[News] Haiti Protest: Tuesday, July 9th at 5pm SF Federal Bldg. Protest new invasion of Haiti by US-backed Kenyan Police!

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Fri Jul 5 13:32:47 EDT 2024

Haiti Action Committee Alert:

Protest New Invasion of Haiti by US-backed Kenyan Police

Protest Murderous Repression in Kenya by the Same Police

Tuesday, July 9th at 5 PM

SF Federal Building (90-7th St, San Francisco)

Haiti Action Committee condemns the arrival of 400 Kenyan police 
officers in Haiti on Tuesday, June 25th, as the advance force for the 
US-funded invasion to prop up and “stabilize” the repressive 
US-installed PHTK (Haitian Party of Tet Kale) regime. Even though PHTK 
leader Ariel Henry was forced out of power this past spring, the PHTK 
remains in control, dominating a newly-installed “transitional 
presidential council”  For this new invasion, the Biden Administration 
is providing $300 million, including weapons and equipment 
the form of 80 humvees, sniper rifles, riot control gear and more.

Haiti Action Committee likewise stands in full solidarity with the 
people of Kenya and their courageous protests against the International 
Monetary Fund (IMF)-backed austerity measures that the corrupt regime of 
President William Ruto has attempted to impose. We condemn the brutal 
police repression against these protests, resulting in the injuries of 
hundreds and the killings of demonstrators on June 25th. These police, 
trained by both the US and Israel, are now set to do the same thing in 

Although the US claims that the invasion is necessary to quell “gang 
violence” in Haiti, the “gangs,” more accurately understood as 
paramilitary death squads, have flourished under PHTK rule as part of 
the regime’s war 
the popular movement. It was the US-backed coup against President 
Jean-Bertrand Aristide in 2004 and the subsequent US/ UN occupation of 
Haiti that created the conditions for this paramilitary violence to 
ravage Haiti. Calling for yet another US-backed invasion and occupation 
of Haiti is akin to asking arsonists to put out their own fire.

Join us to denounce this new invasion of Haiti.  Join us to stand with 
the people of Kenya against the Ruto regime.

For more information, contact action.haiti at gmail.com 
<mailto:action.haiti at gmail.com>

Haiti Action Committee
PO Box 2040
Berkeley,CA 94702
Website <https://haitisolidarity.net>
YouTube <https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjujXAgb681TkRNdEo1hh5Q>
Facebook <https://www.facebook.com/HaitiActionCommittee>
Twitter <https://twitter.com/HaitiAction1>

Haiti Action Committee: 33 years of solidarity with the anti-colonial 
grassroots struggle for dignity, democracy and self-determination of the 
Haitian people!

Please donate to the Haiti Emergency Relief Fund 
<https://haitiemergencyrelief.org/> - all donations are tax-deductible 
and go to support Haiti's grassroots struggle for democracy and sovereignty


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