[News] US lies on Yemeni intent to destroy marine internet cables debunked

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Fri Feb 2 13:57:57 EST 2024

US lies on Yemeni intent to destroy marine internet cables debunked
Al Mayadeen English
February 2, 2024

A pro-Israeli media institute has theorized that Yemen's Ansar Allah
planned on destroying cables that supply 99% of the world with internet,
but these claims were entirely fabricated.
[image: 615badd4-2322-4c91-8a0b-9a516ca99af0.jpg]

   - Map of communications cables network near Yemen, February 7, 2020.
   (Social Media)

*Blackdot *has recently examined the claim that Yemen's Ansar Allah
plans to cut off 99% of the world's internet following the circulation of
the news on different social media platforms, and eventually refuted it and
confirmed its falsity.
Claim: A 'Houthi' attack on Red Sea fiber optics cables?

On December 24, several platforms claimed that an Ansar Allah-affiliated
Telegram channel shared a photo of the seabed that contains submarine
cables that connect several regions of the world and supply them with

The photo was captioned: “There are maps of international cables connecting
all regions of the world through the sea. It seems that Yemen is in a
strategic location, as internet lines that connect entire continents — not
only countries—pass near it.”

Once news platforms and users obtained the photo, claims were made accusing
the Yemeni Armed Forces of threatening to cut off the world's internet
supply in support of Gaza
amid the Israeli genocide, and the US' targeting of Yemen in support of

Tracing back to the source of the news, it was found that the Middle East
Media Research Institute was behind the spread of the claim, an American
organization that has been explicitly pro-'Israel'.
Nothing to back it

The Middle East Media Research Institute is the only original source that
kickstarted the frenzy, while other social media platforms only circulated
the piece with no substantial evidence that proves its legitimacy,
primarily proving its fallacy.

The second indicator was the absence of a tangible connection between the
Telegram channel and Ansar Allah, as well as the absence of an official
statement from their side. The news solely relied on a theory that was meant
to stir tensions

The third indicator was the direct rejection of the claim itself by the
Ministry of Telecommunications and Information Technology of Yemen. Only
two days after the American research institute made its claims, the Yemeni
ministry released a statement denying the accusations and asserting that
Yemen intends to keep the cables secure.

Therefore, this rids the initial claim of any validity.
A result of losses against the steadfast Ansar Allah

This comes as Ansar Allah fights off genocide enablers in the Red Sea in
support of Gaza. Even after Ansar Allah was listed as a terrorist
Yemen was not deterred.

In response to the decision to designate the Ansar Allah as a Global
Terrorist, the head of the movement's Negotiating Envoy and top official,
Mohammad Abdul-Salam said that the US has used the designation for
"political purposes."

He slammed the decision
emphasizing that it "will not deter [Yemen] from our steadfast support for
the Palestinian people."

The official underlined that the decision will have minimal to "no
effectiveness on the ground," adding that it will only "strengthen [Ansar
Allah's] commitment to supporting" Palestine.

Ansar Allah's Politburo released a statement responding to the decision
saying that the classification "is ironically amusing, coming from the
global state of terrorism." The committee said that its decision is "an
honorary badge," highlighting the group's "supportive stance toward the
Palestinian people."

*Read more: Yemen will continue to target Israeli-linked ships: Ansar Allah
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