotage. The network is also blamed for
damaging the agricultural sector by increasing pest infestations to boost
agricultural imports, thus increasing Yemen's dependence on foreign parties

The network reportedly targeted Yemen's public health by spreading diseases
and "undermined the education system by promoting moral corruption."

Additionally, the espionage network provided military intelligence to American
and Israeli
agencies to weaken the Yemeni army and diminish its capabilities, the
agency added.

The Yemeni security forces underlined that the network supported the
aggression against Yemen by supplying adversaries with military
information, thereby hampering Yemen's military development over the past

Sanaa said more details about the network and its operations would be
disclosed in the coming days.
Not the first imperialist radio

Members of the "Ammar Affash cell" (sometimes referred to as Ammar Saleh),
were arrested in early May by the Yemeni security services, with the
support of those concerned from the Ministry of Defense, for spying in
service of the West.

The cell, more commonly known as the spy group "Force 400", led by Ammar
Affash, a spy who has long been on the Yemeni forces' wanted list, had
recruited these members to commit crimes in favor of the US and "Israel",
according to Yemen's *Saba News Agency*.

According to *Saba News Agency*, a security official explained that the
members caught over the past few days were recruited to work on collecting
information and monitoring sites belonging to the Yemeni Armed Forces
 on the western coast of the Republic of Yemen.

Furthermore, the official highlighted that following Yemen's declaration of
the launch of its operations in support of the people of Palestine and the
start of operations against Israeli targets, including in the Red and
Arabian seas amid a joint US-UK aggression
 on Yemen, security services detected increased intelligence efforts by
Yemen's enemies.

This comes after Yemen has successfully implemented a maritime siege
against "Israel", despite the multiple attempts by the US, UK, and a joint
naval operation to end Yemen's siege.

Yemen launched its operation against the Israeli occupation in defense of
the people of Yemen and expanded the width of operations to include the Red
Sea, Arabian Sea, and most recently the Mediterranean Sea. Yemen also
expanded the scope of the operations to target not only ships headed to
Israeli occupation ports, and Israeli ships but also US and British ships
aimed at hindering Yemen's operation in service of "Israel".

Intelligence operations directed against Yemen through Force 400
 became significant after US and UK intelligence failed to discover Yemeni
launch sites that were used to target Umm al-Rashrash [Eilat] as well as US
and UK warships.
Documents, recordings and reports

*Al Mayadeen*'s correspondent in the Yemeni capital, Sanaa, said that the
details of the intelligence network's work will be revealed over multiple
periods due to the various files it worked on.

"The intelligence network was involved in the economic file and the
transfer of the Central Bank under direct American supervision," our
correspondent added,

He also pointed out that the Yemeni security services seized documents,
recordings, reports, and other evidence that the intelligence network
worked on during its communications with foreign intelligence services.

He pointed out that the seized intelligence network was directly linked to
Mossad and American intelligence services and was operating on long-term
strategic issues.

Our correspondent continued that dozens, perhaps even hundreds, of members
in various ministries, institutions, and organizations are part of the vast
intelligence network that was seized by the Yemeni security services.
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