[News] Babies die, patients shot as Israel besieges hospitals in Gaza's north

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Sat Nov 11 22:39:03 EST 2023

Babies die, patients shot as Israel besieges hospitals in Gaza's north

Maureen Clare Murphy
<https://electronicintifada.net/people/maureen-clare-murphy> - 11 November
[image: A girl with both of her legs bandaged and one in a splint rests on
a bed with a woman sitting next to her]

Injured Palestinians are treated at al-Shifa hospital in Gaza City on 3
APA images

Israel has besieged hospitals in the northern half of the Gaza Strip since

Medical facilities have been “under relentless bombardment” for the past 24
hours, Doctors Without Borders said
on Saturday.

The humanitarian charity added that its teams and patients were still
inside al-Shifa hospital in Gaza City, the largest medical facility in the
territory, where more than 11,000 people had been killed since 7 October as
of Friday.

The Palestinian health ministry in Gaza was unable to publish updated
casualty figures on Saturday “as Israeli forces are besieging hospitals and
cut telecommunications,” Defense for Children International-Palestine said

Doctors Without Borders reported that al-Shifa lost electrical power on
Friday and that “ambulances can no longer move to collect the injured, and
nonstop bombardment prevents patients and staff from evacuating.”

Staff were “witnessing people being shot as they attempt[ed] to flee the
hospital,” according to the charity.

Mohammed Obeid, a surgeon with Doctors Without Borders at al-Shifa
hospital, said that sniper fire targeted four patients inside the facility,
hitting a quadriplegic patient in the neck and another patient in the
He said that two neonatal patients died because the incubators are not
working due to lack of electricity and an adult patient died after his
ventilator shut down.

Obeid asked for a guarantee that al-Shifa’s 600 inpatients could be
evacuated safely.
Hospital staff “shot and wounded”

The UK charity Medical Aid for Palestinians said
on Saturday that al-Shifa’s intensive care unit had been bombed and damaged
and that “staff moving between buildings have been shot at and critically

The group added that people injured while attempting to flee “lie dead or
wounded in the street as rescue is impossible.”

“With the mortuary shut down, a hundred bodies are piled up and cannot be
buried,” Medical Aid for Palestinians said.

Doctors had to hand ventilate critically ill patients as the facility’s
emergency power generators shut down.

Israel cut electricity to the territory a month ago as a form of collective
punishment prohibited under international law and has refused to allow the
transfer of urgently needed fuel to Gaza.

Medical Aid for Palestinians said that more neonatal patients “will die
soon unless the power supply is restored.”

The charity added that it had been warning for weeks of the “catastrophic
consequences if world leaders fail to protect healthcare in Gaza.”

“Our worst fears are coming true,” the group said.
“No justification”

Martin Griffiths, the UN’s humanitarian chief, said
<https://twitter.com/UNReliefChief/status/1723378681651909067> on Saturday
that “there can be no justification for acts of war in healthcare
facilities, leaving them with no power, food or water, and shooting at
patients and civilians trying to flee,” but did not specifically name
Israel in his statement.

“This is unconscionable, reprehensible and must stop,” Griffiths added.

Robert Mardini, the director of the International Committee of the Red
Cross, used uncharacteristically strong language on Saturday.

He said the humanitarian organization was “shocked and appalled by the
images and reports coming from al-Shifa hospital in Gaza.”

“Hospitals, patients, staff and health care must be protected,” Mardini
Both the US and the UN have helped give Israel the green light for its
attacks on hospitals in Gaza’s north.

White House spokesperson John Kirby earlier this week confirmed that the
Biden administration has not drawn any red lines for Israel in its
purported war on Hamas that has killed thousands of Palestinian civilians:
The Biden State Department also refuses to confirm
<https://electronicintifada.net/updates#node-40371> whether the US
recognizes that the Fourth Geneva Convention applies to Gaza and the West
Bank, and won’t say what legal framework it believes applies.

During a press briefing on 9 November, reporter Sam Husseini said “it’s a
free fire zone if you’re not going to abide by the Fourth Geneva

Meanwhile, António Guterres, the UN secretary general, has parroted Israeli
government propaganda
by calling for “the end of the use of civilians as human shields.”

Guterres gave Israel a pretext to deliberately target civilians and
civilian objects by blurring the distinction between civilian and military
targets. By doing so, the head of the UN endangered the lives of patients,
their family members, medical staff and displaced people.

Israel has repeatedly claimed, without providing credible evidence, that
Hamas uses al-Shifa hospital as a command center. Hamas vehemently denies
the accusation and has invited Guterres to form an international delegation
to visit hospitals in Gaza and refute what it said was Israel’s “lies and
blatant fabrications” to justify targeting civilians.
“A collective death sentence”

“Feel for us, we are also human beings,” pleaded Muhammad Rayhan, an
injured man being treated at al-Shifa hospital, in footage published by Al
Jazeera English on Saturday.
Hanan Fayyad, a woman at the hospital, said that her daughter had been
paralyzed in an Israeli strike while she was waiting in a queue to buy

Muhammad Abu Salamiya, the director of al-Shifa, said medical staff cannot
evacuate “as there are more than 60 patients in the intensive care unit,
more than 50 children in the neonatal and pediatric departments, and more
than 500 patients in the dialysis departments.”

Physicians for Human Rights-Israel said
<https://twitter.com/PHRIsrael/status/1723342207657156877> that with no
electricity, water and oxygen, and injured patients left behind at al-Shifa
hospital “with no treatment or means of escape,” the situation is no longer
<https://twitter.com/PHRIsrael/status/1723342551178977627> a “humanitarian
catastrophe – it is a collective death sentence.”

Late Friday, the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs said
that hundreds of thousands of Palestinians remaining in the northern half
of Gaza “are struggling to survive” as both safe drinking water and food
are scarce.

Now al-Ahli hospital in Gaza City is the only semi-functioning facility
able to serve the medical needs of people in Gaza’s north,
British-Palestinian surgeon Ghassan Abu Sitta said on Saturday.
Abu Sitta said that Israel was targeting schools near al-Ahli, where the
hospital grounds had been turned into a makeshift field hospital amid
nearby gun battles, tank fire, small arms and machine gun fire.

Abu Sitta said
<https://twitter.com/GhassanAbuSitt1/status/1723085787774779433> on Friday
that doctors were seeing “multiple cases of acute malnutrition and
dehydration in young children.”

He added <https://twitter.com/GhassanAbuSitt1/status/1723085439349772457>
that with the collapse of all four pediatric hospitals in Gaza, “children
with chronic illnesses do not have access to specialist medical care.”

“We have had children with diabetes, asthma and autoimmune disease seek
medical care at the ER” at al-Ahli hospital, Abu Sitta said.
Ambulances out of fuel

The Palestine Red Crescent Society reported
<https://twitter.com/PalestineRCS/status/1723337562360598937> on Saturday
that Israeli tanks were 20 meters away from Al-Quds Hospital in Gaza City.
There was “direct shooting at the hospital, creating a state of extreme
panic and fear among 14,000 displaced people,” PRCS said.

The humanitarian group added
<https://twitter.com/PalestineRCS/status/1723399703725748242> that only
seven out of its 18 ambulances in the northern half of Gaza are currently
operational and will be grounded in the coming hours when they run out of

“Our teams are witnessing numerous casualties and wounded individuals, yet
they face challenges reaching them due to Israeli military targeting of
ambulance vehicles approaching the affected areas,” PRCS said.

Mohammed Abu Mughaisib, deputy medical coordinator for Doctors Without
Borders in Gaza, told *The Washington Post*
that shelling forced medical staff to evacuate from al-Nasr pediatric
hospital, leaving five babies in incubators behind.

The director of al-Nasr hospital told *The Washington Post*
that the Israeli military sent the director of al-Rantisi hospital, another
pediatric health facility, a map of an evacuation route for hospitals,
giving hospital officials five minutes warning before the army would start
surrounding the facilities.

Video <https://t.me/Palestine_here/5466> posted on social media on Friday
shows people carrying white flags coming under gunfire as they attempted to
leave al-Nasr hospital.

As of late Friday, 20 out of 36 of Gaza’s hospitals were no longer
functioning, according to the UN.

The head of a delegation of the International Committee of the Red Cross in
Gaza said Friday that “the destruction affecting hospitals in Gaza is
becoming unbearable and needs to stop. The lives of thousands of civilians,
patients and medical staff are at risk.”
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