[News] Israel insists there is no hunger, humanitarian crisis in Gaza

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Fri Jan 19 03:44:47 EST 2024

Israel insists there is no hunger, humanitarian crisis in Gaza

Nora Barrows-Friedman
<https://electronicintifada.net/people/nora-barrows-friedman> Rights and
<https://electronicintifada.net/blog/rights-and-accountability> 19 January
[image: People stand behind a short wall, holding containers to collect

Palestinians wait to collect food in Rafah, southern Gaza Strip,
24 December 2023.
APA images

Israel has denied access to more than 75 percent of planned humanitarian
aid and supply missions into Gaza, according to the United Nations.

Only seven of the 29 missions – 24 percent – have been accomplished, either
fully or partially, during the first two weeks of January, reported
the UN’s Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) on

OCHA added that two additional aid assignments were left incomplete due to
“the non-viability of allocated routes” and “excessive delays” at

Approximately 95 percent of missions that involve the distribution of fuel
to water facilities and medicine to health centers in the northern half of
Gaza “have been denied access by Israeli authorities,” the UN says

The lack of fuel “for water, sanitation and hygiene increases risks of
health and environmental hazards,” OCHA reported, whereas a lack of
medicine has “debilitated the functionality of the six
partially-functioning hospitals” in the north.

Israel’s current prevention of humanitarian aid missions to the northern
areas of Gaza “mark a spike” compared with previous months, the UN warned.

At the same time, only 98 truckloads of food, medicine and other aid
entered the Gaza Strip on Wednesday through the Rafah crossing in the south
and the Kerem Shalom (Karem Abu Salem) commercial crossing at the
southeastern boundary with Israel, the UN added.

Before 7 October, an average of 500 trucks entered
Gaza each day.

That number of trucks was the bare minimum needed for Palestinians
struggling to survive under the strict blockade Israel has imposed on the
coastal enclave since 2007.

Last week
directors of the World Food Program, the World Health Organization and the
UN children’s fund UNICEF said
in a joint statement that “a fundamental step change in the flow of
humanitarian aid into Gaza is urgently needed” as the “risk of famine grows
and more people are exposed to deadly disease outbreaks.”

Philippe Lazzarini, the director of the UN agency for Palestine refugees,
on 13 January that “the crisis in Gaza is a man-made disaster compounded by
dehumanizing language and the use of food, water and fuel as instruments of

“The humanitarian operation has fast become one of the most complex and
challenging in the world; largely due to cumbersome procedures for the
entry of aid into the Gaza Strip and a myriad of obstacles to the safe and
orderly distribution of aid, including ongoing hostilities,” Lazzarini said.

After a three-day visit to Gaza, UNICEF’s deputy executive director Ted
Chaiban said
on Thursday that “the situation has gone from catastrophic to near

Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians living in the northern Gaza Strip
lack access to clean water and food, he said, and not a single UNICEF
convoy has been allowed to reach the area in January.

Chaiban called for an end to the “intense bombardment” – though he did not
name Israel as the aggressor – and said it was “imperative that access
restrictions are lifted.”

“We are trying to drip assistance through a straw to meet an ocean of
need,” he said.

UNICEF, he added, “has described the Gaza Strip as the most dangerous place
in the world to be a child. We have said this is a war on children. But
these truths do not seem to be getting through.”
Israeli deception

Meanwhile, COGAT <https://electronicintifada.net/tags/cogat>, Israel’s
bureaucratic arm of the military occupation, continues to insist
that there is no humanitarian crisis in Gaza, and that it has imposed no
limits on aid.
“To the best of my understanding, and according to all the analyses we have
conducted, there is no hunger in Gaza, and for sure the population is not
being starved,” a COGAT official, named as Col. A, recently told the Tel
Aviv newspaper *Haaretz

The colonel, who boasted that they have not “read an in-depth UN report
about hunger,” cited racist notions of Arabs for why they are running out
of food.

“Don’t forget that this is an Arab, Gazan population whose DNA is to hoard,
certainly when it comes to food,” the COGAT official said.

COGAT is led by Ghassan Alian, who described
<https://twitter.com/cogatonline/status/1711718883323752586> Palestinians
on 10 October as “human beasts.”

The agency has been Israel’s primary source
at the International Court of Justice in its attempts to assert its
humanitarianism toward Palestinians.

Miki Zohar <https://electronicintifada.net/tags/miki-zohar>, Israel’s
minister of culture and sports, admitted that supplies are being prevented
from reaching Palestinians in the north. “The supplies don’t reach there,
and rightly so,” he told *Haaretz*.
This week, officials from France and Qatar announced that they had brokered
a deal with Israel and Hamas leadership “to deliver medicine to Israeli
hostages in Gaza, as well as additional aid to Palestinians,” the
Associated Press reported

Medicine for 45 Israeli captives with chronic illnesses arrived
at the Rafah crossing on Wednesday.

Dr. Ashraf al-Qedra, spokesperson for the Palestinian health ministry in
Gaza, stated <https://t.me/MOHMediaGaza/4788> this week that 350,000
chronically ill Palestinian patients are without their medication across
the Gaza Strip.

He called on international institutions to provide medications for them

“The Israeli occupation still controls the volume, quality and course of
medical aid with the aim of keeping the health sector in a state of
continuous collapse,” al-Qedra stated <https://t.me/MOHMediaGaza/4800> on

After cataloging the medical aid that has entered the Gaza Strip, al-Qedra
explained that “what can be used, unfortunately, is less than 30 percent.
This means that the largest amount of aid does not meet our required needs.”
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