[News] Iraqi Resistance targets US base near Erbil Airport with drones

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Fri Jan 19 03:03:08 EST 2024

Iraqi Resistance targets US base near Erbil Airport with drones
Al Mayadeen English
January 19, 2024

The Islamic Resistance in Iraq once again targets another US occupation
base in the country.
[image: 164d2b07-a7e0-4bd0-a677-7e09abc4cf59.jpg]

   - US soldiers inspect the site of Iranian bombing at Ain al-Assad air
   base in Anbar, Iraq, Monday, Jan. 13, 2020. *(AP Photo/Ali Abdul Hassan)*

The Islamic Resistance in Iraq announced on Thursday the targeting of the
US occupation base near Erbil Airport in northern Iraq using drones.

Earlier, Pentagon deputy spokesperson Sabrina Singh noted that US forces
stationed in Iraq and Syria have come under attack 140 times
since October 17. Speaking during a press briefing, Singh disclosed that
the attacks have been "persistent and alarming".

"To date, there have been approximately 140 attacks on US troops in Iraq
and Syria: 57 attacks in Iraq and 83 attacks in Syria," she pointed out.

On Sunday, the Resistance confirmed targeting three US occupation bases in
Iraq and Syria
using rockets and drones. In a statement, the Iraqi Resistance mentioned
that its fighters attacked with missiles the Kharab al-Jir base in the
countryside of al-Hasakah province in northeastern Syria and the Conoco oil
field base in eastern Deir Ezzor, eastern Syria, as well as the US
occupation base in the Iraqi Kurdistan's Erbil airport.

It reiterated that the targeting of US occupation bases in Iraq and the
region comes in response to the massacres committed by the Israeli
occupation entity against the people of the Gaza Strip, as well as due to
Washington's support for the Israeli occupation and its essential role in
the ongoing aggression.

Since October 17, the Resistance in Iraq has been consistently targeting US
occupation bases in Iraq and Syria, pointing out that these operations come
as part of their ongoing resistance against US occupation forces in the
region and in response to the Israeli occupation entity's massacres against
the Palestinian people in Gaza.

It is noteworthy that the Resistance's targets are not limited to US forces
but also include Israeli targets. In fact, the Iraqi Resistance has claimed
responsibility for several strikes on vital Israeli targets in southern
occupied Palestine and the occupied Syrian Golan Heights.

A couple of days ago, the Resistance claimed responsibility for targeting a
vital site in the coastal occupied city of Haifa using an "al-Arqab"
upgraded long-range cruise missile. It marked the second time
the Iraqi Resistance targets occupied Haifa with the same cruise missile.
Israeli media reported on Sunday morning a large explosion in the occupied
Haifa Bay near the oil refineries.

*Read more: Iraq laid out plans for withdrawal of foreign forces, PM says
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