[News] Infographics| 100 Days into Op. Al-Aqsa Flood: Gaza Resists, Axis of Resistance Supports

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Tue Jan 16 13:43:34 EST 2024

 Infographics| 100 Days into Op. Al-Aqsa Flood: Gaza Resists, Axis of
Resistance Supports
January 15, 2024 - https://english.almanar.com.lb/2026972

[image: manar-04714260017053468545.png]
100 Days into Operation Al-Aqsa Flood

* Mohammad Assaf *

It has been 100 days since the launch of the brutal Zionist aggression on
the Gaza Strip in occupied Palestine. The widespread massacres,
destruction, and humanitarian crisis have not only shifted international
public opinion but also ignited condemning demonstrations across many
countries. In response, several nations have recognized the urgent need for
intervention and stepped in to support the oppressed residents of the Strip.

Lebanon took the lead in providing support, initiating attacks on all enemy
positions along the borders with occupied Palestine as the Islamic
resistance gained momentum. Following Lebanon’s lead, Yemen and Iraq
conducted operations against the Zionist entity and US military bases in
Iraq and Syria. Noteworthy is the courageous decision of the Yemeni Armed
Forces to target vessels en route to the entity, crossing the Red Sea.
These actions taken by the supporting fronts in the Axis of Resistance had
significant repercussions, all undertaken in the pursuit of the Palestinian
cause and on the way to liberating occupied Al-Quds.

In this context, the Al-Manar website presents a set of statistics for the
ongoing war:
[image: manar-08012050017053472298.png]
[image: The death toll in the Gaza Strip has surpassed 23,843 martyrs, with
the majority being children and women]
[image: manar-01100620017053475961-768x600.png]
[image: Damage in Gaza]The aggressive onslaught has resulted in extensive
destruction, sparing no Palestinian homes, hospitals, schools, mosques, or
even churches.

*IOF Attack Lebanese Civilians*
[image: manar-07096250017053480383.png]
[image: IOF targeted Lebanese journalists, paramedics as well as ambulances]

*Hezbollah Backs Resistance in Gaza*
[image: manar-03660630017053483162.png]
[image: Hezbollah has launched numerous attacks on occupied territories,
resulting in severe damage to the Zionist entity]

*Islamic Resistance in Iraq Backs Gaza*
[image: manar-00631770017053484994.png]
[image: The Islamic Resistance in Iraq also launched several attacks on US
military bases and towards the occupied Palestinian territories]

*Yemeni Armed Forces Back Gaza*
[image: manar-02769780017053486142.png]
Yemeni Armed Forces fired ballistic missiles toward the occupied
territories in Palestine
*Palestinian Resistance Factions Valiantly Combat*[image:
[image: The Palestinian resistance factions has been able to inflict great
damage to the Zionist entity]
*Zionist Entity’s Human Cost *
As is customary, the Zionist entity conceals its losses, veiling them in
secrecy and prohibiting its media from acknowledging the true extent of the
damage incurred. Presented below are statistics on the losses sustained by
the Zionist entity, compiled from Israeli media and statements by Zionist
military officials

.[image: manar-08803270017053498282.jpg]
[image: Hundreds of IOF soldiers dead and others wounded]

*Source: * Al-Manar Website
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