[News] Al-Qassam Brigades bomb 'Tel Aviv', airbase after hospital massacre

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Tue Oct 17 20:58:21 EDT 2023

Al-Qassam Brigades bomb 'Tel Aviv', airbase after hospital massacre
Al Mayadeen English - October 18, 2023

Al-Qassam used missile barrages to bomb “Tel Aviv” and the “Ramon” air base
in the occupied Naqab in response to the massacre that left 800 civilians
killed in Maamadani National Hospital.
[image: 6682ff81-4e84-4c00-bb11-73cc4d7e1776.jpg]

   - [image: Rockets are fired toward the occupied territories from the
   Gaza Strip, as seen from southern occupied, Sunday, Oct. 15, 2023 (AP

To retaliate for the innocent lives taken by the IOF in its massacre
against Al-Maamadani National Hospital
in Gaza that left over 800 killed, Al-Qassam Brigades bombed “Tel Aviv” and
the “Ramon” air base in the occupied Naqab with a missile barrage.

Sirens also sounded in and occupied Askalan and Asdud today, the same day
after Al-Qassam launched an R160 missile
towards the occupied city of Haifa, as “a response to the massacres against

The Israeli occupation forces bombed a Palestinian Hospital as Gaza health
authorities continue reporting that its health sector is suffering in light
of the crisis, with medicine and medical supplies being at risk of running

Some Israeli and pro-Israeli accounts claimed it was a failed resistance
launch, but based on the speed of the object it's not possible for it to be
a missile, as dud rockets failing to accelerate would have much lower

The speed difference can be easily identified between gliding munition
launched from the air and failing-to-accelerate dud missiles. Hence, the
object that hit the hospital was most definitely an Israeli airstrike.

Despite global appeals to protect healthcare facilities from Israeli
airstrikes and forced displacement orders, Israeli threats have targeted
hospitals in the Gaza Strip, endangering the well-being of patients and the
wounded. "Israel" demanded on Saturday that al-Awda Hospital in northern
Gaza forcibly evacuate its patients and staff within two hours.

Israeli warplanes also conducted airstrikes in the vicinity of the hospital
in Tel al-Zaatar, northern Gaza, as part of their attempt to exert pressure
on the hospital and expedite the displacement process.

In the same context, al-Durra Children's Hospital in the east of the Gaza
Strip was forced to evacuate its staff and patients after it was pounded
with white phosphorus munitions.

This situation unfolds as the healthcare system in Gaza faces a severe
crisis, marked by dwindling medication supplies and electricity shortages
due to the total Israeli blockade.

Palestinian Health Ministry spokesperson Ashraf al-Qidra told Al Mayadeen,
on Thursday, that Gaza was hours away from essential services completely
shutting down, and the health sector was in collapse.
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