[News] The facts of the Ahli/Baptist Hospital Bombing

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Thu Oct 19 12:36:48 EDT 2023

Good Shepherd Collective
Good Shepherd Collective Newsletter

Ahli hospital bombing
Ahli hospital bombing

Standing in the middle of a pile of Palestinian bodies, the Ministry of 
Health’s Director General gave a press conference following the mass 
murder of Palestinians by Israeli forces at Al Ahli hospital, October 
17, 2023.

  The facts of the Ahli/Baptist Hospital Bombing

      Some basic facts

View web version 

Today marks the twelfth day since the beginning of Al Aqsa Flood and the 
subsequent Israeli crimes against the Palestinian people. Since October 
7, Israeli colonial forces have murdered thousands of Palestinians in 
Gaza. The Ministry of Health is struggling to provide accurate numbers, 
as at least 1,300 bodies remain trapped under the rubble of destroyed 
buildings—among them homes, shelters, bakeries, clinics, UNRWA food 
depots, hospitals, and schools. The most recent estimate is 3,478. This 
is likely a significant undercount. More than a thousand of those 
murdered are children.

Last night, Israeli forces targeted and bombed Al Ahli Arab hospital 
also known as the Baptist hospital in Gaza city. This was not the first 
time Israeli forces attacked Al Ahli hospital, as it had been targeted 
and hit by airstrikes only a few days before on October 14 
damaging two floors and injuring four people. This hospital was not only 
housing patients, as well as doctors, nurses, and other healthcare 
workers, but also sheltering hundreds last night who assumed the 
Christian hospital was a safer place to take cover than most. The 
airstrike killed at least 500 Palestinians, with some estimates doubling 
the number. Videos at the scene of the bombing show bodies dismembered, 
scattered across a courtyard and carried away in pieces. Each of these 
people were someone’s loved one.

It is clear that Israeli authorities and the forces carrying out these 
genocidal attacks on Gaza are trying to destroy as much infrastructure 
and resources supporting human life as possible. In the days before this 
massive hospital strike, Israeli forces targeted UNRWA depots 
which housed extra food resources, as well as shelters, homes, and 
bakeries. Israeli forces have ordered Palestinians to evacuate from the 
north to the “safer” south, yet continue to bombard Rafah, Khan Younis, 
and many other areas of the south 
making it just as unsafe as the north. Palestinians in Gaza remain 
without access to electricity, fresh water, food resources, and the aid 
sent for them on the other side of Rafah crossing. Despite attempts by 
Israeli forces to threaten medical workers into evacuating 22 hospitals 
across Gaza, most hospitals and medical workers refuse to evacuate 
stating that they will not abandon their patients to die. In the midst 
of murder and death, Palestinians continue to teach life.

As international condemnation about targeting a hospital—a war crime, 
for anyone tallying Israel’s war crimes during this murderous 
campaign—began, Israeli forces immediately pointed the finger away from 
their own US-backed forces to blame Hamas, then the Palestinian Islamic 
Jihad. These accusations are an attempt to confuse and create doubt, 
when it is obvious to anyone paying attention that there is only one 
military with both the intent and means to murder this many civilians in 
one strike. The Evangelical Church in Jerusalem published a statement 
today that it received three phone warnings before Israeli forces struck 
the hospital. Furthermore, it is a common tactic of the Israeli state 
and military to deploy false information when confronted about war 
crimes, and reminds us of the initial responses to the murder of Shireen 
Abu Akleh 
at the hands of invading Israeli forces in Jenin, during which Israeli 
forces claimed that she was shot by resistance fighters. Israeli forces 
continue to spread misinformation throughout this attack on Gaza; you 
can read a critical analysis and response 
to Israeli attempts to frame Palestinian resistance here. It is 
incumbent on those who know better to not only share accurate 
information, but correct those around them and reach out to mainstream 
media who consistently have spread false and misleading information. 
Here is an eyewitness account in English by Dr. Ghassan Abu Sitta 
a Palestinian-British doctor who arrived in Gaza to volunteer at local 

Last night and this morning, Palestinians in Ramallah, Bethlehem, Jenin, 
Nablus, and elsewhere across the West Bank took to the streets across 
Palestine, standing in support of Gaza and with the resistance against 
Israeli colonialism and genocide. They also called out the complicity of 
the Palestinian Authority, and were met by tear gas and live bullets in 
No doubt, this uprising will continue. Across political factions, there 
is unity among the people in supporting each other and standing against 
the violence of a state so desperate to erase us. In Gaza, in response 
to new calls to evacuate certain areas, many Palestinians have stated 
clearly, “We will not leave.” 
Despite increasing zionist pressure campaigns on Palestinian communities 
throughout all of Palestine, including displacement of Palestinian 
communities and settler attacks in the West Bank, Palestinians are 

As we mourn, we must take action. We cannot build the new world we 
envision or create the justice we seek simply by asking for the mass 
murder to stop. We know that simply calling for a ceasefire is not 
enough, as tomorrow, Palestinians in Gaza will remain under siege, those 
in the West Bank will continue to face settler attacks and forced 
displacement, home demolitions will continue everywhere, and we will 
still suffer under zionist settler-colonialism. We need an end to the 
siege on Gaza and an end to Israeli colonialism.

Stand with Gaza and all Palestinians now—don’t stop organizing. Call 
your representatives and politicians of all stripes and state your 
demands, demonstrate wherever you can, educate your community, speak to 
your friends and get them to join in, and please continue to uplift 
Palestinian analysis and coverage of the situation—especially from those 
in Gaza. Below is a list of specific actions you can take.

If you are in Canada, sign this petition 
to condemn Israeli violence against Palestinians.

Those in Canada can also write a letter 
to end subsidies to Israeli settler organizations.

For those based in the US, find nation-wide protests here 

Donate to support the Al Ahli hospital 
which was bombed last night.

Until liberation and return,
Lara Kilani
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Lara Kilani
Good Shepherd Collective




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