[News] After ignoring warnings, "Israel"-bound Greek ship was targeted

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Tue Jan 16 14:20:32 EST 2024

After ignoring warnings, "Israel"-bound Greek ship was targeted: YAF
Al Mayadeen English
January 16, 2024

Yemeni Armed Forces remain steadfast in enforcing a blockade against
Israeli navigation in the Red Sea despite US-UK aggression.

Yemeni armed forces spokesman Brigadier General Yahya Saree announced in a
recent statement, that Yemen has targeted a ship headed to "Israel" after
it ignored warning calls to turn back.

This operation serves as evidence of the Yemeni Armed Forces' persistence
top maintain the blockade against Israeli navigation in the Arabian and Red
Seas despite last week's US-UK aggression
aimed at deterring them.

"Triumphing the oppressed Palestinian people [of Gaza] who are subjected to
aggression and siege, the naval forces of the Yemeni Armed Forces targeted
the ship Zogravia, which was headed to the ports of occupied Palestine,
with several adequate missiles: leaving direct hits," Brigadier General
Saree opened up his statement.

The Yemeni Armed Forces had deliberated on striking the vessel after the
crew had repeatedly ignored their calls and warning messages, Saree

The Yemeni Armed Forces remain steadfast in executing their military
operations to block Israeli navigation in the Arab and Red Seas
until a ceasefire is achieved in Gaza and the siege on the Palestinian
people is lifted, he added.

"The Yemeni Armed Forces continue to take all defensive and offensive
measures within the scope of their legitimate right to defend Yemen and in
affirmation of continued practical solidarity with the oppressed
Palestinian people," Saree ended his statement.
Yemeni Forces strike Greek-owned carrier heading to occupied Palestine

Earlier today
*The Telegraph *reported that the Yemeni Armed Forces targeted a
Greek-owned vessel headed to the ports of occupied Palestine.

The bulk ship Zogravia was on its way north to the Suez Canal when it was
hit, according to the Greek Shipping and Island Policy Ministry.

In November, the Yemeni resistance announced its decision to target all
Israeli-linked commercial and military ships transiting the Red Sea, or
ships heading to the ports of occupied Palestine.

They vowed to continue to do so until the genocide on the people of Gaza
came to a complete halt.

*Read more: US, UK ships within bank of targets of Yemeni Armed Forces:
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