[News] 'Political Developments' - Hezbollah, Hamas Leaders Discuss Gaza Ceasefire, Affirm Unity

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Fri Jul 5 13:34:33 EDT 2024

'Political Developments' - Hezbollah, Hamas Leaders Discuss Gaza Ceasefire,
Affirm UnityJuly 5, 2024
Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, Secretary-General of Hezbollah, received a
leadership delegation from Hamas headed by Brother Dr. Khalil Al-Hayya.
(Photo: via Hezbollah military media)

*By Palestine Chronicle Staff

Hezbollah confirmed that Nasrallah hosted a Hamas delegation led by
Al-Hayya, during which they reviewed the latest security and political
developments in Gaza.

The Lebanese group Hezbollah announced on Friday that its Secretary-General
Hassan Nasrallah discussed recent developments in the Gaza Strip and
ceasefire negotiations with Khalil al-Hayya, the deputy head of the
Palestinian Movement Hamas.

In a statement, Hezbollah confirmed that Nasrallah hosted a Hamas
delegation led by Al-Hayya, during which they reviewed the latest security
and political developments in Palestine, particularly Gaza.

“The meeting reviewed the latest security and political developments in
Palestine in general and Gaza in particular, as well as the conditions of
the support fronts in Lebanon, Yemen, and Iraq,” the statement read.

The statement further mentioned that Nasrallah and the Hamas delegation
discussed “the latest developments in the ongoing negotiations and their
atmosphere, along with the proposals aimed at reaching a halt to the
treacherous aggression against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip”.

“Both parties affirmed the continuation of field and political coordination
on all fronts to achieve the desired goals,” the statement concluded.
*Possible Agreement*

On Wednesday, the Palestinian movement Hamas announced that it had headed a
response to the ceasefire proposal. Israeli officials reportedly indicated
that the response has given mediators hope, though many issues still need
resolution. The specifics of these issues were not disclosed.

On Thursday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu approved sending the
negotiating team to Doha after Israel received a response from Hamas
regarding a proposed prisoner exchange agreement.

Neither Israel, Hamas, nor the mediators have released details of the
response provided by Hamas on Wednesday.

Reuters news agency reported on Friday that an American delegation would
also participate in the Doha meetings.

An American official stated that Hamas had made a significant amendment to
its position, potentially advancing the negotiation process and laying the
groundwork for a detainee agreement and a ceasefire in Gaza.

However, the official noted that the agreement is unlikely to be finalized
within a few days, with outstanding issues revolving around the
implementation of the agreement.

An Israeli official also expressed optimism about reaching an agreement
following Hamas’s latest response, acknowledging the difficulty of the
terms but emphasizing they should not obstruct the deal.

Another official indicated that the success of the agreement depends on
Netanyahu’s decision.
*Northern Front*

A major escalation was witnessed
on the Lebanese front on Thursday as Hezbollah responded to the
assassination of one of its leaders and continued its bombing operations in
support of the Palestinian Resistance in Gaza.

Hundreds of missiles and drones were launched from Lebanon, targeting over
100 sites in the Upper, Lower, and Western Galilee, the Golan Heights, and
the coastal areas of Nahariya and Acre, according to Al-Jazeera.

Consequently, dozens of fires reportedly broke out in various locations in
the Galilee and the Golan Heights.

An Israeli soldier was reportedly killed and others were wounded as a
result of a missile attack from Lebanon that targeted their vehicle.

Additionally, sirens were heard again in all the towns of the Hula Valley
and the settlements of the occupied Golan Heights following the shelling
from Lebanon, the report added.
*Heightened Tensions*

Since the start of the Israeli war on Gaza, on October 7, the Lebanese
movement Hezbollah has engaged
directly, but relatively in a limited way in the war against the Israeli

According to Hezbollah sources, the movement has carried out 1,194 military
operations in the first 250 days of war, killing and wounding over 2,000
Israeli soldiers.

Israel has occupied parts of Lebanon for decades and has only left the
country in 2000, following stiff Lebanese resistance under Hezbollah’s

It attempted to re-occupy Lebanon in 2006 but failed in what Lebanon
considers a major victory against Israel.

Israel, however, continues to occupy parts of Lebanon, namely the Sheeba
Farms region.

Hezbollah has vowed to recover every inch of Lebanon that has been occupied
by Israel contrary to international law.

(The Palestine Chronicle)
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