[News] Iraq's al-Nujaba declares operations against US forces to continue

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Fri Feb 2 14:05:53 EST 2024

Iraq's al-Nujaba declares operations against US forces to continue
Al Mayadeen English
February 2, 2024

The Resistance movement's chief praised the sacrifices and courage of
Kataib Hezbollah and affirmed operations against the US will proceed until
the Israeli war on Gaza stops and the "US occupation" withdraws from Iraq.
[image: f48568f1-2a66-4521-926b-f9bd28df6a17.jpg]

   - An undated photo of the Chief of the Iraqi al-Nujaba Resistance
   movement Akram al-Kaabi wearing a military uniform in an undisclosed
   location. (*Social media*)

The Secretary-General of the Iraqi al-Nujaba Resistance movement announced
on Friday that the group's operations against US forces
will not stop until the Israeli war on Gaza ceases and the complete
withdrawal of the "US occupation" from Iraq.

In a statement, Sheikh Akram al-Kaabi said that this decision is a
sovereign one taken by the group alone.

Earlier this week, the Iraqi Kataib Hezbollah
announced the suspension of their operations against the US occupation
forces in Syria and targets in Iraq to not go against the wishes of the
Iraqi government.

Both groups are part of the Popular Mobilization Forces PMF, a governmental
security apparatus.

Kataib Hezbollah, which is at the forefront of Resistance operations
against the US presence in support of Gaza, and has offered a number of
in that pursuit, said that its decision was taken "without any intervention
from foreign parties."
Kaabi hailed Brotherhood between Iraqi Resistance facitons

Commenting on the statement, al-Kaabi hailed the "brotherhood" between the
two groups and the common Resistance and sacrifices.

Al-Kaabi noted that, after talking to the Kataib Hezbollah's leader about
the reason behind their decision, the "issue has become clear
us," adding that the future will reveal that the group's decision was
"brave, wise and selfless."

He added that the Al-Nujaba movement upholds and appreciates the sacrifices
made by Kataib Hezbollah, expressing hope that the factors leading to them
making such a decision would be soon revoked and that they would return to
carrying out operations against the US.

*Read more: US imposes new sanctions on 'Kataib Hezbollah, IRGC Quds Force,

The United States released a series of threats in the past week following
the drone attack that killed three of its soldiers allegedly in a US base
in northeast Jordan.

In response, the al-Nujaba chief said, "Regarding [statements] being
released by the American psychological war machine, which has been
threatening and warning, they don't intimate us nor will they prevent us
[from continuing operations]," vowing that any US attack will receive an
"appropriate response."

"The Islamic Resistance in Iraq, including the al-Nujaba movement and its
other factions, will continue with the decision [to pressure Washington
through operations] until our demands are met," he concluded.
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