[News] In Numbers - These are Israeli Losses in the Last Four Months of Fighting with Hezbollah

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Mon Feb 5 13:40:36 EST 2024

In Numbers - These are Israeli Losses in the Last Four Months of Fighting
with HezbollahFebruary 5, 2024
Infographic summarizing 120 days of Hezbollah's operations. (Photo:
Hezbollah military media)

*By Palestine Chronicle Staff

Since the start of the Israeli war on Gaza, Hezbollah took it upon itself
to stand in solidarity with the Resistance in Palestine.

In a televised statement made from northern Israel, not far away from the
occupied Lebanese territories, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant
threatened Hezbollah.

“We say this honestly, as long as we don’t reach a situation that would
allow for the return of the residents of the northern (areas of Israel) to
their homes safely, we will not stop,” he said.

Gallant’s comments give the impression that the ongoing clashes between the
Israeli army and the Lebanese Resistance are an Israeli decision. In fact,
they are not.

Since the start of the Israeli war on Gaza, the powerful Lebanese
Resistance movement, Hezbollah, took it upon itself to stand in solidarity
with the Resistance in Palestine.

That was the first step leading to the implementation of what is known as
the ‘Unity of the Squares’, as in the unity of the battlefields between all
Resistance movements in the Middle East.

That unity eventually brought in Ansarallah Houthi of Yemen, various Iraqi
and Syrian movements, among others.

Yet in terms of direct clashes, Hezbollah’s border fight is the most
significant and the most consistent.

For Hezbollah, the fight is motivated by two major objectives: one is
solidarity with the Palestinians by keeping pressure on nearly a third of
the Israeli army; two, as a reminder to Israel that the Lebanese Resistance
has not forgotten about their own occupied territories, which are still
controlled by the Israeli military, mainly the Shebaa Farms.

While the Israeli military is clearly undercounting its losses in Gaza,
which according to Israeli hospital records and media are numbered in the
many thousands, it simply does not declare its losses in the northern front

By doing so, it attempts to protect the dwindling morale of an army already
defeated twice, on October 7, and throughout the disastrous war on Gaza in
the last four months.

But there is much that we already know by simply gleaning information from
the regular videos produced by Hezbollah, documented many of their attacks,
often showing Israeli ambulances carrying out the dead and the wounded.

This is what we know so far, based on Hezbollah’s documented evidence and
statements, in addition to a recent infographic released by the group on
their Telegram channel, entitled ‘On the Road to Al Quds’.

In the first four months of the war, Hezbollah has achieved the following:

It carried out 169 unique military operations.

It destroyed 56 Israeli military vehicles, including 24 tanks, 28 military
personnel carriers and four vehicles used for logistics.

It targeted 26 military leadership centers, 178 military bases, over 500
settlement units.

It also hit 237 technical positions (radars and spying satellites), 2
military factories, 25 border walls, and 316 personnel gathering areas.

The targeted areas were located in 122 border points, 670 border positions,
72 settlements, and 61 positions deep behind the borders.

Types of weapons used included artillery, ground missiles, sniper guns,
automatic rifles, anti-air defenses, laser-guided missiles, drones, and a
variety of other weapons.

The number of videos of Hezbollah’s operations released to the media: 186.

Finally, number of those killed or wounded among Israeli military is over

*(The Palestine Chronicle)*
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