[News] Iraqi Resistance calls for united front against US occupation

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Fri Feb 9 19:00:40 EST 2024

Iraqi Resistance calls for united front against US occupation
Al Mayadeen English
February 10, 2024

The Iraqi Resistance calls on the US forces to leave Iraq as it seeks a
united front in their face in a bid to uproot them.
[image: 52543b32-8b0a-4ded-a0c6-19cf92f0c019.jpg]

   - Fighters from the Popular Mobilization Forces attend the funeral of a
   Kataib Hezbollah commander, Abu Baqir Al-Saadi, who was martyred in a US
   airstrike, in Baghdad, Iraq, February 8, 2024 (AP)

The Islamic Resistance in Iraq extended what it deemed a final opportunity
for occupying forces to exit "sacred lands", emphasizing that similar
chances were not granted in the past despite pleas and mediations before
their defeat in 2011.

During that period, the Resistance's forces led the occupiers to the brink,
subjecting them to paramount bombings and attacks, reducing their bases to
ruins and rubble, a statement issued by the Iraqi Resistance

Recent events have unveiled a stark reality to the Iraqi people, allies,
and other parties, the statement read, adding that the United States was
showing no signs of weariness or deceit.

According to the statement, the US understands only the language of
weapons, evident in its recent attacks targeting the Popular Mobilization
Forces (PMF) in al-Qaim, Akashat, and other locations.

The assassination of the prominent leader Abu Baqir al-Saadi in Baghdad
further intensified the gravity of their crimes, violating all rules of
engagement, the Resistance said.

The Islamic Resistance, represented by its declared factions, reaffirmed
once again its commitment to its responsibilities towards its people,
country, and the entire Muslim and Arab worlds under any circumstances.

In a call to arms, the statement urged its trusted allies to "acknowledge
the faction's profound understanding of the cunning nature of the enemy,
the battlegrounds they navigate, and the tactics required to humble the

The Resistance called on Resistance fighters to join the ranks of the
resistance, preparing themselves for active participation in expelling the
occupation during this historical phase for Iraq and the region.
Resistance, army united in goal

Iraqi Armed Forces spokesperson Brigadier Yahya Rasool stated Thursday that
US forces "threaten civil peace and violate Iraq's sovereignty," following
a "clearly identifiable assassination operation
via an airstrike in a residential neighborhood inside Baghdad.

Rasool's statement emphasized that the US forces' irresponsible, repeated
actions are undermining agreements and risking Iraqi lives

The statement further emphasized that this trajectory compels the Iraqi
government more than ever to end the mission of the international
coalition, which has become a destabilizing factor for Iraq, threatening to
drag it into conflict.

"Our armed forces have no choice but to fulfill their constitutional duties
 to safeguard the security of Iraqis and Iraqi territory from all threats,"
Rasool stressed.

Several Resistance factions commented
 on the American assassination of a prominent leader of Iraq's Kataib
Hezbollah, martyr Hajj Wisam Mohammed Saber (Abu Baqer Al-Saadi), on
Wednesday night.

The US claimed responsibility for the attack, saying its forces conducted a
unilateral strike in Iraq in response to the attacks on US service members,
killing a Kataib Hezbollah commander.

Angered by the US aggression, Iraqis gathered at the scene of the attack
furiously chanting against the US presence in the region, specifically in

The US Central Command (CENTCOM) claimed that the targeted commander was
"responsible for directly planning and participating in attacks on U.S.
forces in the region."

The Secretary-General of Kataib Hezbollah, Ahmad al-Hamidawi, saluted
martyr Abu Baqer al-Saedi and conveyed his condolences to his family.

The Iraqi al-Nujaba movement underlined that its response to the "American
treacherous crime" will be focused, affirming that such crimes shall not go

"Await the response; we will choose the appropriate time and place,"
al-Nujaba vowed, addressing the US.
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