[News] Iraqi oil tycoon killed in Iran's strike was Mossad's key man

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Fri Jan 19 08:35:58 EST 2024

PressTV: Iraqi oil tycoon killed in Iran's strike was Mossad's key man
Al Mayadeen English


Gaza Health Ministry: 24,762 Palestinians martyred, 62,108 wounded from
Israeli aggression on Gaza since October 7.

Pakistan Foreign Ministry: Iran is a friendly country, we have no interest
or desire in escalation.

Iranian intelligence: Mohammad Amran Tanwir, a leading ISIS-K figure, and a
demolitions expert, has been arrested.

Iranian intelligence: Both terrorists were killed in a firefight with our
officers in the city of Kerman, and are foreign nationals.

Iranian intelligence says two terrorists planning an attack on a police
station and bombing near it in Kerman were killed.

The Yemeni naval forces announced it attacked a US ship (Chem Ranger) in
the Gulf of Aden, achieving direct hits.

The Islamic Resistance in Iraq said it bombed a US occupation base next to
Erbil Airport north of the country.

Palestine TV: The Israeli occupation demolished a house in Tulkarm camp,
occupied West Bank.

Al Mayadeen correspondent: An explosion was heard in the vicinity of the US
base at Erbil Airport in northern Iraq.

Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, Tulkarm Battalion says its fighters detonated an
IED targeting the Israeli occupation forces storming the Tulkarm camp,
confirming direct hits.

   - By
   - Source: Press TV
   - Today 14:56

Iran's Press TV publishes exclusive photos showing killed Kurdish
businessman Peshraw Majid Agha Dizayee with Israeli intelligence officers
in Iraq's Kurdistan.
[image: 150666c7-b60e-4c76-ab89-8551e2be3e1b.jpg]

   - Peshraw Majid Agha Dizayee (back - third from right) is seen with Elan
   Nissim (back - fourth from right), a Mossad recruiting agent in Iraqi
   Kurdistan, and Hussein Yazdanpanah (front - first from right), leader of
   terrorist group Kurdistan Freedom Party, published on Friday, January 19,
   2023. (*Press TV*)

The strike launched by Iran's IRGC on Monday night targeting one of the
main headquarters of the Israeli Mossad in Kurdistan, Iraq, targeted one of
Erbil's main men with the Mossad, an oil tycoon, according to Press TV,
which published photos showing the Iraqi businessman's connections with the

In a statement on Monday, the IRGC said the attack came in response to
"the terrorist
recently committed by Iran’s enemies."

The operation led to the killing Peshraw Majid Agha Dizayee
of Kurdish businessman affiliated with Mossad, reports said. He was the
owner of Falcon Security Services company, which had operations in
security, oil, gas, construction, and agriculture, Kurdish media reported.

Iran's *Press TV* broadcaster published Friday what it said are exclusive
photographs of the Kurdish investor, which establish his relations and
connections with Mossad as a vital asset to the Israeli spy agency's
operations in Kurdistan, mainly against Iran.

*Al Mayadeen* had reported earlier this month that three Israeli military
officers were killed in a drone strike targeting their headquarters in
Iraqi Kurdistan's Erbil on December 31, 2023.

The news was later confirmed by the *Jerusalem Times* Israeli news site,
which added that the strike targeted the center of operations of the
Israeli 8200 Intelligence Corps unit, which is tasked with conducting
surveillance and information-gathering missions.

Also, on the day of the strike, the Islamic Resistance in Iraq announced
carrying out four operations against several targets in response to the
ongoing Israeli genocide in Gaza, one of which targeted a US military base
near Erbil's airport.

*Read more: Iran's latest strikes underline IRGC's ability to hit 'Israel'
[image: c60b493b-f62a-4e3c-ac1d-cbf5a05838eb.jpg]

   - PressTV: In this photo, Peshraw Majid Agha Dizayee (back - third from
   right) is seen with Elan Nissim (back - fourth from right), a Mossad
   recruiting agent in Iraqi Kurdistan, and Hussein Yazdanpanah (front - first
   from right), Secretary General of terrorist group Kurdistan Freedom Party.

According to *Al Mayadeen*'s correspondent in Tehran, Dizayee played a
significant role in facilitating commercial relations, especially in the
oil sector, between "Israel" and some entities in the Kurdistan region of
[image: 52f29c6e-d78f-4a89-a867-1de549d80cf0.jpg]

   - *Press TV*: Elan Nissim, seen here carrying a rifle, is the notorious
   team leader of Tasa Elite, a Mossad-affiliated spying firm responsible for
   training terrorist groups and recruiting agents in the West Asian region,
   including the Iraqi Kurdistan, for the Israeli spying agency.

Our correspondent reported that the attack took place during a meeting that
was supposed to bring together officers from the Mossad and some leaders of
separatist factions in Iran that provide security services to "Israel" and
countries hostile to Iran.
[image: c2d61a77-c3eb-4a59-a8c2-ca01778d1fac.jpg]

   - *Press TV*: Hussein Yazdanpanah, in military fatigue, is the Secretary
   General of the Kurdistan Freedom Party, a dreaded terrorist group based in
   northern Iraq and one of the key mercenaries for Mossad in the Iraqi
   Kurdistan region, whose activities include networking and guiding
   intelligence and operational team to act against the security of Iran.

*Read more: To appease 'Israel', US asks Iraq, Turkey to resume Kurdistan
oil flow
[image: fdac26db-6c9d-4e1b-b37f-0d717b359712.jpg]

   - PressTV: Peshraw Majid Agha Dizayee, with a Zionist Rabbi, at an event
   to celebrate the Jewish holiday of "Yom Kippur."
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