[News] Yemen - Ansarullah: Our support for Gaza “unwavering and principled”

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Mon Feb 5 14:12:01 EST 2024

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Ansarullah: Our support for Gaza “unwavering and principled”

Monday 5-February-2024
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Spokesman for Yemen’s Ansarullah group Mohamed Abdul-Salam has affirmed
that the ongoing US-British aggression against his country “will not
achieve any goals, but rather it will increase the aggressors’ predicaments
and problems at the regional level.”

“Yemen’s decision to support Gaza is an unwavering and principled position
and will not get affected by any attack or aggression,” spokesman
Abdul-Salam said in remarks on his X page on Sunday.

“With regard to Yemen’s military capabilities, we’d like to stress that
they are not easy to destroy, and they were rebuilt following years of
ferocious war,” the spokesman added.

“Instead of escalating the situation and igniting a new front in the
region, America and Britain should submit to the international public
opinion, which calls for an immediate halt to the Israeli aggression,
lifting the siege on Gaza and refraining from providing Israel with
protection at the expense of the Palestinian people,” he underlined.
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