[News] Al-Qassam Brigades say their frogmen managed to infiltrate into the occupied Palestinian territories by sea

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Tue Oct 24 19:44:48 EDT 2023

Al-Qassam infiltrate into 'Zikim' by sea, confront IOF: Resistance
Al Mayadeen English - October 24, 2023

Al-Qassam Brigades say their frogmen managed to infiltrate into the
occupied Palestinian territories by sea, confronting the Israeli occupation
forces in the area.
[image: 5b3ee27d-e8bd-49ab-b033-f4f5b8a703c4.jpg]

   - Undated photo of the Al-Qassam Brigades frogmen force (Al-Qassam
   Brigades Military Media)

Al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Hamas movement, announced that
"a frogmen force belonging to them managed to infiltrate by sea and land on
the beaches of the occupied settlement of Zikim, south of occupied Askalan."

They also confirmed that the naval force "is currently clashing with the
occupation army in that area."

Israeli media reports have continued to report ongoing clashes between the
occupation forces and 15 militants who crossed to the "Zikim" naval base
north of the Gaza Strip.

Earlier today, Al-Qassam fired several rocket salvos towards the occupied
territories, including "Tel Aviv," in response to the massacres against

They also announced the targeting of "Ben Gurion Airport" and the Beer
al-Sabe area in al-Naqab, as well as the Israeli "Mifratzim" compound.
Resistance bombs 'Tel Aviv'

The al-Qassam Brigades
Hamas' military wing, announced Tuesday that they had launched rockets
toward "Tel Aviv" and Beer el-Sabe in response to the Israeli shelling of
Palestinian civilians. They also said that Ashdod was hit too.

Similarly, Al-Quds Brigades
the military wing of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad Movement (PIJ), said
they had launched a barrage of rockets at the occupied city of Askalan.

Another barrage was launched at the "Kissufim" and the *Third Eye* military
sites within the Gaza envelope, as well as military gatherings in Kfar Azza.

The resistance fired a barrage of rockets from the Gaza Strip, targeting
"Tel Aviv", Ben Gurion Airport, and the Beer al-Sabe area in al-Naqab.

Israeli *Channel 12 *reported that the recent rocket barrage from Gaza hit
at least two houses in the "Alfei Menashe" settlement near Qalqilya in the
northern occupied West Bank.

The Israeli occupation army confirmed that an intensive rocket barrage
 targeted Greater "Tel Aviv" and the towns extending to the north, east,
and south.

Israeli media revealed that a barrage of rockets was launched from Gaza,
with air raid sirens being sounded in southern and central occupied

Israeli media also reported that at least two settlers were injured in
"Holon", and a third settler was injured in Beer Yaakoub during the recent
round of bombing.

Earlier today, al-Qassam Brigades
 announced that they targeted the Israeli "Mivtahim" kibbutz with rocket
barrages, going on to shell enemy positions and gatherings with
heavy-caliber mortar shells.

Al-Quds Brigades reported that they shelled the military gatherings of the
Israeli occupation forces at the "Sufa" kibbutz with mortar shells.

The Palestinian resistance continues to launch rockets at a steady rate 18
days since the start of Operation al-Aqsa Flood and the Israeli aggression
that followed in the Gaza Strip, indicating that the structure of the
resistance remains unchanged and its spirit remains unbroken.
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