[News] Firms profiting from Gaza genocide take part in London weapons fair

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Sun Jan 7 13:35:28 EST 2024

Firms profiting from Gaza genocide take part in London weapons fair

David Cronin <https://electronicintifada.net/people/david-cronin> Rights
and Accountability
<https://electronicintifada.net/blog/rights-and-accountability> 7 January

The makers of the weapons with which Israel is destroying Gaza are seeking
to drum up new sales.
APA images

Wargaming. Firepower. Lethality. Robotics.

All these topics will be discussed
<https://www.defenceiq.com/events-internationalarmouredvehicles/index> at a
major weapons fair in London later this month.

Such an event would be sinister at any time. That it is being organized
while a genocide is being carried out in Gaza adds a new layer of

and Elbit Systems
– leading players in Israel’s arms industry – are sponsors of International
Armoured Vehicles, as the exhibition and conference is called.

The short profiles of these firms in the event’s official program – see
below – do not mention that they are Israeli.

Representatives of Elbit are scheduled to give a presentation titled “Iron

Iron Fist <https://elbitsystems.com/product/iron_fist/> is the brand name
of surveillance equipment and interceptors which Elbit has made
for a spanking new armored vehicle known as the Eitan.

The Eitan
is being used by Israel during its current invasion of Gaza.
Innovators assist genocide

Not content with the horrors it is inflicting on Palestinians at present,
Israel is hoping to unveil new killing machines in the near future.

On New Year’s Day, the weapons trade publication *IsraelDefense* published
a puff piece <https://www.israeldefense.co.il/en/node/60797> about the
“Technological Brigade for Land.”

The “human and professional composition of the brigade is extraordinary,”
it stated. Boasting “thousands of servicemen and women” and “484
engineers,” few other divisions in Israel’s military “have professional
staff at such high levels.”

The brigade has been “working closely with the combat units fighting in
Gaza to provide them with real-time technological innovations,”
*IsraelDefense* reported.

The Tel Aviv newspaper *Haaretz* has a reputation
for being more independent and critical. Some of its recent coverage has
nonetheless amounted to free advertising for Israel’s war industry.

A *Haaretz* article
which appeared a few days ago noted that the war in Gaza and expected
increases in military spending are “providing new opportunities for defense

Never mind that starvation is rising in Gaza, the war is a boon to Israel’s
small businesses, the paper’s supposedly liberal readers were told. Or at
least that was the subliminal message.

The trendy topic of artificial intelligence (AI) is expected to feature
prominently in the discussions at the aforementioned London weapons fair.

It is a safe bet that its participants will be eager to find out more about
– an Israeli system using AI to identify targets.

Gospel had previously been tested
during the May 2021 attack on Gaza, which *The Jerusalem Post* dubbed “the
world’s first AI war.”

Supporters of Israel like to gloat about how their beloved nation has
fostered a culture of “impatient innovation

Israel’s impatient innovators are now rushing to assist a genocide.
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