[News] United Against Nuclear Iran: The Shadowy, Intelligence-Linked Group Driving the US Towards War With Iran

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Sun Jan 14 14:03:59 EST 2024


  United Against Nuclear Iran: The Shadowy, Intelligence-Linked Group
  Driving the US Towards War With Iran

January 12, 2024


Most of the world has watched the Israeli assault on Gaza in horror. As 
tens of thousands have been killed and millions displaced, tens of 
millions of people around the world have poured onto the streets to 
demand an end to the violence. But a few select others have taken to the 
pages of our most influential media to demand an escalation of the 
violence and that the United States help Israel strike not just 
Palestine, Syria, and Lebanon but Iran as well.

“I might have once favored a cease-fire with Hamas, but not now,” wrote 
Bush-era diplomat Dennis Ross in The New York Times, explaining that “if 
Hamas is perceived as winning, it will validate the group’s ideology of 
rejection, give leverage and momentum to Iran and its collaborators and 
put [our] own governments on the defensive.”

In the wake of Hamas’ October 7 assault, arch-neoconservative official 
John Bolton was invited 
on CNN, where he claimed that what we witnessed was really an “Iranian 
attack on Israel using Hamas as a surrogate” and that the U.S. must 
immediately respond. When asked whether he had any evidence, given the 
implications of what he was saying, he shrugged and replied, “This is 
not a court of law.”

On December 28, Bolton doubled down on his hawkish stance, writing 
in the pages of Britain’s Daily Telegraph that “The West may now have no 
option but to attack Iran” – a position he has held for at least a decade.

Meanwhile, in an interview with Saudi state-funded 
broadcaster Iran International, senior Bush official Mark Wallace 
bellowed <https://twitter.com/IranIntl_En/status/1711592934510911568> 
that, “This is Iran’s work. Iran will suffer at the hands of retribution 
and will suffer the consequences of supporting this terror group and its 
horrific attack on Israel.” Wallace continued 

    No civilized country wants further conflict. But the Iranians are
    forcing the civilized world’s hand. And you will see a dramatic
    response soon as the United States, Israel, and our allies begin to
    position assets around the world in preparation.”

If there was any doubt as to what sort of “dramatic response” Wallace 
wanted to see, he added a message 
<https://twitter.com/IranIntl_En/status/1711595693310169539> to Iran’s 
Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps: “I look forward to seeing you hanged 
from the end of one of your own ropes.”

Iran was recently the victim of a deadly terrorist attack. As mourners 
commemorated the U.S. assassination of Qassem Soleimani, two bombs 
exploded, killing 91 and injuring hundreds more. In this context, it was 
understandable why Iranian officials pointed the finger at the U.S. and 

    Warmongers, Inc

What these individuals all have in common is that they are board members 
of United Against Nuclear Iran (UANI), a shadowy but influential 
organization dedicated to pushing the West toward a military 
confrontation with the Islamic Republic.

Founded in 2008, the group is led by neoconservative hawks and has close 
ties to both U.S. and Israeli intelligence. It does not divulge where it 
receives its copious funding. However, it is known that right-wing 
Israeli-American billionaire Sheldon Adelson was a source. There is 
strong circumstantial evidence that Gulf dictatorships may also be 
bankrolling the group, although UANI has strongly denied this. In 2019, 
Iran designated 
UANI as a terrorist organization.

When asked by MintPress what he made of UANI’s recent statements, Eli 
Clifton, one of the few investigative journalists to have covered the 
group, said, “It’s very consistent with the positions and advocacy that 
the organization has taken since its inception.” Adding,

    United Against Nuclear Iran does not miss an opportunity to try to
    bring the United States closer to a military conflict with Iran. And
    on the other side of the equation, they also have worked very hard
    to oppose efforts to de-escalate the U.S.-Iran relationship.”

UANI’s board <https://www.unitedagainstnucleariran.com/about/leadership> 
is a who’s who of high state, military and intelligence officials from 
around the Western world. Among its more notable members include:

  * CEO Mark Wallace, former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations and
    deputy campaign manager for George W. Bush’s 2004 reelection.
  * Chairman Joe Lieberman, former senator and Democratic
    vice-presidential nominee for the 2000 election.
  * Tamir Pardo, Director of the Mossad, 2011-2016.
  * Dennis Ross, former State Department Director of Policy Planning and
    former Middle East Envoy under George H. W. Bush and Bill Clinton.
  * Field Marshall Lord Charles Guthrie, ex-Chief of Staff of the U.K.
    Armed Forces.
  * Jeb Bush, former Governor of Florida.
  * August Hanning, President of the German Federal Intelligence Service
    (BND), 1998-2005; State Secretary at the Federal Interior Ministry,
  * Zohar Palti, former head of the Political-Military Bureau, Israeli
    Ministry of Defense; former Director of Intelligence of the Mossad.
  * Frances Townsend, Homeland Security Advisor to President George W. Bush.
  * John Bolton, former U.S. National Security Advisor and former U.S.
    Ambassador to the U.N.
  * Roger Noriega, former Assistant Secretary of State for Western
    Hemisphere Affairs and Ambassador to the Organization of American
  * Otto Reich, former Assistant Secretary of State for Western
    Hemisphere Affairs and architect of the 2002 U.S. coup against
  * Michael Singh, White House Senior Director for Near East and North
    African Affairs, 2007-2008.
  * Giulio Terzi di Sant-Agata, former Italian Foreign Minister.
  * Robert Hill, former Minister of Defense of Australia.
  * Jack David, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Combating
    Weapons of Mass Destruction, 2004-2006.
  * Mark Kirk, U.S. Senator for Illinois, 2010-2017.
  * Lt. Gen. Sir Graeme Lamb, ex-Director of U.K. Special Forces and
    Commander of the British Field Army.
  * Norman Roule, former CIA Division Chief and National Intelligence
    Manager for Iran at the Director of National Intelligence.
  * Irwin Cotler, Canadian Minister of Justice and Attorney General,
  * Baroness Pauline Neville-Jones, U.K. Minister of State for Security
    and Counter Terrorism, 2010-2011.

In addition, notable former board members include ex-CIA Director R. 
James Woolsey; head of Mossad between 2002 and 2011, Meir Dagan; and 
one-time chief of British spy agency MI6, Sir Richard Dearlove.

For 15 years, UANI has organized conferences, published reports, and 
lobbied politicians and governments, all with one goal: pushing a 
neoconservative line on Iran. “UANI are a force multiplier. They provide 
at least the veneer of an intellectual infrastructure for the Iran hawk 
movement. They did not invent being hawkish on Iran, but they sure made 
it a heck of a lot easier,” Ben Freeman 
<https://twitter.com/BenFreemanDC>, Director of the Democratizing 
Foreign Policy Program 
<https://quincyinst.org/category/democratizing-foreign-policy/> at the 
Quincy Institute, told MintPress.

    Conflicts and Conflicts of Interest

For such a large, well-financed, and influential organization filled 
with senior officials, United Against Nuclear Iran keeps its funding 
sources very quiet. However, in 2015, Clifton was able to obtain 
a UANI donor list for the 2013 financial year. By far and away, the 
largest funders were billionaire New York-based investor Thomas Kaplan 
and multibillionaire Israeli-American casino mogul Sheldon Adelson.

Kaplan, whose $843,000 donation supplied around half the group’s 2013 
funding, is a venture capitalist investor concentrating on metals, 
particularly gold. He is the chairman of Tigris Financial and the 
Electrum Group LLC. Both of Kaplan’s firms employ UANI CEO Mark Wallace 
as CEO and COO, respectively.

A 2010 Wall Street Journal article 
titled “Tigris Financial Goes All-in on Gold” noted that the company had 
bet billions of dollars on the price of gold rising, more than the 
reserves of the Brazilian central bank. As Clifton has noted, both 
Kaplan and Wallace have marketed 
gold to clients as the perfect commodity to hold if there is increased 
instability in the Middle East. Therefore, both Kaplan and Wallace stand 
to make massive sums if the U.S. or Israel were to attack Iran, making 
their UANI warmongering a gigantic and potentially profitable conflict 
of interest.

Adelson provided the majority of the rest of UANI’s funding. The world’s 
18th-richest individual 
<https://www.forbes.com/profile/sheldon-adelson/> at the time of his 
2021 death, the tycoon turned his economic empire into a political one, 
supporting ultraconservative causes in both the United States and 
Israel. Between 2010 and 2020, he and his wife donated more than $500 
million to the Republican Party, becoming GOP kingmakers in the process. 
He would often vet Republican presidential candidates at his casino in 
Las Vegas, and it was often said 
that this “Adelson Primary” was almost as important as the public one.

An ardent Zionist, Adelson bankrolled numerous pro-Israel lobby 
projects, such as AIPAC, One Jerusalem and Taglit Birthright. He also 
owned Israel Hayom, the country’s most-read newspaper, with 31% of the 
national share. Relentlessly pro-Netanyahu, it was said 
that the Israeli prime minister asked his friend Adelson to set up a 
newspaper to help his political career.

Adelson and his influence have been one of the driving forces of 
American hostility towards Iran. In 2013, during a conversation with 
Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, he called 
<https://mondoweiss.net/2013/10/adelson-nuclear-negotiate/> for the 
United States to stop negotiating and drop a nuclear bomb on Iran to 
show that “we mean business.”

A potential third, even more controversial, source of funding is the 
Gulf monarchies of Saudi Arabia and the UAE. Leaked emails show UANI 
officials soliciting support from the Emirati royal family. Both Mark 
Wallace and Frances Townsend, for example, emailed 
the Emirati Ambassador to the U.S. detailing cost estimates for upcoming 
events and inquiring about support from the UAE.

Thomas Kaplan himself is extraordinarily close to the nation. “The 
country and the leadership of the UAE, I would say, are my closest 
partners in more facets of my life than anyone else other than my wife,” 
he told the Emirati outlet, The National News, which also detailed 
his friendship with Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed.

Thomas Kaplan chats with UAE monarch Sheikh Mohamed bin ZayedThomas 
Kaplan chats with UAE monarch Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed. Credit | 
Brunswick PR

    Putting Iran in the Crosshairs

One of United Against Nuclear Iran’s primary activities, Iranian 
political commenter Ali Alizadeh told MintPress, is to create a 
worldwide “culture of fear and anxiety for investing in Iran.” The group 
attempts to persuade businesses to divest from the Islamic Republic and 
sign their certification pledge 
which reads as follows:

    The undersigned [Name], the [Title] of [Company] (the “Company”),
    does hereby certify on behalf of the Company that until the Iranian
    regime verifiably abandons its drive for nuclear weapons, support
    for terrorism, routine human rights violations, hostage-taking, and
    rampant anti-Americanism as state policy, that neither the Company
    nor any subsidiary or affiliate of the Company, directly or through
    an agent, representative or intermediary.”

One corporation that UANI targeted was the industrial machinery firm 
Caterpillar. UANI hectored the firm, even erecting a roadside billboard 
outside its headquarters in Peoria, IL, insinuating that they were 
aiding Iran in constructing a nuclear weapon. Caterpillar quickly 
its Iran projects terminated. Wallace took heart from his group’s 
victory and warned that other businesses would be targeted.

United Against Nuclear IranA billboard erected by United Against Nuclear 
Iran near Caterpillar’s Illinois headquarters. Photo | United Against 
Nuclear Iran

These have included French companies such as Airbus and Peugeot-Citroen, 
who were threatened 
with legal action. In 2019, UANI earned an official rebuke from the 
Russian Foreign Ministry for attempting to intimidate Russian 
corporations trading with Tehran. “We think such actions are 
unacceptable and deeply concerning,” said 
Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova. “Attempts to pressure and 
threaten Russian business … are a follow-up on the dishonorable 
anti-Iranian cause by the U.S. administration,” she added, hinting at 
collusion between the government and the supposedly non-governmental 

Some of UANI’s campaigns have been markedly petty, including pressuring 
New York City hotels to cancel bookings with Iranian officials 
(including then-President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad) visiting the city on 
United Nations business. Others, however, have been devastating to the 
Iranian economy, such as the SWIFT international money transfer 
terminating <https://www.unitedagainstnucleariran.com/swift> its 
relationship with Tehran, cutting the country off from the global 
banking system.

On UANI’s actions against businesses, Freeman said: “It’s effective, and 
(in some cases, at least) it’s to the detriment of the people of Iran; 
it’s to the detriment of these companies; and it’s to the detriment of 
peace in the region.”

While the group presents itself as against a nuclear Iran, UANI was 
strangely opposed to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) – 
the deal between Iran and the West that limited the former’s nuclear 
technology research in exchange for sanctions relief from the latter. As 
MintPress reported 
at the time, UANI spent millions on T.V. advertisements trashing the 
agreement. As Wallace noted, “We have a multi-million-dollar budget, and 
we are in it for the long haul. Money continues to pour in.”

After the JCPOA was signed, UANI hosted a summit attended by senior 
Israeli, Emirati, and Bahraini officials, touting its failures. Once 
UANI’s John Bolton was named Donald Trump’s National Security Advisor, 
he persuaded the president to withdraw entirely from the deal. Bolton 
has deep connections to the Mojahedin-e-Khalq (MEK), an exiled Iranian 
political group widely identified as a terrorist organization. He has, 
for some time, considered them a government in waiting after the U.S. 
overthrows the current administration. “Before 2019, we will celebrate 
in Tehran,” he told 
the group in 2018, predicting that, with him at the helm, the Trump 
administration would soon cause the downfall of the Iranian government.

Bolton has long been a hardliner on regime change. “To stop Iran’s bomb, 
bomb Iran,” read the title of his 2015 New York Times op-ed 
Yet this appears to be the dominant position at UANI. In March, Ross 
published an article 
in The Atlantic headlined “Iran needs to believe America’s threat,” 
which demanded that the U.S. “take forceful action to check Tehran’s 
progress toward a nuclear bomb.” Failure to do so, Ross claimed, would 
provoke Israel to do so itself – a “much more dangerous scenario,” 
according to him. Yet only two years previously, Ross called on the U.S. 
to “give Israel a big bomb” to “deter Iran,” noting that the “best way” 
to stop the Iranian nuclear program was to supply Israel with its own 
nukes, thereby taken as a given that Iran was indeed pursuing nuclear 
weapons itself (a highly questionable claim at the time) and ignoring 
Israel’s already existing 200+ stockpile 
of nuclear missiles.

“It doesn’t seem like UANI ever really took seriously the possibility of 
a diplomatic means to constrain Iran from continuing to increase its 
enrichment levels and moving towards a nuclear weapon,” Clifton told 
MintPress. “As a matter of fact, they generally fought tooth and nail 
against the JCPOA. They are eager to push the United States toward 
confrontation with Iran using the possibility of Iranian nuclear weapons 
as a reason,” he added.

    Intelligence Connections

That UANI is headed by so many state, military and intelligence leaders 
begs the question: to what extent is this really a non-governmental 
organization? “That is one of the dirty secrets of think tanks: they are 
very often holding tanks for government officials,” Freeman said, adding:

    The Trump folks all had to leave office when Biden won, so a lot of
    them ended up in think tanks for a while, four years, let’s say. And
    if Trump wins again, they will bounce back into government. And the
    same is true of Democratic administrations, too.”

The U.S. government also clearly has a longstanding policy of 
outsourcing much of its work to “private” groups in order to avoid 
further scrutiny. Many of the CIA’s most controversial activities, for 
example, have been farmed out to the National Endowment for Democracy 
(NED), a technically non-governmental organization funded entirely by 
Washington and staffed with ex-state officials. In recent years, the NED 
has funneled 
millions of dollars to protest leaders in Hong Kong, organized 
an attempted color revolution in Cuba, organized 
anti-government rock concerts in Venezuela, and propped 
up dozens of media organizations in Ukraine.

These sorts of institutions blur the line between public and private 
sectors. But a 2014 legal case raises even more questions about UANI’s 
connections to the U.S. government. After UANI accused Greek shipping 
magnate Victor Restis of working with the Iranian government, he sued 
them for libel. In an unprecedented 
move for what was a private, commercial lawsuit, Attorney General Eric 
Holder intervened in the lawsuit, ordering the judge to shut the case 
down on the grounds that, if it continued, it would expose key U.S. 
national security secrets. The case was immediately dropped without 

In the past, when the Justice Department has invoked state secrets, a 
high-ranking state official has offered a public statement as to why. 
Yet, this time, nothing was offered. Reporters at the time speculated 
<https://www.twn.my/title2/resurgence/2015/298-299/world2.htm> that much 
of the material Restis wanted to make public was possibly given to UANI 
by either the CIA or Mossad, which would have revealed a network of 
collusion between state intelligence agencies and a supposedly 
independent, private non-profit. Given the glut of ex-Mossad and CIA 
chiefs at UANI, this speculation is perhaps not as wild as it might seem.

UANI’s funders certainly also have extensive connections to Israel. 
Kaplan is the son-in-law of Israeli billionaire Leon Recanati and is 
to be close with Prime Ministers Naftali Bennet and Yair Lapid. He has 
also employed a number of Israeli officials at his businesses. An 
example of this is Olivia Blechner 
<https://www.linkedin.com/in/olivia-blechner-2ba0784/>, who, in 2007, 
left her role as the Director of Academic Affairs at the Israeli 
Consulate General in New York to become Executive Vice-President of 
Investor Relations and Research at Kaplan’s Electrum Group – a rather 
perplexing career move.

Adelson, meanwhile, was given what amounted to an official state funeral 
in Israel, one that even Prime Minister Netanyahu attended. He was 
buried on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem – one of the holiest sites in 
Judaism and an honor that very few figures receive.

    A Network of Regime Change Groups

While United Against Nuclear Iran is already a notable enough 
organization, it is actually merely part of a large group of shadowy 
non-governmental groups working to cause unrest and, ultimately, regime 
change in Iran. These groups all share overlapping goals, funders and 
key individuals.

One example of this is the Counter Extremism Project (CEP), a non-profit 
that purports <https://www.counterextremism.com/about> to exist to 
“combat the growing threat posed by extremist ideologies.” Yet the group 
focuses largely on Islamist extremism – and only those groups that are 
enemies of the U.S., Israel and the Gulf Monarchies (about whose 
extremism and violence the CEP has nothing to say). Ten members of the 
CEP’s leadership council <https://www.counterextremism.com/leadership> 
are also on UANI’s board, including Wallace, who is CEO of both 

Another group headed by Wallace is the Jewish Committee to Support Women 
Life Freedom in Iran. This organization claims to be focused on 
improving women’s rights in Iran. It very quickly, however, divulges 
that this is a vehicle for regime change. On its homepage, for example, 
it writes <https://supportwomanlifefreedom.com/>:

    These freedom fighters continue with no sign of relenting on their
    calls for regime change. Calls for “Woman Life Freedom” and the
    removal of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei echo from rooftops,
    down street corridors, across campus hallways, and on government
    billboards. These brave Iranians have expressed their hatred for the
    ruling clerics not only in their words, but in their actions.”

Seven members of the Jewish Committee to Support Women Life Freedom in 
Iran’s steering group <https://supportwomanlifefreedom.com/> – including 
Wallace and Kaplan – also lead UANI.

Mike Wallace, second from right, poses with prominent anti-Iran figures 
at a lobbying event in Italy, February 2023. Photo | Twitter

Kaplan is well-known as a conservationist. However, his group, Panthera, 
which works to preserve the world’s 40 known species of big cats, has 
also been accused of being a secret regime change operation. Panthera 
has a number of UANI officials on its board 
<https://panthera.org/pantheras-board-members> or conservation council 
<https://panthera.org/conservation-council>, including Wallace and Lamb 
(the ex-director of U.K. Special Forces and Commander of the British 
Army). Also on the council are Itzhak Dar, former Director of the 
Israeli Secret Service, Shin Bet, and General David Petraeus, former CIA 
Director and Commander of the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan.

In 2018, Iranian authorities arrested 
eight individuals working with Panthera inside the country. All eight 
were convicted of spying on behalf of the U.S. and Israel. While many in 
the West decried the trials as politically motivated, any organization 
led by these figures is bound to cause suspicions.

This is especially the case as Wallace is also a founder of 
PaykanArtCar, an organization that attempts to use art to, in its words 
<https://paykanartcar.com/about-us/#history>, “advocate for the 
restoration of human rights and dignity for all in Iran.” All three team 
members of PaykanArtCar also work at UANI.

The final group in this Iran regime change network is the International 
Convention for the Future of Iran. Set up by Wallace himself, the 
organization’s website explains <https://iransfuture.org/who-we-are/> 
that it exists to “end the repression of the regime and bring true 
change to Iran.” Further purposes <https://iransfuture.org/what-we-do/> 
are to “connect the Iranian opposition in exile [i.e., the MEK] with 
policymakers in the United States and internationally” and to “offer 
program grants and technical support” to groups working to overthrow the 
government. However, judging by the lack of updates and the group’s 
Twitter profile having only 31 followers, it appears that it has not had 
much success achieving its goals.

In short, then, there exists a network of American NGOs with the mission 
statements of helping Iran, opposing Iran, preserving Iran, and bombing 
Iran, all staffed by largely the same ex-U.S. government officials.

Iran, however, is not the only target in Wallace’s sights. It appears 
that he is also trying to give Turkey similar treatment. Wallace is the 
CEO of the Turkish Democracy Project, a non-profit established to oppose 
the rule of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, who, it says 
<https://turkishdemocracy.com/about-us/>, has “dramatically altered 
Turkey’s position in the international community and its status as a 
free and liberal democracy.” The Turkish Democracy Project denounces 
what it calls Erdoğan’s “destabilizing actions in and beyond the region, 
his systemic corruption, support for extremism, and disregard for 
democracy and human rights.” There are no Turkish people 
among the Turkish Democracy Project’s leadership. But there are seven 
<https://turkishdemocracy.com/about-us/> UANI board members at the top, 
calling the shots.

    A Lesson From History

The history of Iran has been intimately intertwined with the United 
States since at least 1953 when Washington orchestrated a successful 
coup against Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh. Mosaddegh had refused 
U.S. demands to stamp out Communist influences in his country and had 
nationalized the nation’s oil. The U.S. installed Shah Mohammad Reza 
Pahlavi as a puppet ruler. An unpopular and authoritarian ruler, the 
Shah was overthrown in the Revolution of 1979. Since then, it has become 
a target for regime change, and its nuclear program is something of an 
obsession in the West.

Often orchestrated by UANI officials while they were in government, the 
U.S. has carried out a sustained economic war against Tehran, attempting 
to collapse its economy. American sanctions have severely hurt Iran’s 
ability to both buy and sell goods on the open market and have harmed 
the value of the Iranian rial. As prices and inflation rose rapidly, 
ordinary people lost their savings.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. turned the screw once again, 
intimidating both businesses and nations into refusing to sell Tehran 
vital medical supplies. Eventually, the World Health Organization 
stepped in and directly supplied it with provisions – a factor in the 
Trump administration’s decision to pull out of the agency.

While U.S. actions have severely harmed the Iranian economy, a future 
bright spot may come in the form of BRICS, the economic bloc that Iran – 
along with Egypt, Ethiopia, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE – joined on 
January 1. American economic power on the global stage appears to be 
waning. However, This new reality might spur Washington policymakers to 
reconsider a military option, as UANI desperately wants them to.

It is perfectly reasonable to be worried about Iran – or any country, 
for that matter – developing atomic bombs. Nuclear weapons pose an 
existential threat to human civilization, and more actors with access to 
them increase the likelihood of a devastating confrontation. Already in 
the region, India, Pakistan, Israel and Russia possess them. But it is 
only the United States that has ever used them in anger, dropping two on 
Japan and coming close to doing so in China, Korea and Vietnam. And 
given the U.S.’ recent track record of attacking countries that /do not/ 
possess weapons of mass destruction (e.g., Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan) and 
not touching those who do (such as North Korea), it is entirely 
understandable why Iran might want one. As Freeman said:

    I certainly do not want Iran to get a nuclear weapon. But at the
    same time, you can also believe that it would be catastrophic if the
    U.S. were to engage in a war with Iran…And the concern with groups
    like UANI is that they are taking that [the worry of Iran getting a
    nuclear weapon] and pushing that argument to a point where it might
    lead to an active conflict.”

The slaughter in Gaza has been horrifying enough. More than 22,000 
people have been killed in the Israeli invasion, and a further 1.9 
million displaced. Israel is also simultaneously bombing the West Bank, 
Syria and Lebanon. The U.S. is facilitating this, sending billions of 
dollars in weaponry, pledging iron-clad political support to Israel, 
silencing critics of its actions, and vetoing United Nations resolutions.

But United Against Nuclear Iran is eager to escalate the situation to a 
vastly greater level, urging Washington to attack a well-armed country 
of nearly 90 million people, erroneously claiming that Iran is behind 
every Hamas or Hezbollah action. “This is not a nuclear 
non-proliferation organization” Clifton said, noting that there are 
plenty of genuine already existing peace and environmental groups 
worried about nuclear weapons that either supported the JCPOA or said it 
did not go far enough. “Their focus is more on working towards regime 
change in Iran rather than actually supporting efforts that might 
prevent Iranian nuclear weapons,” he added.

IF UANI gets its way, a conflict with Iran might spark a Third World 
War. And yet they are receiving virtually no pushback to their 
ultra-hawkish pronouncements, largely because they operate in the 
shadows and receive virtually no public scrutiny. It is, therefore, 
imperative for all those who value peace to quickly change that and 
expose the organization for what it is.

Feature photo | Illustration by MintPress News

/*Alan MacLeod <https://twitter.com/AlanRMacLeod>* is Senior Staff 
Writer for MintPress News. After completing his PhD in 2017, he 
published two books, Bad News From Venezuela: Twenty Years of Fake News 
and Misreporting 
<https://www.routledge.com/Bad-News-from-Venezuela-Twenty-years-of-fake-news-and-misreporting/Macleod/p/book/9781138489233> and 
Propaganda in the Information Age: Still Manufacturing Consent 
<https://www.routledge.com/Propaganda-in-the-Information-Age-Still-Manufacturing-Consent-1st-Edition/MacLeod/p/book/9781138366404?fbclid=IwAR2xQQWJd98C25wapG4ynmlEnGvL5wxG_mp5RwpBwtwPDxInjNZ1Oo7KD-E>, as 
well as a 
of <https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/blar.12940> academic 
<https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0896920518820934>. He has 
also contributed to FAIR.org <https://fair.org/author/alan-macleod/>, 
The Guardian <https://www.theguardian.com/profile/alan-macleod>, Salon 
<https://www.salon.com/writer/alan-macleod>, The Grayzone 
<https://thegrayzone.com/author/alan-macleod/>, Jacobin Magazine 
<https://jacobinmag.com/author/alan-macleod>, and Common Dreams 

*Republish our stories! * MintPress News is licensed under a Creative 
Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 International License.
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