[News] Yemen's Ansar Allah: US terror designation is 'ironically amusing'

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Wed Jan 17 20:15:15 EST 2024

Yemen's Ansar Allah: US terror designation is 'ironically amusing'
Al Mayadeen English
January 17, 2024

The Ansar Allah movement hit back at the US after it officially announced
the designation of the Yemeni movement as a terrorist organization.
[image: 8cbc2e04-07d9-4edd-8f5e-40a395da7513.jpg]

   - Yemenis attend a massive protest against the United States-led
   airstrikes on the country and the Israeli war on Gaza, in Sanaa's Sabeen
   Square, Yemen, on January 12, 2024 *(AP)*

The United States has officially designated the Ansar Allah Movement in
Yemen, as a global terrorist group, citing attacks on naval vessels in the
Red Sea, as a driver of the decision.

The decision will take effect on February 16 this year, in which Ansar
Allah will become a Specially Designated Global Terrorist
Jake Sullivan, the Biden Administration's national security Advisor
announced on Wednesday.

"The people of Yemen should not pay the price for the actions of the
Houthis," Sullivan said in the press release.

White House officials held a special teleconference to address questions
regarding the decision. According to one official the US Department of the
Treasury will issue five additional broad general licenses that authorize
certain transactions related to the provision of food, medical devices, and
medicines, fuel, personal remittances, operations of airports and ports.
The official alleged that this would be done to ensure that the Yemeni
people would not harmed in any way.
History of US designations of Ansar Allah

It is worth noting that the Biden administration had previously removed the
Ansar Allah Movement from a list of designated terrorists. The designation
was revoked when Joe Biden took office in 2021, after Donald Trump's,
Secretary of State, Michael Pompeo
had said that the group would be considered a terrorist group on January
10, 2021.

The previous decision only lasted for 28 days before being revoked by, the
Biden administration, which said that the decision came in response to "the
dire humanitarian situation in Yemen."

In a statement, released on February 12
Antony Blinken recognized the possible "devastating impact" of the
designation "on Yemenis’ access to basic commodities like food and fuel."

On the other hand, Wednesday's statement has essentially retracted previous
recognitions of the detrimental effects of the designation.

"If the Houthis cease their attacks in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden,
the United States will immediately reevaluate this designation," Sullivan
said, clearly showcasing the US's use of its "terror lists" to blackmail
entities that harm its interests around the world.
Major hindrance to essential aid

Earlier, *The New York Times* reported US officials fear that designating
Ansar Allah as a "foreign terrorist organization" could cause aid groups to
stop sending supplies into the areas under Sanaa's control, which entails
most of Yemen's population, for fear of criminal liability or other US
penalties. It is worth noting that the decision will also target the Ansar
Allah-led Sanaa government, which manages civilian affairs in several areas
extending Yemen's eastern coast.

Interestingly, the Yemeni Armed Forces' (YAF) move to attack ships heading
to Israeli ports in occupied Palestine, came in response to the US-backed
Israeli-led genocidal war on the Gaza Strip.

The YAF established a clear prerequisite for the cessation of its
activities in the Red Sea: the unimpeded passage of essential medical and
humanitarian supplies into the Gaza Strip. The Biden Administration has
ignored these demands, which were supported by the masses who took to the
streets all over Yemeni Governates. Instead, the US mobilized on diplomatic
and military levels
to demonize and delegitimize the actions of the YAF, firstly by
spearheading a proposal that condemns the YAF's actions in the United
Nations Security Council.

Just a day later, Washington led airstrikes against Yemen, violating the
country's sovereignty on several occasions. In response to mounting
violations and the killing of at least 13 members of the Yemeni military,
the YAF launched several missiles at a US ship in the Gulf of Aden,
confirming a direct hit on January 15.
Ansar Allah's terror designation driven by war on Gaza

In response to Wednesday's decision to designate Ansar Allah as a Global
Terrorist, the head of the movement's Negotiating Envoy and top official,
Mohammad Abdul-Salam said that the US has used the designation for
"political purposes."

He slammed the decision, emphasizing that it "will not deter [Yemen] from
our steadfast support for the Palestinian people."

The official underlined that the decision will have minimal to "no
effectiveness on the ground," adding that it will only "strengthen [Ansar
Allah's] commitment to supporting" Palestine.

Ansar Allah's Politburo released a statement responding to the decision
saying that the classification "is ironically amusing, coming from the
global state of terrorism." The committee said that its decision is "an
honorary badge," highlighting the group's "supportive stance toward the
Palestinian people."

The party also shed light on the severe economic and humanitarian crises
faced by the Yemeni people which have been inflicted upon them due to
US-led policy, which has disabled major governmental institutions, and
hindered prospects of growth in the country.

"Yemen has fundamentally been under economic siege by America, with the
targeting of the Yemeni banking system disabled by Americans for years,"
Ansar Allah's Politburo stressed.
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