[News] IRGC behind attack on Israeli ships in Indian Ocean

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Wed Jan 17 20:22:17 EST 2024

Exclusive: IRGC behind attack on Israeli ships in Indian Ocean
Al Mayadeen English
January 17, 2024

Al Mayadeen's sources specify that the one of the ships was targeted off
the coast of Maldives and the second was targeted off the coast of Veraval
[image: e068fb89-7b4b-4199-8412-b091e73d2b1f.jpg]

   - Exclusive: IRGC behind attack on Israeli ships in Indian Ocean (Al
   Mayadeen Net)

Informed sources revealed to *Al Mayadeen* today that the Iranian Islamic
Revolution's Guard Corp was behind the targeting of the two Israeli ships
in the Indian Ocean earlier this month on January 4th.

The sources emphasized that "the IRGC attack against two Israeli ships came
as a retaliation to the assassination of the head of the political bureau
of Hamas, Saleh al-Arouri [in Beirut], and the Iranian commander in Syria,
Brigadier General Razi Mousavi."

The sources explained that "one of the ships was targeted northwest of the
Maldives, while the second was targeted 200 miles off the coast of
Viraaval, India."

The sources confirmed that "the Iranian strike against Israel [which
blindsided the Israelis] came in response to the assassination of leaders
in the axis of resistance."

*Read more: US Navy confirms drone attack on Pacific Gold near India

Back on January 9th
*Al Mayadeen's* sources revealed that two Israeli ships loaded with a
massive amount of oil were targeted in the Indian Ocean on January 4, 2024.

According to the sources, the first ship, CHEM SILICON, belonging to the
ACE company and flying the flag of Liberia, was targeted northwest of the

As for the second ship, PACIFIC GOLD, belonging to the Eastern company, it
was targeted near the port of Kochi in India.

The operation came approximately 48 hours after the assassination of Hamas'
deputy chief Sheikh Saleh al-Arouri
on January 2, in an Israeli strike that targeted the Southern Suburb of the
Lebanese capital Beirut.

The operation also came 10 days after the the assassination of Iran's
Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC) military advisor, Brigadier General
Seyyed Razi Mousavi
in Damascus.
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