[News] Saturday - San Francisco - 1pm: Protest to Stop Genocide in Gaza

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Wed Oct 25 15:44:50 EDT 2023

*Stop the Genocide in Gaza!*

The San Francisco Bay Area continues to rise up for Palestine! On 
Tuesday, October 24th the Mayor and City Council of Richmond, 
California passed a HISTORIC resolution in support of Palestinian 
freedom. This makes the Bay Area home to the first city in the US to 
call for the end of this genocidal war on the Palestinian people.

We applaud Richmond Mayor Eduardo Martinez and Vice Mayor Gayle 
McLaughlin for introducing this landmark resolution. Thank you to the 
Richmond City Council for their courageous stance as the tide shifts 
across the US, and more decision makers echo the calls of the masses and 
rise up in support for Palestinian freedom.  We are also humbled by the 
solidarity of our friends at the Asian Pacific 
Environmental Network (APEN) for their tireless organizing to make this 

We are proud that the Bay Area is leading the charge to end the genocide 
in Gaza and to demand peace, justice, and freedom in Palestine.  And we 
know that our struggle continues.
*Take Urgent Action Today!*
*Call Congress to Demand a Ceasefire Now! 
Email Congress to demand a Ceasefire Now! 

*Take to the Streets on Saturday!*
Join us this Saturday in San Francisco as peace and freedom loving 
people across the Bay Area to join millions across the world in 
demanding an immediate end to this genocidal war.
Saturday, October 28
1 PM
San Francisco Ferry Building - Harry Bridges Plaza
Embarcadero, San Francisco


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